Gold capacity

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stely, May 1, 2021.

  1. Stely

    Stely New Member

    Jun 8, 2016
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    I know 99.99% don't have this issue but, when it comes to the 0.01%, the gold cap feels like an issue.
    Is there any chance to lift the gold cap permanently?

    It feels toooooooo time consuming to search for people to sell stuff over 4b in stands. AND if one item buys out, then you gotta close stand, get bags, repeat. It makes it hard to even be AFK selling items.

    Not even gonna talk about 8 stacks of 100m notes in bank just taking up space....

    It just feels like it could change the game for the better.
  2. FuriaAlba

    FuriaAlba Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Most games limit the maximum amount of gold (or other elements) to max unsigned int size for 32 bit operating systems.
    The reason why they do this can be quite various but I would assume it's because they want to keep compatibility with 32 bit operating system even tho that is hardly a reason to not use a unsigned long long int for gold/money variables I guess that is sort of a legacy thing in game development that is unlikely to change quite soon.
    Even modern games still use 32 bit max values instead of 64 bit variants but in general they take care that the 32 bit limit is not so easy to obtain, at least in the EU/USA variants this rule mostly stays true but for the games developed in Asia they usually like to stick with big numbers or at least go towards that as the game progresses.
  3. Stely

    Stely New Member

    Jun 8, 2016
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    I know that, but that doesn't change the fact that it could be changed some way or another, i think, i don't know... that's why i'm asking..

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