Foxie(GM) Do Your Job.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jyang123, May 28, 2021.

  1. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    they can also do potala red, its not hard, its not about completing it.. its about killing the first boss.. all you need is healer dodge trap... and with 3x, repel weapon will drop eventually and so will dark blood gear, so its not hard. they can also camp first boss on green..
  2. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    for Redfox, they can do what everyone else did at that point, pay up. or make groups as stated above for Eu server and farm their own gear..

    And the market has not crashed, you mean people selling stuff like they always did. some overprice, so do not. on yin I see plenty of stuff selling at just fine prices, others overpriced.. On Tao I saw the same, its not a matter of not having, its matter of people not wanting to buy...

    And again if you want stuff like Hainan hairpin, YES PAY UP. OR you can go farm hainan and infi to get 1 for free.
    Your argument is I want late game stuff for free so I can farm potala, I farmed potala red without those items.. so can everyone else..

    we got flag here for free, people selling kunlun beads dirt cheap... I mean dirt cheap.. compared to the Eu server.. its practically free.. we got event relics lvl 2(you might wanna admit it or not the lvl 2 relic is good) and with a lot of farming you can make lvl 3, materials are just overwhelming...,

    there are past event relics, there was the free repel weapon + blood armor given last event.. I can go on but clearly.. a lot of people here just wanna complain for the sake of complaining...

    If you missed anniversary event, that is on you.. the player.. your only choice now is to work for those items..

    Lets not forget, you can also learn social skills if you a new hg 5 player and someone can take u on 1 run of llgc, and you can get all the banners you want for free, possibly make flag 1 easily, if you so desired.

    You can complain about some of Redfox attitude and the way certain thing are handled / item mall prices../ some events.. but everything else is the players fault ( people need to own up to their own mistakes or mis-management of time)..

    the other server is worst in that aspect given its age.. so if you can't farm potala here and you think someone should carry you.. the 9 dragons is too hard for you is my honest opinion.


    I see repel gear for 500m, wave for like 100, 200m every day in yin, you also got 1 free anniversary event, along with a pet. Rest is up to player... if they can't help themselves.. that's on them!!
  3. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    depends on what you call endgame content, people will be doing POTALA.. while most will still be stuck complaining about paying and not being able to.. and I have alredy explained why serveral times. I consider potala Endgame content.
  4. Sedolh

    Sedolh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    No im solod,, and missing events yeah that can be on the player.. How sillly from them that they didnt play the game 3 years ago just for that event or just started when the event is 2 weeks away from ending.

    Repel is not that hard i give u that. U are saying RF is just as far as papaya. Whicj is not true in a way. Some ppl are selling stuff yes true.
    And most people are selling tje end game stuff, why? BECOZ IT SELLS. So for those who dont want that hairpin, there is not a lot of ppl who sell tje average stuff and need to farm as well.
    So those players are just as far behind as all the papaya players.

    Dont get me wrong you are right, at the moment RF has more content, but that doesnt matter that much of a map comes out on EU publisher will have it in a few months.


    You are having a discussion with someone who dropped a lot of money in here, went they to other and discussing how much more rf has, and yes it might have more but it might not make a difference for those ppl who are still on RF on hi5-is2.
    MinnesotaSlays likes this.
  5. Jyang123

    Jyang123 Member

    Oct 3, 2016
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    I'm still waiting for the toxic GM known as Foxie to write her 2cents on here to reason with me and give me his/her ideas to resolve this. We're all waiting RedFox, don't ignore this. :)
    Alys2 and bengie22 like this.
  6. Sedolh

    Sedolh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    The question should be how do u make the game more interesting.

    Im pretty sure with the new QD gear set, ss upgrade, potala is not part of the end game anymore. I would say ot is more mid game now. Even more so coz after is6 drops get lower, so after raise the cap. QD, HN is seen as endgame.
    Potala is now a mid game dungeon which is a measurement of how far in the game u are
  7. [GM]Ahri

    [GM]Ahri RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Our desire is to deliver improvements as soon as possible, and we wish to maintain this by thoroughly addressing the current concerns with our developers. We will not disclose anything right now, as everything is still in the planning progress.

    Additionally, there are two threads about the issue below.
  8. FuriaAlba

    FuriaAlba Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    I don't really understand what you are trying to point out really. New players will normally struggle regardless of the situation, it's only up to them to figure out how to improve in playing the game themselfs, not relly on others to teach them everything, this isn't a working place after all.

    After many years of playing this game across it's various changes I can say that PVE wise there is no real difficulty in this moment in time, not that it had to much in it's recent history anyway. With this I can also say that most players can't be bothered to have a bit of strategy when they play this game. I have seen players go in a group of mobs in potala and start blasting AOE and then dying, normally followed by some complaints that the dungeon is very difficult, which is true if you make it hard on purpose. Not to mention that vast majority of players feel entitled to be able to do anything in this game in easy mode.
  9. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    POTALA is still part of endgame, yopu need potala to faem op deco...,

    you will need potala again in the future for more relic updates,

    you need potala to farm dark blood gear that you can upgrade to qindao armor..

    so.. yeah.. its not in anyway mid game..

    But that is the point, Redfox is better because MORE CONTENT!!

    And being a noob in Redfox and papaya are completely different.. Refer to my last post to find out why..

