Dragons! It's about time to make some serious improvements in your game! Log in during our Golden Time Event! Starting tomorrow, along with our increased rates from our Valentine's Event, enjoy a 2x increase in skill! Event Duration: Febreuary 9, 2018 11:00 - February 12, 2018 18:00 Pacific Remember, this double skill event only lasts until Monday, February 12, so don’t wait too long!
This is BS GM that valentine event buff doesnt even work how u expect people to play or grind this is just a big joke on us
hello GM are you guys going fix this valentines buff or what it doesnt work if not turn on x2exp x3drop till the 27th of this month which would be way better
So much hate for rf...... i'm sure they're doing the best they can Even tho a few things can be changed haha
Really lame RF, this weekend event is worse than regular x2 Golden time, exp and drop wise. RF Go practice your managing Skills for this golden event, you sure need some improvement...
All your post (ever) has only been on this thread where you belittle players for speaking their mind.... You have to be a truly lonely to attack people on a forum thread.
NineArts, I prefer stop buff valentine event and push back weekend x2 Event because it will be more affective compare with your buff not base rate.
lol 2x increase in skill only. and the stupid valentines buff doesnt even really work this game is more of a AFK game now from how i see with all these new updates. P2W and AFK game, I guess people who have no life is okay with it playing/afk for 3hours per char a day because thats the only way how you get the hours in
Dear GM i have question!! Golden Time Event: 2x Skill! Event Duration: Febreuary 9, 2018 11:00 - February 12, 2018 18:00 Pacific ---------------------------------------- Nomal x2 or x3 all event : Example x2 EXP : 1 mob = 200% base +100% Prenium + (200%x4) (x5 card) +.... >1100% exp/1 mob event now : 1 mob= 100% base+100% valentine buff + 100% prenium + (100%x4) +...= ~ 800% exp/1mob ????? Valentine event not good than Nomal not event Drop : nomal x2 drop end weeken : so many drop Now x3 drop Valentine not good than x2 drop sever ??? x3 drop valentine maybe don't working ?? plzz tell me why?
Tickets list Being Processed since 3 minutes 17 seconds #52809 Golden Time Event: 2x Skill! Hope GM fix this