If your first character is offline in Hefei you will can't login for a while. I think we should wait until morning. Redfox GMs is working only business time (M-F : around 9am - 6 pm) I think.
Bro. have patience. Server Time 07:09:29 PDT 3 more hours and game will be available.... Main problem is not the missing of support but the Time Zone Difference.
what happen to game cannot login , i lost my time trying login many times GM where are u pls solve the problem ...............
Dear GM, The same problem is for me too. I logged out in hefei yesterday and i can not log in since a while. But there is no problem with the tao server. Please look after about that Best wishes chuckei
Yeah i created a support ticket cause it said the user was still logged in little did i realize that hefei is buugged. I really hope they can help us out I was looking forward to playing today.