Server Maintenance: 5/2/22 at 19:00 PST [COMPLETE]

Discussion in 'Archive' started by [GM]Ryu, May 2, 2022.

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  1. [GM]Ryu

    [GM]Ryu RedFox Games Staff Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    server maintenance22.jpg

    Hello Heroes,

    The servers will undergo maintenance on Monday (today), May 2, 2022 starting at 19:00 server time (7:00PM PST). We anticipate the maintenance to last approximately 30mins to 1 hour

    Changes and Updates:
    • Routine Maintenance and Server Check.
    • Server Error #003 Login Server Check
    • Regular War Box Unopened Item Bug Fix
    We'll update this post when the maintenance is complete, and servers are available. Thank you for your patience during the upcoming maintenance.

    We are currently aware that there's a "The server is full #003" error that occurs upon login game. We are currently working on a possible solution. We will make adjustments on the servers once we are able to resolve the current issues as well as a server maintenance as soon as we have patch fix update.
    Last edited: May 2, 2022
  2. [GM]Ryu

    [GM]Ryu RedFox Games Staff Member

    Oct 25, 2018
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    The Server Maintenance is now complete. Players can log back in game now. Please let us know if the issue starting to re-occur again in the future as we are continuing to monitor the issue further with "The server full error #003" by sending us a support ticket we appreciate your cooperation.
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