Patch 285 Update Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Starberry, Feb 9, 2022.

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  1. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    We'd like to gather your thoughts, questions, concerns & feedback pertaining the P285 Update.

    Please let us know of your thoughts here on this thread, or through our official Discord platform if it's more convenient for you: Discord Discussion Thread
  2. superdildog

    superdildog Active Member

    Mar 7, 2020
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    Multi client is a big help. I hope you'll do something with the event. It is a big slap for farmers not to be able to upgrade the relic to level 2 just because they don't spend. Come on. There's much cash went in RF last Christmas event. Why not give f2p the option to obtain the things that current event offers.
    RyoukoP likes this.
  3. Lidiaanamihai

    Lidiaanamihai Active Member

    Jan 17, 2016
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    I am not sure you really want te hear our thoughts about this. At least you can pretend is not only for paying customers. When we had the similar event with rat relics, back then you guys made it almost impossible to farm it in game but at least, in theory, it was farm able. This event is straight f off for the non paying customers. Don't get me wrong I already made the deco and the relics. I don't believe it was a smart ideea to make only item mall event. I hope, this will never happen for future events. You guys should abandon the money grabbing paradigm. Make events where everyone wants to play and the money will flow in. Xmas even was good cause had free relics for every body and boxes for idiots that have a gambling addiction (like me). This event sends away the majority of players. Who wins from that?
    dankiel91, renatokpz and TheChoisen1 like this.
  4. Lidiaanamihai

    Lidiaanamihai Active Member

    Jan 17, 2016
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    Add. Is interesting how main stream games like WoW are moving away from multiboxing because is harmful for the game and 9dragons is moving in by multiclient. I guess now people will be able to use more bots in Hainan. Why not, you don't even need multiple PC amore.
    dankiel91 likes this.
  5. Killimanjaro

    Killimanjaro Member

    Sep 13, 2019
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    I know a lot of player will love that RF allow multiple account so their grinding, farming will be easier. However, in my opinion as a main healer, this will kill the healer role since no one will ever want to play a main healer anymore since they all have a pocket healer for leech party. I know when I'm saying this, a lot of people will call me crazy but I feel bad for anyone want to play healer as main char like me since we cannot farm fast and easy like other nuker, 2b, the only advantage is we can provide a benefit to party with leech skill, but now it's gone for good :).

    Another thing like Exiled and a lot of people already complain in game/forum/discord about this event. This is p2w heavily and sooner or later it will kill the game unless you can do something to change it, to motivate people to at least get more returning player to play your server or they will find other official server which has better benefit for both p2p and f2p player.
  6. Revered

    Revered Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    You have to be more optimistic guys and girls . Maybe at least the Hefei at Yin won't look like a ghost town :)
  7. YuniHuy

    YuniHuy New Member

    Jun 8, 2021
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    This update very s4ck cuzz is smell p2w heavily . i Hope gm can make better drop mats or at least make Ticket Lunar upgrade relic have better rate can get from Box and can be Tradeable .
    If u guys keep doing this . This just 30 days event wasting for all player .
  8. TheChoisen1

    TheChoisen1 New Member

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I couldn't say it better.
    Yes GM's,who wins if half players stop play and server stay aways green???
  9. DrTingle

    DrTingle New Member

    Dec 2, 2018
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    8===================D O no lube- thats what this is all looking like.... I believe a big majority players would like to see deco glow when hide appearance. but as it is now cant even see refine glow or a set bonus glow when hide deco. maybe put option to hide all armors so we can run around nude in our underwears. alot have pretty much got to the point about the event and how its pretty much just for those that pay to play. all your doing is making those that already have everything stronger because more than likely they are the pay to play while the rest players that dont spend are either fortunate enough to be gifted some items or stuck not progressing. Anyone can tell someone to get better or get stronger but what you are really saying is if you want to play you need to pay. making items bound to account is ok idea if items are easy to get or farm, but who wants spend a thousand dollars getting geard for it to be stuck and not tradable. when sit back and look at the value of 1 toon or the potential value.... Just for 1 pocket o_O 45$.... opening other pockets Gambles... what will happen when a next row of pockets available. 100$ for first? 200$ for 2nd? 300$ for 3rd? etc.... top end items are already billions of gold in value and its not like loads new things to do. its same content just revamped. The material list for this event really doesnt even matter if your not planning on spending money at "chances" for the items to upgrade. can buy alot of tacos for some of the price of some fake stuff that is suppose to be entertaining
  10. [GM]Ahri

    [GM]Ahri RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Morning all! Thanks for your feedback and input about the event. We will forward the community feedback to the developers today and see if we can make any adjustments.
  11. Daoji

    Daoji Active Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Thank you RF, for the recent PATCH, as I truly appreciate you allowing me to log 2 accounts at the same time. Poor monk = only 1 computer o_O

    As for the event; I think it is great for lower-to-mid level (150+) players; not all new players, or those of lower levels can afford high-end relics, which means the event relics are truly appreciated, allowing them to participate in future events, especially those require one to kill an event DeathValley boss (Rudolph, Rooster etc).

    My ONLY gripe is an old one; why must a person create a lower-level alt merely to farm a sufficient amount of material/s for more-or-less all events? Example: My IS6 healer kills 1 IS-level mob (MAYBE 1-event material/s drop) in the same amount of time it takes my HG nuker, or HI (CK) hybrid to kill 10-15 (10-15 event mats drop)! I believe higher-level mobs should be dropping multiple amounts of event mats, which will eliminate the need to create an alt whose only purpose is to kill low-level mob for event mats. Many events make me feel as if I am losing out for not creating/having an alt that auto-skills on / AoEs zombies ...
  12. atrocious

    atrocious New Member

    Apr 10, 2019
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    Event drop rates realy worst of all
    need more drop rates
    And. Why not all mobs drops all event items why u restricted for certain places and mobs
    And where are spawn " Field deviants " mobs

    Events must give us fun and exciting not pain please fix this...

