Start the events at 12:00 PST, when support is available. And people, if an issue is reported once, reporting it again in the same thread won't make a difference. Go watch TV, there's a nice football match broadcasted. Game would be available when you are back!
mine as well.. frozen at connecting to server.. what the heck.. last week event started late.. this week cant log in my char.. and its only x2 event.. not even x4.. please GM fix this fast.. i'm eager to play but u wasted my precious time..
I can not log in to my account. She was trapped on the Hefei map. Will we be rewarded for this disorder? Please Correct fast.
"Worst publishers" "Golden crash" Bla bla bla, what's the point of saying all this? People run the servers, people make mistakes grow up. Can't you just be offline for a day? Jesus
Okay i agree. They do mistakes... but who doesn't? Since they are US publisher and it's worldwide we need to have patience because they have working time (09:00 - 18:00 / i guess) and if you hover your mouse over the "Support" button you'll see that the current server time is Server Time 08:49:24 PDT which means this is their local time. That means it's impossible to react at something when you're not at your work.... there is no one bringing his work at home. Work is work - Home is home. -- I'm also mad because i missed more then 10 hours of farming/grinding but .. what u can do... nothing. just wait... go outside - weather is perfect...
Agree, besides i don't see why everyone is so angry. They probably will make the event last a day longer like last time.
They are fixing it at the moment... i was able to log in my account. EDIT : Accounts are fixed... waiting for game server.