Game Sage Nomination & Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OOzai, Dec 21, 2017.

  1. etfjudas

    etfjudas Active Member

    Mar 30, 2017
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    Look who gives a **** about who nominates whom. The fact of the matter is this matter is in the hands of redfox, so bleating and belly aching won't change anything. Nominate who ever you want, **** all will change unless redfox wills it to be so. My point here (and I reckon it's the only valid one) is you're all making asses out of yourselves over an issue that isn't in anyone of your hands.
    OOzai likes this.
  2. Fleshmonkey

    Fleshmonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    I have never once bragged about anything, no one has ever asked me to do something. Against my agenda? what are you even talking about? the only time I truely ***** someone out is when the suggestion is so far past retarded it needs to be addressed... so anything YOU post.

    I have never openly attacked BlackOrigin or Shinnen, if anything my posts when I was taking a break were pointing out and talking about their mistakes.

    Am I not active? Ok, sorry I don't tank labby so you can leech it, once again how do you know if I'm active or not? you sit on an m33 in town 24/7. We all know who you're characters are.

    I was tanking labby the 1st day I got back and at HSB the next giving my Awareness and Goe's and Red Jades to those who need them, and it's been like that unless I have other plans that night. I don't need to appease myself to you because I'm so done with you and your moronic input on things.

    My posts contain highly sarcastic and satirical content that obviously goes right over your head.
  3. MinhChu

    MinhChu Active Member

    Feb 26, 2017
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    obviously, you have a problem with the facts that I stated out :rolleyes:
    I'm not here to trying to be better than anyone else... but just look at the way you talks to people.. :eek: openly attacking ppl to try to prove a point which is not going to win.. WRONG IS WRONG! No matter how you twisted it., it still not going to be RIGHT :confused:

    I'm not uneducated like those players who you've openly attack :rolleyes:., just because you can't see thru the meaning of my post., doesn't meant its moronic. You only think that way because you have a problem understanding that FACTs hurt! :oops:
    zeteki likes this.
  4. Fleshmonkey

    Fleshmonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    The only players I have attacked on a serious note are you, and RJPRINCE, Everyone else i troll is nothing personal, Look at the feud me and Hanessa had, he knew it was just back and forth and was fine with it.

    And I know facts hurt but every fact you pointed out is 100% False and wrong.

    You look at what I type and take everything seriously.
    OOzai likes this.
  5. MinhChu

    MinhChu Active Member

    Feb 26, 2017
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    As I've stated., You have a problem! :rolleyes: If its wrong, why did you admitted it? :eek: Are you telling me you're a LIAR NOW? :confused:
    I'm simply state "point out a fact" that you're NOT a ACTIVE player as your friend claimed you are... Am I WRONG? NOPE! :oops:

    Then you're attacking me openly :eek: just for saying that... Very friendly to FACT I see.. :rolleyes:

    Whether your attack is real or just trolling, It doesn't matter, because the attitude that you gave me is very HOSTILE! And I didn't even do anything to you beside pointing out a simply FACT! o_O
  6. Fleshmonkey

    Fleshmonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    What is my problem?
    Could it be that I can't show someone respect who doesn't show it for me?

    I responded to you because you said I was not active, yet you never gave me your ideas of being active.

    1. the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
      "his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment"

      1. the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
  7. MinhChu

    MinhChu Active Member

    Feb 26, 2017
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    I already stated out what I've talk about... You're not In game active.. As your friend stated that you're. You are just too LAZY to read my post thats all..:rolleyes:

    Also., other can see very clearly what your PROBLEM is :oops:, but if you can't see it yourself., I suggest you take time and THINK over what you are saying to me... o_O

    I don't RESPECT people WHO doesn't respect other voice or opinion or FACT!:rolleyes:
    Now that doesn't mean that I disrespected you... I haven't even mad at you., because I KNOW better :oops:

    Like I have stated from my post., I am SIMPLY giving FACT and if it HURT, then so be it! :eek:

    Its funny how you trying to step on people just to prove your twisted point.. and it still WRONG! :confused:
  8. OOzai

    OOzai Active Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    couldn't have said it better myself.
  9. OOzai

    OOzai Active Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Sarcasm btw is not a good quality to have for the position which is why I stated before ya need to work on those people skills. I understand the need to defend yourself when attacked but ya gotta learn to brush it off if you truly want to be a sage. People will come after you, it comes with the territory.
  10. Fleshmonkey

    Fleshmonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    Once again you dodge the questions, Do you even know the definition of a FACT?.

    And how am I inactive in the game? I'm literally on it 24/7 ask anyone in Legion.

    If I feel like going to war I will, if I don't I won't, same goes with Labby and HSB.

    And I don't have a problem? My only problem is you.

    But I'm done with you and this argument, you're not stating anything concrete with your "FACTS", You haven't gone further in depth with anything you've said and you repeatedly dodge my questions.

