EVENT Boss Mode Rush: Frenzy

Discussion in 'Boss Mode Rush' started by Starberry, Sep 9, 2024.

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  1. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Experience the Boss Mode Rush, a challenging trial where you and your team must battle against hordes of monsters while completing the objectives. Trust us when we say that you will not get it down on your first attempt. Grab your best gear and speed into the Boss Mode Rush.

    Video Titles must match the specified time and date stated in the date typed at the start of the run.


    Boss Mode Rush: Frenzy

    Frenzy Mode - Clear the maps (in Hell Mode) within the specified time limit without reviving a single time.
    Time Limits
    D-H-14 (Hell)
    in 500 seconds
    D-H-SBASE (Hell) in 600 seconds
    D-H-CORE (Hell) in 500 seconds
    (Time remaining must be more than 499 or 399 seconds.)

    (Optional) Raid Survival: Clock Strikes is available for this month.


    D-H-14 (Hell)
    Prizes - 3 Orichalcon Coupon, Bald Eagle (7 Days), Chest Key Bundle (Normal)

    D-H-SBASE (Hell)
    Prizes - 3 Orichalcon Coupon, UGC Flame Top [M/F] (45 Days), Chest Key Bundle (Hell)

    D-H-CORE (Hell)
    Prizes - 3 Orichalcon Coupon, Bajiquan RE (7 Days), Chest Key Bundle (Hard)


    Completion Prize*: Invincible Battle Flag & 1,000 Medals Coupon
    *Can receive prize if valid submission shows completion of all three maps


    Raid Survival: Clock Strikes (Optional)
    Select 2 team members to showcase their survival skills. The two players will be required to survive in a specified boss mode stage for a duration of time specified without any death, healing or pouch items, unless specified otherwise. Teams will include this run with their Boss Mode Rush submission. Please make sure to also include players' IGN, date and time of completion, and a video.
    Additional Reward Criteria:
    • Survive in D-H-SBASE (Hell), following the standard instructions indicated above as well as the additional criteria. You MUST specify the challenge type in your submission.
    • Normal Challenge Criteria:
      • Successfully get to D-H-SBASE (Hell) boss stage.
      • Survive in the boss stage for 250 seconds. The timer begins starting from when the duo is moved to the boss stage.
      • You cannot directly attack the boss until the 250 seconds has elapsed.
      • You can damage the boss with it's natural mechanics.
      • Start defeating the boss after the 250 seconds has elapsed. The boss stage must be cleared.
      • Your HP cannot fall below 50% at any time during this challenge.
      • The maximum HP allowed for this challenge is 4000. The recorder must info themselves and their duo partner before the challenge begins.
      • Food items dropped on the ground can be used to recover HP.
    • Hardcore Challenge Criteria
      • The following scrolls cannot be used: Sage Master, Sage Master (BK), Spike, Epsilon
      • [Edited on 9/10/2024] The maximum threshold for stats will be capped at 40, with the maximum HP allowed being 3500. No accessories that allow HP regeneration for the cost of SP will be allowed. The recorder must info themselves and their duo partner before the challenge begins.
      • Successfully get to D-H-SBASE (Hell) boss stage.
      • Survive in the boss stage for 300 seconds. The timer begins starting from when the duo is moved to the boss stage.
      • You cannot directly attack the boss until the 300 seconds has elapsed.
      • You can damage the boss with it's natural mechanics.
      • The boss stage must be cleared.
      • Your HP cannot fall below 70% at any time during this challenge.
        • Regular Mode Prizes: Orichalcon Coupon Package (x1)
        • Hardcore Mode Prizes: Orichalcon Coupon Package (x3), Event Rare Box (x5)
    Note: Only the same players that participated in all 3 Boss Mode stages will qualify.
    Event Duration: September 9, 2024 16:30 - September 25, 2024 23:59 PDT

    Prize Distribution:
    During October Scheduled Maintenance

    Battle Flag Upgrades:


    Event Rules:
    • Boss Mode must be run in Hell difficulty, unless listed otherwise.
    • No ExoCores may be used unless stated otherwise.
    • You may only perform the task with a maximum of 4 players.
    • Only one submission per team. Make sure to submit all videos into the same post.
    • The use of a Verda’s Coin or Soulstone to revive yourself and other teammates is not allowed.
    • At least one player must be alive at the end of each Boss Mode.
    • All participating IGNs must be written out on the forum post.
    • If any glitching, hacking or exploits is used, offenders will be subject to a 30+ day in-game ban and a disqualification from the event.
    • You must adhere to the RedFox Games’ Terms of Service.
    • All participants must be active in the challenge.
    • Any IGN changes before event prizes are distributed MUST be mentioned via a Support Ticket AND must be edited on the BMR submission. If you do not receive your prize for having changed your IGN, the prizes will be revoked and not corrected. In short, please let our staff know about the IGN change to make the necessary changes before sending out prizes.
    • Fraud:
      • Recordings will start in the Room Lobby (not in the Loading Screen) as normal, however:
        • You will now be required to type in the date and time of your run (server time). This ensures that you are not using old footage.
        • Video Titles must match the specified time and date stated in the date typed at the start of the run.
      • Penalties
        • If you are caught with fraud, you will be subjected to an account ban and restricted from participating from future Boss Mode Rush events.
    • Leeching:
      • Players are caught leeching and are seen inactive in the submission will no longer be eligible for prizes.
      • Teams that willingly take on leechers and are visibly seen "OK" with doing so, the entire team will no longer receive prizes.
    • Teams:
      • As a general reminder, teams must match all participants listed in the submission post. Submissions that have different, mix-and-match or incorrect team members' IGNs will result in no prizes being given to any participants.
      • You may only participate with 1 team (one submission only with you). Any multiple submissions will result in disqualification from the event.

