EVENT Mystery Monday

Discussion in 'Events' started by Starberry, Jun 2, 2022.

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  1. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    RedFox Detective Squad at your service!

    The sequel to the Mystery Screenshot event! Our team randomly received images through the mailbox over at Guardians' HQ. It's unknown who sent them, but we need to somehow find the location of these images. We need the help of our RedFox Detective Squad to help us uncover what awaits us next...

    Event Rules:
    • A new image will be uploaded every week on Sunday at 00:30 (Server Time).
      • You must solve the mystery (determine the origin of all 4 or 5 screenshots) by the end of each month.
    • Players will only be allowed to submit their entry on Monday.
    • Players will have to search around for the precise location of the image.
    • Any edits made to a screenshot(s) will not be honored.
    • You MUST take a screenshot with your character next to it
      • The screenshot must be taken with the In-Game screenshot button (F12 key in most cases), where the date, time, IGN & your avatar is shown.
    • Upload your screenshot to the Google Form with your forum ID & In-Game Name.
    • Submissions cannot be team pictures (must include just you).
    • You MUST also include the map name in the Google Form.
    • If you did not get the location correct, you will not receive the weekly reward and will not qualify for the challenge reward.
    • In the interest of fairness, please refrain from sharing the locations. Frequent offenders found disrupting the event may be illegible to receive prizes and/or receive a mute mask.


    Mystery Screenshot - Week 1, Mystery #5

    Find the location of this image!

    Mystery Monday will be discontinued for the time being.

    Detectives, when your work is required again we will call for you!

    Week 1 Reward

    Challenge Reward:

    Challenge: Solve the Mystery!
    Acquire 50,000 Carat Coupon by completing all four parts to the mystery.

    Mystery Posting: Sunday 00:30 Server Time
    Weekly Submission Deadline: Every Monday

    Prize Distribution:
    Within 3-5 business days
    NeoStrayFox and rfSexy like this.
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