    The fact is you have not liked me since I was FL and denied you AFL because I said you did nothing to help the faction, I told you the requirements for being AFL then you harassed me in guild chat about it, Which led to you being removed from the guild.

    I know how to be a GS as I said I was 1 for 2 1/2 years.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2017
  11. MinhChu

    MinhChu Active Member

    Feb 26, 2017
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    How am I dodging your questions? :rolleyes: It have been answer from your OWN post. You even said it yourself that YOU are not active in game until recently. :oops: You should know better of what you posted. I'm just point out one little factor of the POST, that you're NOT an Active PLAYER! Its very concrete evident that you, YOURSELF admitted :rolleyes:!

    So, as I stated, You are NOT AN ACTIVE PLAYER and ever Legion players know that too btw, also the players in the game as a whole know that. :rolleyes:

    You want to be a GS and you're giving me HOSTILE respond and attacking me on personal level just because my post isn't in your FAVOR! :confused:

    Wow., you still remember that how you harassed people in guild and stuff., and now you're turning that and pointed at me ? :rolleyes:
    Really? Your twisted story doesn't help you on this one. :oops:
    "who is the person what threaten other guild members that if I'm not kicked out., he/she would quit o_O" :rolleyes:
    The only reason why I was kicked out of guild is because you dislike the fact that I pointed out in guild how backward you are to your words.. "TWO FACES" I would said... SAD :rolleyes:

    So anyone who pointed out something that is not REAL is against you I guess... And NO, I don't DISLIKE YOU! :oops:
    I DON'T have a problem with you just so you know... I'm just simply point out a FACT that you're not AN ACTIVE PLAYER! :D
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2017
  12. Fleshmonkey

    Fleshmonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    I have not once in this thread attacked you on a personal level, please quote where I did, it is true that I came back recently yet I have been to most labbys wars and HSB's, Clearly I'm not active :thinking:.

    Sorry i didn't need to threaten to quit, I have never threatened guild members either. Nor do i harass guild members, ask anyone I've been in a guild with.

    Also who threatens to quit a game over 1 person? do you realize how stupid that sounds?

    I asked Gaz at the time to remove you and he did cus honestly he was sick of your **** at that point as well, you got told no you can't have AFL and you threw a little hissy fit in guild chat over the next couple of days.

    My requirments for AFL have always and will always be, You must attend Labby, You must Attend HSB and you Must be maxed level.

    You met 1 requirement on that list and it was you were G4.

    I'm done with you and I'm done with this thread, you are spewing out false accusations now and twisting words.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2017
  13. MinhChu

    MinhChu Active Member

    Feb 26, 2017
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    Don't tell me that is not true :rolleyes:
    I know exactly what happen doing that time and It was you who have issue nobody else does. Just so you know, all the people that you talks to in your inner circle are also my friends :rolleyes:
    YES, it does sound very stupid if you asked me. :confused:

    But like I said, I don't have any issue with you in any level. I'm simply stated a FACT of you being INACTIVE. Which is TRUE and you just can't handle the FACT! :oops:

    Since you brought this up., You invited people who doesn't meet the REQUIREMENT that you set as a FL to be AFL at the time., and I simply question you about that., I see nothing wrong with that., since you also said you're fair to everyone :rolleyes:
    But then coming after someone who questioning you on a simply question. That only prove that you have did the opposite to what you have said! o_O

    Everything that I mention in here are FACTs from your own words!

    So who is BS here.. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2017
  14. darkjan

    darkjan New Member

    May 8, 2016
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    merry x mas every1!
    flesh and Minh please hold ur hands together and pray,
  15. Fleshmonkey

    Fleshmonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    I mean i wouldn't call him my friend but i don't hate him.
  16. OOzai

    OOzai Active Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I would not have recommended you if I didn't have confidence that you would do a good job.
  17. OOzai

    OOzai Active Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    still waiting for something relevant to come from you, considering everything you post is irrelevant **** talking. Does it make you feel like a man you can troll people and talk tons of crap on the forums to people in a game that by your admition you barely play, wtf you doing here then, your life must be really boring? Or ya just like trolling people? Just quit acting like a internet tough guy it actually makes you look like a complete jackass that gets pick on in real life so you come on here to vent. I understand, and its ok, tbh only a handful of people on this server really know how to pvp just a lot of heavy geared gank monkey trash like you.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2017
  18. Fleshmonkey

    Fleshmonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    Awts, That cuts deep fam, real deep.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2018
  19. Techtrip

    Techtrip New Member

    Dec 10, 2017
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    You might do what you can to be noticed but are an ass while doing it. There are plenty of people in game that help everyone. We do not need a GS.

    Edit* What we do need is people that don't quit just because the devs couldn't fix or didn't reply to an issue fast enough. How many times have I seen people constantly bit ching about the game state? I'm sure a lot of new players get on here and say "f this game must be s***, bye" because only constant complaints from you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2018
    OOzai likes this.
  20. Fleshmonkey

    Fleshmonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    Yes, having a ticket stay pending for 48+ days is ok.

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