Red Fox give my time back

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lidiaanamihai, May 11, 2022.

  1. Lidiaanamihai

    Lidiaanamihai Active Member

    Jan 17, 2016
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    I do not know what is wrong with you, Red Fox. After the last patch you guys said that the CK def of mobs was changed because it was meant to be different. Do you guys take us for morons? It was like that for over 15 years and now it was meant to be different? Again what is wrong with you? Do you think is funny to reduce a nuker with 4500 percent Crit DMG and very good gear to nothing. In quindao with those stats not able to hit even 1 mil per nuke. Do you think this is funny? When you guys capped aoe we took it quietly. Now you reduce our damage to nothing. Just put a sign that you don't want us to play CK. I can barely contain myself not to say something about mothers. I will quote Eric Cartman: Screw you guys! I'm going home.
    [CM]NineArts likes this.
  2. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Hi there.

    We had mentioned this in Discord and we understand how you feel. We know the change to monster CK defense is a big issue. Currently, we have no feedback as this change was tested by our developers and applied the time of maintenance. So we will make an inquiry with them hoping to shed light on why they made this change if there is a reason, or if the damage output is intended or not. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this, so please bear with us in the mean time.
  3. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Hi again!

    An error in our recent patch has been found and the developers are currently working on a solution, which will be addressed once the patch is ready.

    We apologize for the disruption in your gameplay, and thank you for your patience in the mean time!
  4. Alys2

    Alys2 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2016
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    was funny though, screw you guys im going home! awesomes
    [CM]NineArts likes this.

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