GM's read this pls

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by wakjzyyy, Apr 14, 2022.

  1. wakjzyyy

    wakjzyyy Member

    Jan 1, 2016
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    Hello GM's I write this post to give you my point of view in a serious way, I am a very old player since 9dragons was managed by acclaim and the truth is if we compare the game at that time with today, the truth leaves a lot to be desired

    NUMBER 1: ancient relics epis and common missions totally left aside, at that time at least those missions people did either to get a little experience and to help you level up a little, because the power level at that time, just take advantage of events and get experience cards. I think it would be good to check them and update that content to what is currently the game so that people who do not have money or how to buy credits can also have some way of approaching or being equal before the players who can do it, without forgetting that they needs translation in other languages, since giving an example the Spanish-speaking community was very large when the The game was managed by Acclaim and that would help new people to play and old people to come back, since the game has very few guides in general and very poor explanations compared to other games today if the purpose is to bring more people to revive the game in some sense, the best option would be that

    NUMBER 2: once the previous point has been reviewed, the second thing would be to review the level of the dungeons and prohibit entry to them if your level is lower than the required level and also remove the experience within them, that would avoid the power level and It would force people to go back to grinding on normal maps, parties with shared experience, etc. In addition, there are the scrolls of the old Party Quests where it was necessary to be +6 players to start it and kill a boss repeatedly to obtain experience. In the past, it was used to reach EC6, which was the level of the second role previously, these could be updated or integrate them into some npc so that they can be used again Another aspect to review would be the dungeons with the common passes since they are not relatively consistent with the lvl of the monsters on each map. The bosses on the maps should be upgraded just like the mobs and should give better items than just simple flowstones or gt's that give treasure boxes or some kind of box that randomly gives you rewards that serve people and that would make also in a certain way the maps from the beginning are populated again I have many more points to touch on but it would become too extensive, I will upload it in another post and I am not saying that it is done as it is but that would give the game more life in general, the economy of the game itself is crazy for newcomers, and if they don't know about the game it is impossible for them to get gold for their items, if there were more players there would be more people selling and more people buying what would really make the economy of the game go down, in addition to all the ITEMS within the item mall they should be able to be done within the game even if it takes time without having to pay, since people would load for costumes or simply go faster due to lack of time and not that it is as it is now, p2w..

    There are many things missing that I have not mentioned that could improve the game in a way that is really enjoyable to play, that people have fun and also invest money in it, but as I said I will leave it for another post I leave you a cordial greeting and I hope that some of my advice is taken into account to really lift this game, which really has a nice community and that too many people stop playing it for these or more reasons.
  2. wakjzyyy

    wakjzyyy Member

    Jan 1, 2016
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    A few days ago I left some points of view comparing the game in first version with the current one and mentioning important points for the game to return to what it was. Now I will continue with these points and I clarify that I am not the one to tell the GM's what to do but if they are really interested in the game and that people have fun and invest in it, I think it will help them

    Number 3: Map bosses are outdated for the level that the mobs have in some maps since they have the levels of the mobs in old versions, as already mentioned these bosses should give good rewards to the players for killing them, example relics, costumes, refined weapons, master and disciple title, 1 to 3 treasure boxes, splendors, guardians, etc. obviously with a limited possibility but not impossible to obtain them. and put limits on them from which they can be killed and up to what level each boss will give you rewards. this would give a new direction to the game, in a serious way

    Number 4: The classes need to be balanced, from what I have noticed from my own experience, currently healers and warriors are useless on high level maps and dungeons, since you need relics that for new players without gold in the game have absurdly high prices for It is a question of how expensive it is to make them, this needs a deep and urgent review with experts so that the number of classes is really varied again in the game, it is something that does not make sense that if you like warriors or healers, you should become a nuker or hybrid because the class you like is inefficient. The hybrids should precisely fulfill their function of support or tanker to the other classes, the healers of healing (another type of support), nuker attack from a distance and warrior tankers.

