Game Masters, please make several weeks without any drop events. If these people cannot even pay for premium and drop cards, they've got no place in this game.
Man... so much request for 3x... If you don't like such low drop, exp or skill exp, just stop playing for some time so the GM's notice they are losing customers. Try to put yourselves in the shoes of the GM's... you are pretty much saying to them that you are too much addicted to the game to leave it and go for a different game. If you were not addicted you would just leave it without asking for more and more, because let's be honest there are tons of other mmo's out there to substitute this one. As for me, 2x is enough to be amusing. When there is no event, I just login 1 or 2 minutes to get daily rewards and check the market for a good deal. After that, I go do something better than playing 9dragons. Well, those are my 2cents. Have fun all.
If you're not addicted to this game then don't bother us with your 'crab mentality opinion'. Who knows you already enjoyed the summer event and you dont want us to get 3x event otherwise if they increase the drop rate inner clothes sets price will drop. Lots of people who already got the summer event main items are not interested in 3x coz they already got it and some of them getting extra for profit. And if you dont care about the summer event coz you only log to get daily rewards then play some other game and don't bother us here.
I am not obligated to obey your requests in the slightest. On the contrary , i feel like teasing you up some more. Amuse me with your filthy speech.
Dafuq? I'm gonna reach the stars, give us AT LEAST x5 - last time i've managed to get to GL dat game had been taken over by other company - If u want this curse to stop workin give us (or only me , I dont care about the rest) x5 rotfl
Your first sentence says it all. You are addicted to this game... so you are the least concern for the GM's. No matter how bad the game gets you will play it because you are addicted to it. If you get 2x you will complain but also play, if you get 3x you might not complain (or maybe you will ask for 4x, I do not know) but you will play... I believe that as far as GM's care, for you, it is the same giving 2x or 3x, you will play anyway. Now they just need to focus on getting more players or the ones that only play sometimes. By the way, I've been around some time but never felt the need to talk about this, but you decided to ask people who like as it is to shut up. Just because of that I'll keep writing my opinions so the GM's know that not everyone thinks as you do!
Whats there to talk about this further? pointless now that they did not give us x3 anyway. you win, we lose. happy now??