    Event Requirements:
    • The Boss Mode run must be recorded or streamed and saved in a VOD (or uploaded onto YouTube).
    • The video must be accessible to the public and will be reviewed by a RedFox Games staff member.
    • The video must start at room lobby and end after the scoreboard finishes.
    • The video cannot be edited (must be raw video).
    • You may not speed up or slow down the video in any way, shape or form.
    • Your video submission will be posted on this thread. Multiple videos MUST be within the same post to count (multiple posts will be deleted)
    • Please make sure video submissions are of completed runs; this means that you should check your work before submitting it onto the thread.
    Submission and Event Thread Notice:
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2024
  2. alex8541

    alex8541 Active Member

    Mar 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Players: Bro & Hyll

    D-H-S Base Hell: 11-09-24 13.37 PST

    DH-14 hell: 11-09-24 13.28 PST

    D-H-Core: 11-09-24 13.53 PST
  3. asanluv

    asanluv World Record (Al Hata) & Community Advisor (RuF)

    Dec 18, 2016
    Likes Received:

    D-H-14 (Hell)

    D-H-SBASE (Hell)

    D-H-CORE (Hell)

    Clock Strikes [Regular Mode] - D-H-SBASE (Hell)
  4. RoxPray

    RoxPray Artist of Winter

    Feb 1, 2021
    Likes Received:

    D-H-14 (Hell)

    D-H-CORE (Hell)

    D-H-SBASE (Hell)
    bimbo likes this.
  5. R4T3NICE

    R4T3NICE Tac-of the Town

    Mar 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Team IGNs: Sapient, Killaa, Avokzs

    D-H-14 (Hell)

    D-H-S BASE (Hell)

    D-H-CORE (Hell)

    Clock Strikes [Regular Mode] - D-H-S BASE (Hell)

    Members: Sapient, Avokzs

    Clock Strikes [Hardcore Mode] - D-H-S BASE (Hell)

    Members: Sapient, Killaa

    After we completed the event and the regular challenge, we tried to complete the hardcore challenge for days... the best runs we had when we had more than 70% hp at the end ALWAYS disconnect. We completed this challenge atleast 6 or 7 times but in all these attempts it ALWAYS disconnects near the end, at the beginning of the boss, which isn't hard to complete without taking damage. If i don't get the hardcore rewards I think i won't partecipate in this anymore or just give 1 or 2 tries and give up for good. It's not a connectivity issue because i play battles and other modes just fine, It's either somebody that disconnects me from the game with hacks or the game itself is broken.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2024
  6. astroboy215

    astroboy215 2022 Un-Fashionista

    Mar 4, 2016
    Likes Received:
    IGNS: Devin, Articuno, Bushido, Aventura
    D-H-14 (Hell)

    D-H-S BASE (Hell)

    D-H-CORE (Hell)

  7. NubCaiks

    NubCaiks New Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    IGN: NubCaiks, Western, ViBeast, dylan

    D-H-14 Hell:

    D-H-Core Hell:

    D-H-S Base Hell:

    Clock Strikes [Regular Mode] D-H-S Base (hell)
    Participants: Western, ViBeast
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2024
  8. Zamma

    Zamma Clean Up Crew, Winter Formal King

    Mar 12, 2016
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    IGNs: Chibi , Zamma , Yevon , Loso

    D-H-Core Hell: 09/25/24 4:08PM EST

    D-H-14 Hell: 09/25/24 4:14PM EST

    D-H-S Base Hell: 09/25/24 4:21PM EST
  9. ProfessorZtar

    ProfessorZtar Community Advisor (Rumble Fighter)

    Mar 3, 2016
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    IGNs: ShadowEmbers, Eightz, Peanutbutter, ProfessorZtar

    DH 14 - 9/13/24 7:45pm cst

    DH SBase - 9/13/24 9:03pm cst

    DH Core - 9/13/24 9:20pm cst
  10. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    We've delivered the rewards as of the January 7th maintenance.

    Apologies for the delay!
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