    Number 5: Collectible rewards are very outdated, they should also have an in-depth review so that they can be used again. Example: Wan Daye Costume Set is very outdated to the present of the game, I would say that it is useless to you when it should not be, just like there are ornaments that are hardly used since there is either a better one or one that is easier to get and it costs less gold

    Number 6: Costume Clan Normal (this is a personal opinion) but they should have stats even if they are basic and that in some way you can improve them, whether it is allowed to refine them or implement some new object to do so

    Number 7: RTD quests should be updated and that the last quest is given to you when you can already use your active skill, it does not make sense that you finish them in GB10 almost EC1 and that your active skill is given to you to learn in CS (that is to say 24 higher levels) This is an extra observation at the end of each chapter of the RTD following the personal observation of the previous point instead of giving clothes they could give 1 different deco with stats that would increase until the one they give you in the last chapter.
    I did not want to end this point without first mentioning that for the level cap that the game has now, the RTD quests are very few, they should continue to make the history of each clan, as well as the history of the game longer and more entertaining, since 2008 the old ones players we have been doing the same quest over and over again.

    Well for now I will leave this second post until here but before finishing, did it occur to you to add new clans? This would be a good thing since many of us have been waiting for something like this since the rumor in 2010 where it was said that the advanced clans would be added: The union of Noble Families, Iron Fist, Black Dragons. It's been almost 13 years since that rumor and we never hear about it again

    Again I leave you a greeting and I would like to read opinions of other players
    And I apologize if my English is bad but I'm from Argentina
  3. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Thank you for your feedback!

    We appreciate your insight of the game and thank you for your suggestions.
  4. Vuamiennui

    Vuamiennui New Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Hi GM,

    I'm sorry to bother you with this message
    Currently i see in nice dr agons awaken, the events are not fair, only facilitate those who spend a lot of time playing, why not continue events like play time get collectable items. Thus, it is possible to attract players to perform daily tasks in the game, while being able to receive the reward of the event's playtime. It's not fair to people who can't spend too much time for playing or get scrambled if there are collectible events all the time.
    Also, I have a suggestion like creating an event to get items according to playtime, then wanting to have higher items players can open the box like some previous events, this makes it interesting for the game or the player can creat, but the rate of 30%, not for the add-on rate by the add-ons from the state, drugs, personal... will also create interesting things.
    In addition to the above option, I have a proposal to create an event for farming to collection but will earn in a small amount then the player can creat, the rate is still the same as the previous plan 30%, will also create excitement for the player. taste and do not find it boring or take too much time
    I really hope that the game will consider and create a fairer and truer version of the game. it's chivalry, luck, accidentally picking up the secret (simile ^^)
    (like those swordplay movies)
    Thank you so much & I'm sorry, i don't speak english very well

    Best regards !
  5. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    All events are geared towards different users and aspects of the game. This particular one was to encourage players to support the game, rather than those who are spend alot of time in-game, as Life Essence are particularly cheap in the item mall. We do however thank you for your feedback.
  6. BigDaddyPimpAlot

    BigDaddyPimpAlot New Member

    Apr 28, 2021
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    Every event is to support the game c'mon now. If there was an event for the casual player, then it would stay as a part of the game and never leave. Every event has a part or easier was for those that spend to get items from the item mall, dont play the OP as stupid!
  7. Revered

    Revered Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Maybe I could "support the game" a little more but cheap Life Essences ate all mine Sapphire stones and Stone Shards.
    So -.-
  8. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Perhaps I should say not every event is meant to give things out for free, but rather provide opportunities to obtain items through means not regularly available. If they were, we would not have been able to run this server for this long. I don't mean to downplay the poster.
  9. wakjzyyy

