The game is dying

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SkipJack, Oct 9, 2021.

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  1. SkipJack

    SkipJack New Member

    Sep 26, 2021
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    I haven't played in well over 7 years. Jumped on last night to only see like 4 or 5 rooms going. Is this game dying out again? I used to love to play..
    HBOYPOWER likes this.
  2. SkipJack

    SkipJack New Member

    Sep 26, 2021
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    No I bought a Asus gaming laptop think I paid a little under 900 bucks for it. Used to use an old old PC back then. This new lap top is pretty slick. Just wish the game was BUSY like it used to be. Jumped on this morning, same crap like 5 games going.
  3. KingxD

    KingxD Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    I have a theory that the developers of the game (Nimonix) most likely realize that if RedFox shuts down the server that might be it for their game in the NA region. I believe (key word believe) that Nimonix is most likely going to just give RedFox the game for as cheap as possible and because the server is also cheap to run since the game is p2p as long as they earn more than the server cost to run I think it will stay up and running even with a low player base. This of course is just my opinion.
    HBOYPOWER and Jazztech like this.
  4. Jazztech

    Jazztech Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    What do you mean again? It's been dying this whole time.
  5. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Players refuse to play new maps (or any maps other than 2) and refuse to enjoy new content like RE scrolls (RC + Carat Formula) so its to be expected when the community collectively wish ill upon the game
  6. Deltro

    Deltro Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    its not dying, but comatose on drip feed
  7. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Bc it is the players fault. Nothing is wrong with the new stages, in fact Green Cliffs is basically Cove 3.0, but when the "old gens" refuse to play anything but team glacier and singles moon its impossible for new players to learn and they come off with the impression the game is a ghost town bc nobody joins their non-moon/glacier rooms. Nothing is wrong with RE scrolls, in fact practically all RFers I know that actually participate in the FGC loved RE scrolls + want more and they don't want to edit legacy content at all. And literally anything and everything can be labeled with a vague and broad term like pay-to-earn. GC got the BEST possible advertising when they got on steam, a gold mine of free advertising, but within weeks the players ransacked our steam review into the red zone so steam can't promote us anymore and Steam had to manually set RFs score at Yellow in response. The content creators likely all left bc they got tired of playing the same stage ad nauseum with psycho LowTierGod wannabes that start BMing (or ddos) anytime they get smoked and I cant really blame them.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2021
  8. Jazztech

    Jazztech Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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  9. wolfDee

    wolfDee Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    green cliffs is new? oh.
    if old gens run the game, it deserves to die.
    if players make bad reviews, it deserves to die.
    if your market doesn't respect you, then who's at fault?
    also, ddos... as much boxes this game produces they can't recode a 3gb game? p2p for the win 2 decades straight! god forbid us for quitting this game! it's our fault we dont recommend it! you fail to mention that the host mentioned numerous amounts of times that they cant get in contact with Nimonix and this has been going on for the last 2're biased .

    how old are you if you don't mind me asking?
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2021
  10. wolfDee

    wolfDee Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    players play what they want.
    HYTNANO likes this.
  11. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    -Saying "the players are why this game is still alive" is a non-argument. Elaborate on what that means aside from saying "if there were zero players the game would be dead" bc thats also a non-argument as a response to me saying the PERCEIVED quality of our game is directly reflective of the quality of the players on it.
    -BMing isn't common in the FGC hence why people like LowTierGod get blown up and ostracized when they do it.
    -Glacier and Moon are poorly aged stages that were only popularized because when they came out there were a total of 6 stages. Moon isnt competitively viable for new players or even consistent gameplay, it's a lucky edge stage with minimal interactive stage mechanics i.e. no low drop ramps like in Rooftop+Chinatown, major inclines/decline ramps, hazards, destructible terrain, nothing. Teams Glacier -can- be competitive even tho the stage is more plain than vanilla ice-cream but when 99% of rooms dont turn TK on it's a toxic spam fest that would make any new player uninstall immediately. Anything Glacier does/tries to do, Green Cliffs does with style.

    When the bad reviews / disrespect from the players is founded on ignorance tho? I was in HS when this game came out on OGP (extrapolate my age from that if you want idc) so I remember s*** these young cats get foggy like how OGP frauded our account data intentionally and yet "the market" still gets their dcks hard for OGP's "good times" even tho their events were f-ing dogsht (report cards were toxicly impossible, kill 500 players in a week for a snowman exo was a joke, $200 spenders 2 months before they frauded the transfers) and their admins were either incompetent, corrupt, or somewhere in-between i.e. the hundreds of stories anyone could tell you about OGP favoritism, GM LaBeba, or how they rigged a RR Tournament so RaVeN could win. As the game is right now, specifically in regards to our current Content and Host, we're at the BEST state we've ever been, i.e. boxes are free, temp rares can be formula'd into a perm, we can rent skill items (even rares), we can finally get scrolls from BM instead of just exos (and theyre perm), RE scrolls gave us a new tekken mechanic while being both carats and RC. And yet if you read the forums or the average players comment its 95% petty negativity.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  12. Crescendo

    Crescendo Active Member

    May 3, 2019
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    At the end of the day, does it matter?

    Enjoy the game. We play a classic fighting game boys, and even if another piece of content was never released, we have enough here that it would take years to master.

    RF is one of the most fun games I've ever played, and I'm sure the same goes for any of you, so let's just appreciate what we have til it's gone.

    I want changes to scrolls, and I swear by Green Cliffs and think we should collectively play it more bc it's the most versatile 1v1 map, but if none of it happens I'll still be here. Loving the game.

    And that's why it's dying. No one really just enjoys what we have bc everyone was conditioned for years to expect biweekly content. Nothing new? Trash amirite.
  13. Secreto

    Secreto New Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    We are all going to die.
    HBOYPOWER likes this.
  14. Tabofren

    Tabofren New Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    everytime I log into this forum i see tengu just rambling nonsense and bootlicking the devs funny ****
    Lephantis and Crescendo like this.
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