I dont think we should update to god levels at this current stage of the game, lets wait for more players. Please leave a vote.
I vote for Yes,Becaue many old players back due to Game Update if they dont make Update people will leave Again
It's funny because morientes and spoke thinks those players will automatically return upon the release of God lvl's. Funny because those players have not returned yet and if they are gonna return then their gonna have to do it on their own. I wonder what Cspike and Morientes will be saying once their theory of releasing patch will bring back players fail' s. Can't wait for those threads
Well mayn games ts2 is down so all of their community will come here. Or to a pay 2 win scam private server. So expect alot of people to come because this is the last official server.
Well idk what to say exactly cuz god lvl is nice the only bad thing is rebirth ... if the game stoped by god lvls would be nice m33 is too weak i guess, but thts just my opinion
Why want not G4 ? I do not understand, for the new player it's good, this will allow the low level make up the set cuz many ppl has very good stuff and so hard to make up. And for the Item Shop it's good too, the game make more money. Explain to me your reason for not want the update G4 ?
Many people dont write in forum 19 People voted, Only in my Guild there 50 maybe 35 active so? We need Patch people paying premiun for patch, people buying cash for Patch everyone waiting, Patch come , More cash item company get money whats the problem?
When the game was first introduced, it was posted that the level cape was M33. That is why most are saying no to G1+ patch, I thought M33 was max level, so i left mayn and came here. Wanted something different not the same as mayngames version.
Morientes is lien because poll shows how many players are active. By the way 19 haha release a patch for 19 people this is ridiculous, I cannot even believe we're having this discussion, We should be discussing why the drop rate didn't improve drops, new players want Yangok cave, removing bosses in m33 war and increase elite drop rate for PVP. Also [GM]Shinen hello there, I farm +2 cp every 500 mobs. I Then today I used Demon Scrolls(4x the Cp Farm From Mobs) and only received +3 which gave me a total of + 5 cp for Evey 500 mob kills. I should be getting +8 Cp every 500 mob kills because demon Scroll Increases every 2cp 4x. I'm not ranting as usual I'm just asking you to fix it please , I have more scrolls active 4 x 2 = 8
I prefer max m33 but make some new gear available so that a full vit with max gear can do around 40k dmg
be aware that a game is supposed to always evolve because otherwise it becomes lacing, So if we not changing the level, it must at least changed gears but here it's Official server then must evolution. And Legend, at the beginning a server always has a max level but are Evolved server, I understood you wanted a server remains at level M33 but 12sky2 rest 12sky2
I want glvl I just think the GM needs to tweak some rates for population to increase then release after population increase.