maybe you can add a blonde hair piece and orange tan for the next compensation package O.O special attack ... YOU'RE FIRED !
Im sorry but don't you guys have monitoring system or something? How is it possible that community manager has to contact devs in order to restart the server? Surely they would have noticed the reduced traffic or something no? Couldnt you yourself just ssh into and restart whatever service broke?
yeah.. and compensation? communication? since when does a game that runs 24/7 doesnt have 24/7 support? just sell this game to people who care
I am sorry, but I must correct you; When will I return xD I have/had an alt on Tao prior to the creation of Yin. He is Bald. He is all hands---loves touching people. He lost his way... As you know, I am a very patient (slow farming & leveling) player. re-re-re-re-RE-starting has made me bald---I've gained and lost so many times since Acclaim ... it's kinda taxing. I will try after I move in to my new house. Just trying to round-up all the mice for the move.