Now this is some amusing sh***. Only, reading Fleshmonkey posts is like watching an infomercial all the way through.. we just end up hating ourselves after. Merry baby Jesus day all.
A ticket is a ticket... They will be answer in orderly manner! Even if it take a year to answer, it will still be answer when they get to it. This is a FREE game after all. Merry Christmas Everyone
It was post with good intentions, though I should have expecting someone to be salty knowing they don't have the popularity (not required but is an important aspect to the position) to be an effective GS. No one is 100% respected even in their own faction but the majority of faction support is key to the success of a GS. There is not one single choice that will satisfy everyone no matter who or if someone is selected there will always be haters.
They have a word for this "snowflake" lol... If you don't agree with them you're a "HATER" Opinion and FACT are two different thing OOzai., You nominate a person who "YOU" think is good for this position. But FACT is FACT, its not called haters, its called Realistic and reality. A GS with a bad personal skill and always hostile to people that point out facts or voice their opinion that is not in their common interest, is NOT A GOOD GS for this COMMUNITY!
Idgaf who reads anything.. only flesh? you read it, and no doesn't take much fortitude or heart to write this whole thread... unlike the hours it probably took you to come up with that lame ass momma joke.
First off I don't nominate someone because we are friends, flesh is my nominee for fujins because we were both GS for aeria servers so I know first hand that flesh has the experience, obviously the most important quality. 2nd If you consider me part of their inner circle then you just don't whats going on with in fujin because that is one thing I am not. My circle is the server itself 3rd That is correct I have only been with redfox for a couple months, but have been playing 12sky2 for years. 4th Your assumptions that I posted this because Im friends with someone just shows you no nothing about me so before you go throwing me into your lil argument with flesh know who your talking about because you have no idea who I am. 5th Only a couple of players offered to help me when I first got here and flesh was one of them. 6th I don't care what any of you think of this thread, the immaturity shown in these comments make those of you who joined in all unqualified for the position. No one player will have 100% support, there will always be haters. The ones who are worthy of GS know how to brush that **** off. 7th that makes you a hater, instead of being someone that offers in your opinion who is a better candidate. You come here to cause problems and start arguments with very little notion or suggestion in reference to the original post except to protest a nomination and until you do, you will not get any further response out of me.
"First off I don't nominate someone because we are friends, flesh is my nominee for fujin because we were both GS for aeria servers so I know first hand that flesh has the experience, obviously the most important quality. " So.., Just because Flesh and You were a GS in Aeria servers that make him automatically fits for the position and make you know what you're doing? Really AERIA SHUTDOWN As we all know how poorly AERIA run their servers... Since you have stated that., that make you two more DISQUALIFIED for this GS position then anyone else since you two did a poor job at it. I don't wish to see RED FOX server of 12sky getting run down to the ground like aeria did... SO I rather NOT have you two be GS! JUST MY OPINION! I don't need to know who you are or anyone of you. I'm simply Disagree with your nomination because HE is unqualified for the position that you are suggestion. Don't tell me that just because I DISAGREE with your opinion I'm automatically become a HATER! Also, I didn't assume anything., even a blind person can see that you two are in it together... Connection doesn't give you any voice over any other players here! And it doesn't show immaturity when a players put in their voice., It ONLY show that we don't TAKE BS from anyone! So, just because he was the person that helped you when you first started here., he is qualified for a GS base on what you're saying. You are his friends... Of course he will help you when you join the game! Who want to be a GS? NOT I The more you and him respond to this thread the more it prove my point!
First of all, I quit long before the servers shut down simply cause the GMs were gonna do nothing and just let the servers die, I was actually loved by the tranq community. So your assumption that I did a poor job has no merit simply cause you weren't there. Yes you are a hater, not for your disagreement but the fact that you have nothing positive to say or add your just came here to attack people and throw around your personal opinions with no solution to give. You can believe that your proving a point but I see nothing but opinions based on preconceived feelings about another player that you don't like. and yes helping players is an actual qualification, its not rocket science. Yes you are blind because everything you said above is an assumption because your commenting on things you know nothing about.. I posted this because were friends ********? I left fujins and want nothing to do with them for your information and this mentality that I'm always right and everyone else against me is wrong is kinda sad and delusional. I think you need help. last of all I never stated that I wanted the position so I can care less that you think I'm not qualified. Respond how ever you like cause I'm not wasting anymore of my time responding to this trash. Consider this you have yet to saying anything in regards to my other nominee, why because your only focused on proving a meaningless point against another player you don't like. You really do need to get some help you gonna hurt someone with all that rage.
I'm genuinely impressed this thread hasn't been taken down due to terms of service violation. Ad hominem attacks are against TOS. There has been a lot present in this thread.
The funny part of all of OOzai and Fleshmonkey responds are calling the people who voice their opinion "HATER" Well if you consider its a trash and that I have done nothing productive to help this community, YOU SIR need to check your fact before you write something that have no base on. You need to read what I posted on my first post and tell me if I disagree with all of your name listed or not... before you open your mouth. As for all of my responds and post on this POST., its all base on FACTs whether that are well known facts and/or giving and putting out in the open by YOU and Fleshmonkey.. So, how am I become a hater when I'm simply stated FACTS? The merit are all giving by you and your friends btw... I did NOTHING more than reinforce what you two said... Which is all BS! You stated you're A GS there., well it AGE is dead! And for a fact that you said "First of all, I quit long before the servers shut down simply cause the GMs were gonna do nothing and just let the servers die" say a lot about yourself, BAILED OUT BEFORE THING GET UGLY is your game I SEE. It seem like your mentality have a problem... not me, SIR Who is delusional here, I'm pretty sure it wasn't me No one self is above anyone else in voice or opinion just so you know... and if you want to prove a point, PLEASE give some evident... Don't just called people blind because you simply DISAGREE!
Yes I know its difficult to accept but this is called denial.. you are insane to think your assumptions are facts. You call it a fact that we are friends when in fact the only friends I have in this server have quit for various reasons. Its just like if I assumed that you are friends with the other people attacking me on this thread but I don't make assumptions. Not to mention the fall of a whole server is some how my fault for doing such a horrible job as GS. In my many years of playing online games, I have never met someone with so delusional and have an over welling amount of hate in their heart. At first I just thought you were just extremely passionate but after this last post your clinically insane and need professional help. You can reply but I'm not gonna read it or respond any further. Also just like you I say what I want when I want and how I want and nothing you or anyone else is gonna change that so get over yourself and please get some medication for your mental instability.
Its funny how you keep on calling other delusional or need medication attention when you, yourself bring up all these assumptions about me. How on earth did I make up things that are not REAL? The fact of the matter is that YOU and YOUR FRIEND said those not me... I Didn't make up BS, I simply used what you said and use it against you. Because its only logically to disprove your own words are FALSE! Just look at the way you responds to me., we already know who have problem and who is assuming... The only delusional person is you buddy. I didn't said you cause the server to failed, I said you're part of the server that FAIL! And since you said you bailed out before it died... That is even worst, because you saw its dying.. and YET you didn't even want to stay and help the community., YOU JUST BAILED ON THEM, how sad is that? You already told me that you not going to respond.. but yet again you keep on responding to me, because we all know that I'm just simply displaying FACTS from your own words! So... who is having problem taking this in... And just because people are not in the same view as you doesn't mean they're any less smarter than you., So stop with your BS of trying to put label on other players OK! Because that label will go straight back to your FACE!