    wakjzyyy Member

    Jan 1, 2016
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    The purpose for which I made this post is precisely to help Game Masters with suggestions or ideas that they can use and that would be very useful to new players, both the different translations that can be used in the game that would bring more people because it would be much more easy to interpret and understand the game in your language (speaking of new people)
    It is understood that thanks to these purchases they can maintain the servers for the game and others, but they should look for a more viable solution as I said for players who do not have a way to buy in dollars, either because they cannot or for different reasons.
    That's why implementing I don't know, for example, when killing a boss on a map, a random item at random to create a relic, or to create guardians and so on, another example would also be that the items used for weapon refinement, both scales, tears, etc. you can also get them without having to recharge but if people want to get everything faster then there if they have to recharge they could also add another tab to the daily and monthly gifts which could be weekly gifts what I do know is that people would pay for get things the same way its not a bad game 9dragons but it needs to be balanced as i mentioned for warriors and healers and i would require high level relics to have level requirements to use this in order to prevent the people as soon as they create a character can use them and thus level up quickly, just like the Ancient Moonlight set should have a level, to compensate for that I would add a basic set for beginners who receive it at the start of the game but only 1 time per account, that contains stats yes but not exaggerated stats, I hope they can find some way so that more people can really enjoy this game.
  10. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    We do appreciate your suggestions. You do have alot of good ideas. However, please keep in mind that many of them would be big changes to the game of which we can only record as player suggestions for our developers to look at, at their leisure (As for all player suggestions). And some of which may happen periodically without you even suggesting them, such as class balancing, though we don't have an idea of when they will happen.

    Rest assured we are always trying to improve our service, and while I agree, some aspects of the game could use improvement, we encourage players to keep speaking their mind and sharing their suggestions, because like I always say, that's how changes are made.
  11. BigDaddyPimpAlot

    BigDaddyPimpAlot New Member

    Apr 28, 2021
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    The worst part of 9D here is - The GM's lie so much about what they can and cant do, when other version that are "Official" version do it. They pay for said changes and the devs do them. I have talked with other GM's of Official version in the past and they talk so much about how this version will always be and stay P2W, due to the fact that "WE" as customers of RF settle for WTF ever they tell us.

    You all that still pay or play here are just filling their pockets. Until they start to be honest with you as customers, then this version will stay the same and you all will just have to settle for what they get as updates.

    If you can go back and find where Ahri stated that this is 9dKr and will be its own 9D version and stated that it will remain not the KR version.

    Look at anything the GM's say now - Kr version is like that, so we will have it or have to have it! No the Hell you dont. If this is headed towards the KR version - They all events/NPC's and everything high and low should be changed, not just what the GM's want.

    LLGC Didnt have to change - GM's wanted the player base to slow down on lvling and farming. They new dungeons soon will have you needing to spend to make or have things. Everything here is and will always remain for the top spenders. Why do you think no one wants to play here or want to come back? Im sure 70%+ of the players that was here 1-2 yrs ago quit and will not return, the only top players here are top spenders or those that sell items on Facebook!

    Anyways keep believing the Staff here and you will remain the New Fool!
  12. wakjzyyy

    wakjzyyy Member

    Jan 1, 2016
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    I don't think they lie and if they do, the only ones affected in all this are themselves, since being an old game it will only lose players until the few that there are get bored and nobody plays anymore

    I think that giving ideas and seeing changes in the near future could change our points of view, more than the whole post I did it as a former player of this game and on behalf of several others who do not dare to express themselves and have left this I play for those reasons, I feel that they lack creativity in events, in ideas things for people who cannot buy items with real money, either for different reasons, I remember the version in acclaim was very cheap the price of credits and even you they gave double if you carried a certain amount, and people bought a lot, even though things could be obtained very easily and with help in the game, but if you had to spend time waiting for the Bosses, and try to have more damage than the other to win it, which forced entire leagues to wait for certain bosses just to get the rewards..
    That was the fun of the game, besides being grinding, farming on the maps, making parties to finish quests, doing dungeons and more, that is, you became a friend or acquaintance of someone with the simple fact of being by your side, leveling up in the same map and yes it was difficult to climb at that time, that is to say there was a more sociable atmosphere, leaving aside the toxic players who only insulted you because you were from another league haha

