Wish you had slots for all of your accessories? Here’s an expansion you can really appreciate. In this update, we are introducing 8 additional accessory slots you can unlock through either in-game gold, depending on your character level, or through cash shop items! You can access and unlock the expanded Accessory Slots via character window by pressing the "C" key. Level Accessory Slots There are four Level Accessory Slots you can open by using in-game gold. The slots you can unlock will be dependent on your current character level. Lvl 220 - 100,000,000 Gold Lvl 242 - 1,000,000,000 Gold Lvl 246 - 2,000,000,000 Gold Lvl 250 - 3,000,000,000 Gold Cash Item Accessory Slots There are four Cash Item Accessory Slots you can open by using items that can be obtained from the Marketplace To use these items, simply right click them in your character inventory. Cash Item Slot 1 - Crouching Dragon Jade Cash Item Slot 2 - Black Dragon Jade (Dragon Marble Box from the Crimson Treasure Chest) Cash Item Slot 3 - Sleeping Dragon Jade (Dragon Marble Box from the Crimson Treasure Chest) Cash Item Slot 4 - Yellow Dragon Jade ( NPC Yang Yuntai in Hefei) Cash Slot Item Description Note: Level Accessory slots for levels 242, 246, and 250 will be available after level expansion. Cash Item Slot 4 cannot be unlocked at this time as the materials to craft Yellow Dragon Jade are currently unavailable.
Seriously ? 6 billions to unlock 4 first slots ? Some people need to play this game and try gathering 6 billions without swiping their card.
Considering you need over HI 12 to be eligible to unlock them makes the gold problem less important. If you look at the IM version slots you have more worries than 6 bil gold. At least they have no level required.
Do you need to first unlock the first cash slot in order to be able to unlock the second cash slot ? I ask this because I see that the first cash slot item is not tradable and the rest are.
Since you're here, may I ask if the developers told you anything about plans regarding the new graphics engine ? Has it been cancelled ? P.S. 4th Cash slot is not available, the NPC does not exist.
HA!!!!! what did I say? Need to spend $$/CC to to unlock sockets. But lets talk about the first 4 sockets: -we’re struggling to level 225, and you want us to get to level 242? Let alone 250? What a joke And 6.1B gold? Seriously? I’ve already spent $100+ and could barely make 2b gold. This is fking BS. Instead of being motivated, I’m demotived now, not sure if I will even bother logging in now.
You can't even level past lvl 240 atm, so it should have been referred to as a 4 pocket expansion. Unlocking the 1st pocket is easy enough, but the 1st IM one costs $45 and the 2nd and 3rd are only obtainable from gambling with a box that can only be opened 10 times per month for a total of $35 each month. It's the same with dungeons too, I don't get why we can't trade any items we farmed in a dungeon.
I personally don't care about the cloths or weapons, the relic and ornaments (specially these) are great.
I worked for a gaming company before, based on my past experience when a company does this kind of "Patch" it usually means two things: 1: The game is not profitable and they are trying to milk as much as they can from the current player base before the player base had enough. 2: They don't care about the player base and their service agreement with JoongWon Games will be over within one year. This is just my option, feel free to tell me what you think.
Yep, I was right about this patch being another money grabbing scheme. RF has no shame what so ever. I liked playing this game, now I truly wish this game dies down and no other publisher picks it up, ever.