  13. renatokpz

    renatokpz Active Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    According to NineArts, it is their business model.

    I totally agree with you. I guess they didn't learn anything from the two past Xmas events... They were accessible in terms of money and in terms of farming as well. I was happily adding cc to try my luck on the special branches mobs, at least I knew I could get something.

    Now is totally reverse.. even the farming needed to make 1 try of the superior rank 5 pet is CRAZY! if you don't fail anytime, you need around 65 stacks of materials, excuse me? That's crazy
    Revered likes this.
  14. atrocious

    atrocious New Member

    Apr 10, 2019
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    Lunar spirit upgrade coupon ??????????????????????????
    How ,where,------> item mall
    And you call this is an event
    Dont pull the wool over our eyes please
    For true event add lunar spirit upgrade coupon in game event items please
  15. Dragy

    Dragy Active Member

    Sep 15, 2018
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    should... make the mobs from QD drop items of event to any lvl.. or make them higher lvl in that way ppl with IS 11 can farm too... or unlvl characters again.. to be able to farm more things... not just the mats from the event
  16. pinklilly1984

    pinklilly1984 New Member

    Feb 9, 2022
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    It's one thing to try and turn a profit, from a business P.O.V. I can see where RF would want to monetize the events as there are sure to be more people spending $$$ in the IM, however, on the flip side of that business tactic there is the inevitable backlash from alienating the F2P members of the consumer base and I can guess that the F2P portion out numbers the ones who P2P thus when an event comes around it's a chance to turn a profit, after RF is running a business but then again, the ones who make these big picture decisions and I doubt it's the GMs, see only the $$$ but they fail to realize that their product at the end of the day is a GAME, something that their consumer base does for fun, alienating your customers aka the player base is bad for not only business but also the Reputation of company.

    I am a grinder and farmer so when it comes to events I am happy as it gives me something new to farm up, however, gating most of the event items behind the IM while good as a business tactic in a fantasy world, in reality is just asking to alienate your players as they are learning now; yes make your profit go after the $$$ if that is what you want to do, however, if you are gong to make the event items farmable, then DO NOT gate them behind the IM. Increase the drop rate a tad bit let the players who like to farm, farm, let those who like to buy from the IM buy from the IM. Forcing people to monetize their fun, and I am quite positive that there are players here who don't have hundreds of dollars laying around to spend on the IM, is just a bad business decision. Catering to both F2P and F2P populations is not difficult, it's been done successfully in other mmos, rpgs, etc. What we have here is a case of a business trying to capitalize on something that should have been accessible to everyone. Happy New Year, you are screwed if you don't pay up is pretty much what this event is saying, and that is just bad business no ifs ands or buts about it.

    In closing, if you want to appease the population increase the drop rate, de-gate the relics and for the love of 9D look past the $$$ get into the game and play it, just once I would love see a staff member actually PLAY the game. I've been playing since Acclaim and I have yet to see a member of any publisher sit down and play along side their community

    P.S. The multi-Clienting is awesome and I love it frees up my laptop to do actual work on instead of logging my second account.
  17. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    yeah this hurts, i am sore... so sore i don't think i will recover...

    this here was one of the defining factors of 9 dragons.. atleast for me.. now that its gone.. 9 dragons is mostly dead to me.. whats the point of paying for decos at this point....?
    I pumped a lot of money in decos cause i wanted to see them glow.. but now i see I just wasted my money.. definitely does not breed confidence in me.

    I think popping in craft buff, would definitely appease all lmao.. or adding sealed beads ex to loot table and make them farmable
  18. qaonly

    qaonly Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Why the MAT not drop in CCD?
  19. TheChoisen1

    TheChoisen1 New Member

    Jul 16, 2017
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    What I can say about this lunar event is clear: Who designed it has no clue of marketing..!
    RF,you want to make money,it is clear,so let me advise you:
    1. Make a lunar upgrade coupon be direct buyable and tradable in IM 1 coupon=1.5k cc for is 1000 players x4 coupons= 6000000 million cc guaranteed
    2. Lower the requirement of materials for rite,so all of us can farm and try Make pet,reliks,decor.. at moment is insane. Lower it atlaste 5 times and increase a bit event mats drop
    3.Make relics and decos tradable ,so there is a point to farm more and make more so you will get more CC from coupons and all players will be happy
    What mean Event after all?? To make fun and celebrate something,right??
    So give all players in game this chance,and make your greater profit ever...
    Lunar boxes you can just remove this kg and replace it with drop /exp epithets-then you will have your $$$ ,but all players will be happy.
    Until you do all this What I advised, this event will be bigger disappointment for RF and all players. THANKS!!!
  20. TheChoisen1

    TheChoisen1 New Member

    Jul 16, 2017
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    IF RF wants this game to keep going good as last 4 years,you must start listen not only p2p players ,but all of us,reply to our topics so we know you are interested of our opinion,take atension not only of IM market,but in game market too,because most of players spending dollars to make ingame gold,and if you cut a chance to do this,players will stop spending is simple!
    Not all like this gambling and also is kind of illegal to put gambling in game for 15 years old,but anyway,make it my way and you will see big profit in YOUR POCKETS!!!
    dankiel91 likes this.
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