    The big problem with this version is that there are low level maps that are empty like a desert, no one uses them to grind as it is easier to get someone high level to take you to any higher map, be it kunlun or some dungeon and it raises you up to 220 in 30 min, so what is the point of having lower level maps if there will only be 1 of 10 players going up conventionally and the rest doing power lvl. It is something meaningless, the essence of the game was totally lost, but as I say it is always good to help, I think you do not need to know much to realize that this aspect is bad for the game, many things are forgotten, outdated, For example, many old decos had good designs and could continue to be used, obviously adapting them to the current game, but first they must correct what is the basic of the game itself, balance the classes, hybrids, healers, nukers and warriors that fulfill the function that they really have to fulfill, limit the maps to players whose character does not meet the necessary or remove the shared experience to prevent them from rising to 220 in 30 minutes as I already mentioned, correct several quests for example the one to learn the basic lightfoot should prohibit that you can use the lightfoot that they give you in bamboo to carry out that quest and thus there are small and numerous errors in quests that do not make sense but that can be improved, the loyalty system too, there should be a quest that explains in depth how to use it and also that tells you with arrows or words how to access and others even certain menus to do it as it is made in bamboo, I think that if the GM's they put everything they can raise the game, they just need ideas and support, we won't know if the accusations are true or not that they just want to keep the game as well as P2W, we just have to wait for them to start with small changes, good events, gifts or rewards for some other mission for an event, etc.

    speaking in a civilized way and without attacking, that is to say in a polite way, you can get to do a lot

    And as I said at the beginning, the post was not made to generate controversy or fights, it is simply a point of view and suggestions that could give the game more life and also make several people who left it return, it is never too late to change course of something

    but please, the main thing would be the translations and I hope that they take it into account, they should have thought of that from the beginning, knowing that it is the only server on the American continent
  13. SlowSkipper86

    SlowSkipper86 Active Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    If you think about it all events for the past 2-3 years are the same : Kill mobs over lvl 150 and farm items to create other items so you can create relics that have 5% chance of succession . It's like playing the same event over and over again with different items. I'm always looking in the forums for any changes and new events that happen to the game in hope that somethings going to change but still nothing. We should have events that each and one of them should be unique and not playing the same event every month. Take Spring Event for example, same recipe with relics and more of that there are 3 relics that you can create with Ultimate Tablets which these items are not easily obtainable from normal players which means that most of them won't be able to get them. In my opinion there shouldn't be relics from events that need UTs to be created , its an event that everybody should enjoy and not make people to pay for an event to make a relic. And besides events we have new maps and dungeons that they have higher lvl mobs such us Qingdao, Hainan WT-Yanmo dungeons that you need to be very high lvl and with good relics just to be able to kill the mobs there. It took me 10 mins to kill 1 mob in Yanmo dungeon normal with decent relics ( Fox 4 ,FoE, Smasher 5,+15+2 weap) which there comes the problem: New high lvl maps that no F2P player can have access to because he doesn't have good enough relics to do so. If you remember the events when GamersFirst had the game, every event was good and with a 1 month timer max and they were giving x2-x3 exp drop for the duration of the event which was pretty helpful and not like now that you have to wait every weekend to farm for the event.To sum things up I believe we should have more events like the Moon Festival event with quests / increased drop rate for the duration of the event / anything else you can think as different from the current events.
  14. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    We can see how you might feel like that, however most of what you said is incorrect. We do in-fact have a version closer to the KR version than any of the previous publishers. Also in regards to the things we can and can't do, we can make suggestions, and sometimes they make it happen, but ultimately it is up to JoongWon Games to decide if those suggestions are best for the game or not.

    Also we can't just add everything high and low as some content is dependent on other content in which we try to introduce into game in the proper order.

    We do however thank you for your feedback.
  15. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Thank you for your feedback!

