Here's one more reason to celebrate this weekend aside from Cinco de Mayo: 75% EXP and 2X Skill events start this Friday! Don't miss your opportunity to level up! Event Duration: May 6, 2016 12:00 AM - May 8, 2016 11:59 PM Pacific Also, don't forget that our double drop event is still active until May 15th!
Why didnt the event start 12am may 5th? It isnt called Ces de mayo..... xp is xp to me so ty for this event but should have started today.
Just a note to say hello and THANK YOU to RedFox and 9Dragaons staff. In addition, I would like to complain about not having anything to complain about. This really sux!!! Can you please make a mistake or screw something up in the game or on the server in general. I like to fit in so I need to complain. Please give me something to complain about, I really hate not having any issues.
Dear Redfox here is my rant about this server you people work in the office for 6-8 hours a day right? what are you doing there. i mean u are getting paid so you have to work - simple logic. all these make believe maintenances we are getting seems like 2-3 hrs of work at max. it is understandable if you do not have IT group yourself and that you are completely depended on what developer team throws at you. second : the server is god damn dyin and you come up with 75% xp rate. like whose idea was it, 75 is not random number, i guess u thought that 100 is too much but ur server is god damn dyin DO SOMETHING to bring people back. so after all the 24/7 gm activity on forums and instant replies in support tickets, i have a messed up theory, please read 1. GM ahri, toast, breadcrumbs and microwave are one person that is replying from different gm names to seem that they have actual staff in the office, because i have not seen any serious improvement in any aspect of the game, its like ur not even trying you dont care. 2. redfox has gone so arrogant from all the money you got that you just dont care if server dies because redfox thinks its such a cool publisher that people will never quit 3. i never really cared about anti pk buff but PLEASE bring that stuff back for sake of PVE players, i want server to be populated not only hefei and west temple for gods sake redfox DO SOMETHIIINGGG
Anti pk buff is in NC/HZ and LD if i am not mistaken. After that, you learn the ways my friend. No one cares about your PvE. This is a PvP based game. Check out the video. Read the story line. It is 6 clans, 3 good and 3 bad, fighting. WoW has the same style system where pvp is in the maps and it is probably the most popular game out there for PC. This is what happens when you create PvE servers. The Carebears come out to cry when PvP get introduced.
kito bro I agree man back wen gc started yin was so dam good so many ppl there was good then after the lsb takeover all those care bears went to yang like the bi**hs that they are luv nu server gm spent few hundreds here already keep it alive I will deffo spend more bring back vivid or noble x
if u wanted to apprear badass by telling me that, then u failed because i dont use anti pk potion only used it once. i can care less about what ppl like u think, because clearly u cannot see drastic decrease in population. i want to play populated game, be it carebears or die hard pve ppl i want those ppl back on server
the populated is fine only lost about 90% of the players so its alll good. any way ye alot of pve players are done now even if the maps go pve. it won't become high populated again that for sure.
Thanks for the events! So it seems y'all are doing the events biweekly? So, will the next event be on May 20th or 27th?