To anyone who sees this and is interested in farming pm here, or on discord tag is TheBoi #2595.
Thanks to everyone who show up to help! :D Element Collection Status : (*)1400+ Box Open : Element Fire : 9/ 6 COMPLETED Element Water : 5/ 6...
Hey Nimonix I was wondering if you could change the rules of Boss Mode a little. I’m a fan of BM armour and I’m trying to collect them all...
I shall do this no problem.
It would be cool if we could solo all boss modes on any difficulties. Obviously the rewards would be the same as it is now, like no chests, just...
[ATTACH] Simple thread , I'll be working on a new game mode suggestion and I'd like some assistance . If your interested , Contact me through...
I'm a legit carat trader. If you'd like to trade, please contact me at either my Kik: Oozogi, or by my in game IGN: YunoGasai. I currently have...
Okay, I don't know if anyone post this yet, but the way to fix the Boss Mode Glitch is as followed: 1. Create a Boss Mode Room with a map that can...
Pm me or mention me @MaskedMan to play a character exmpl- IGN: Near role: Agent Jack (@MaskedMan) Episode 1- Android uprising (CAST)...
Been brainstorming and i was thinking that it would be so easy. to make a movie about the dh series....i mean the content is all there...the...
Well my friends i am retiring from being the great Aizen. i think ima change my ign now ya know. LOL DONT GET ME WRONG IM STILL SO FKING AWESOME...
I need people who BM alot. Requirements: - must be NA - Have decent stats 50str or over Contact me if interested. Ign Domi
Rule of thumb - Normal: gloves + shoes, Hard: helmet + back item, Hell: top + bottom Exceptions - Sanctum, Locke's Refuge, D-H-SBase, D-H-Zero...
Separate names with a comma.