    We appreciate your concerns regarding our recent events and thank you for your suggestions.

    It does help us and everyone else, when you give us feedback on previous events that you liked.
  16. wakjzyyy

    wakjzyyy Member

    Jan 1, 2016
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    I appreciate that you appreciate the criticism and points of view regarding some things within the game, it really is not to generate a controversy or anything, simply to give you an idea and focus that some things are poorly done and that only the players of the first versions up to the current one can realize

    To be exact, the basic things you should propose to the developer are the following:

    - Balance classes
    - Implement something to remove the power level (it would make the low level maps fulfill their function and have people leveling up again)
    - Relics of Kunlun and higher with strong stats must have a level to be used to prevent low level characters from using them (except event ones)
    - High level clothes like Ancient Moonlight Set should have level to avoid the same as relics
    - Translations

    Apart of this I propose that the Quest collection be held again. which consisted of publishing at the beginning of each week a list of items from a certain map or dungeon, which all people must collect and deliver to a GM in the game and depending on how much was collected and others, it was given in compensation from 2xp to 5xp
    Also during the week it should be in a time range of at least 1 or 2 hours as Acclaim xp and drop x3 did or whatever you want and while the event is on, bosses spawn on different maps and B&W war, it would be a good idea
    [CM]NineArts likes this.
  17. jamesdacky

    jamesdacky New Member

    Nov 5, 2022
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    Yes man many players needs a legal translation so that they can better understand what is going on!!!
  18. Michael2021

    Michael2021 New Member

    Oct 26, 2021
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    One suggestion is that all players attack the Kunlun Kylin boss and the rewards go to whoever gives the final blow since there the strongest player only farms that boss while others will want to kill the boss and only have him killed. On the one hand, it makes no sense that only the strongest takes everything. It would be good if they implemented that in the bosses since that would make more players go to kill the boss and the luck would be for anyone and not for the strongest, one of them. He is a hitman who has multiple accounts and kills that boss and if anyone else goes he kills him separately. He is a scammer who sells things on Facebook and scams people and because of him they choose to leave the game, the bosses should be put on a map that is not pve In order to make it more interesting to kill the bosses and whoever delivers the final blow among all those who are there, luck be to anyone...excuse my English.
  19. 7hech0isen0ne

    7hech0isen0ne Active Member

    May 11, 2022
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    You wasting your time,mate!
    All you said is totaly true,but it will never happen!on this publisher servers have so many issues that wich noone even mentioned it,or is all time ignored!
    For example automotive farmers!
    There are players with some kind of skills to change scripts on the game ,using some programs wich evade game guard and the farming auto 24/7!
    We made many reports to RF teams ,but this characters still remain in game and still do the same on weekends!
    The truth is-Redfox can't do nothing against them,because this players know better how to manipulate game code!
    And this is from years!
    Some players can create items with no fail,no matter what is create chans! And many other things!
    Is not fair,is annoying, but is the reality!
  20. 7hech0isen0ne

    7hech0isen0ne Active Member

    May 11, 2022
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    In addition I will tell you as a one of hardest fair play league BGPOISONS member- for the last 2 years in game nothing has changed! I have a top top gear and still farm in Cave of conqueror manualy to make gold! And every event I seen same 10+ alts char names farming on auto!!! So if I play 2-3 hours on 3x event to make 3b gold with only 1 char,this guys make same amount with many chars 24 hours until they watch movie or so..!
    Yes sounds unreal but it is! Go next event down there and you will see them,you can kill them and they will stay on floor ,until owner see they are killed and revive them!
    Actualy one of them is so advanced-he can revive himself with panacea and keep going alone in some period of time!
    So,what I am saying is-all you suggested is great,but it will not change nothing!
    Redfox team have to get this more serious and start wall around the game due event times ,check logs and so and ban this guys permanently! Otherwise is no point to take this game so serious,just enter,spend 1-2 hours in some dungeon and thats it!
    Alys2 likes this.

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