    Do you know why you think people are not selling the average stuff to farm? you are no looking enough..

    let me tell you why..
    does not matter who you are, white box, blue box, branches drop kunlun bead and ex beads... and flag and banner..

    so those items are abundant in game.. everyone who opens box has plenty of them..

    i personally had too much and deleted some because no one is buying them.

    Pretty sure if you make a post here in forum asking for help, asking for someone to give you run through llgc, you can get enough gear to start farming..

    I have seen people asking help here and getting it, you can also shout in game.. or join a good hero band, or learn to be social.. its an mmo not a solo rpg..

    You can play SOLO, But then you have to spend $$,

    that would be you (the player) AND YOUR PERSONAL CHOICE.

    Again if you in Redfox server and cannot get more gear than the super spending people in EU server, you need to work on your SOCIAL aspect of MMORPG.

    here you can get dungeon plates easy, repel/ dark blood armor easy, banners easy, flag easy, flag of emptiness easy, kunlun beads easy cause they dirt cheap..., some ex beads easy, except tiger ex which can be annoying.., pets easily, potala epi easily..

    so again there is no comparism in terms of content between here and Eu server.. except that they are same game.. and different publisher..

    For any type of player this version has more content and is more superior.. unless you wanna play solo and talk to no one and also don't wanna spend $$, then both versions are THESAME, because you will get no where.

    disclaimer : whenever I say you, I mean the player who that applies to. Not referring to you personally, ty for your understanding.

    Sedolh likes this.
  10. [GM]Ahri

    [GM]Ahri RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    I'm sorry, we only have Yin and Tao server here at RedFox Games. If character transfers do happen, then it's between those servers. Thank you for your input.
  11. bengie22

    bengie22 New Member

    Jan 6, 2017
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    FD, how they goin to give his/her ideas if they didn't even workout preventive measures, even though they know that papaya will launch last month. I don't think debuffs at LLGC & BM dungeon is one of their preventive measures right :rolleyes: or (could it be that there's some sabotage play on their last patch from the so called developers so that most of RF players will migrate to papaya).:mad::mad::mad:

    Anyway like what Ahri said.... "everything is still in the planning progress"
    @Sirme @Sedolh @FuriaAlba let's wait for the outcome of their plans and hope for the best.
    Alys2 likes this.
  12. joda7777

    joda7777 Member

    Jun 22, 2016
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    Hi Red Fox and others.

    I do not have much regret that another company appeared with the game. This game is good for me and Red Fox has been making some changes for several last years. Rather, I will stay with her. In my opinion, they are the most caring developers. Patches are added with new stuff.

    I would also like to introduce some innovations in the game and send tickets on this matter. I would like to share with you what I sent.

    Daily rewards system. Golden 9Dragon box should be replaced with something else.
    For example, a one-day 50% pill for exp, drop, and kung fu. There is not always a little time to play on the weekend, it would help us play in the middle of the week.

    In the middle of the week, a smaller 50% event can be added.

    Master and apprentice system and associated buffs. As well as seassion points. They lost value over time. Buffs should add more or something else. For example, increasing weapon dgm, atack speed.

    There is little difference in the buffer even with 14 and 10 students logged in. They don't feel the need to pick them up.

    We used to have something like the collection system in the game.
    Why not develop it not only in craft. Which is difficult and does not attract followers. They can be relics, pet clothes. They don't have to be as good as in IM. They could add something else to other stats. To get them you will need to invest time in the game. We have so many revamped dungeons that can be used and implemented new items for it.

    I greet everyone.
    Alys2 likes this.
  13. [GM]Ahri

    [GM]Ahri RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Suggestions that don't require the developer's support are doable for our team. Anything that involves the developer's support will be forwarded to the development team.
    MinnesotaSlays, joda7777 and Alys2 like this.
  14. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    It is worth mentioning that suggestions that are brought up to the table are not always addressed immediately.

    As RedFox is just the publisher and not the developer, any and all suggestions that are of utmost importance will be brought up to the developer. Calling out RedFox staff is not the way to go about bringing up your concerns.
  15. Alys2

    Alys2 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2016
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    keep up great work GM
    MinnesotaSlays, bengie22 and joda7777 like this.
  16. Sedolh

    Sedolh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    Aren't you from rumble fighter
  17. [GM]Ahri

    [GM]Ahri RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Yep, and he'll be assisting us with discord soon.
    Floricel likes this.
  18. Ozbud

    Ozbud Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    what is doable for your team? it will help guide players with short term suggestions/changes you can achieve quickly and while potentially working towards bigger changes.
  19. Ozbud

    Ozbud Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    must **** having limited capacity to make changes to a game you publish when private servers have full control and can rewrite half the game to make it more appealing to your target player base, westerners.
    Game is great just needs more adaptation to western culture way of gaming. we dont like spending a lifetime online to fail at crafting repeatedly. and we really dont like playing with cheaters
  20. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    not all westerners feel this way..
    I have been playing mmos my whole life, and there is not 1 mmo where you don't fail at crafting...

    some people want instant gratification, some do not..

    I can only speak for myself, so what i personally want is that there is at least a way to craft all item mall items within a reasonable time frame... 2 months, 3 months, is reasonable enough to me.

    so maybe you like mobile games better, all games cater to different things...

    Personally i think the appeal of 9 dragons to westerners is enough, it is just looks ancient.. if they are working on an updated version as Jungwoon said and have more interactive events.. I think most people might not complain, then there are the ones who are never happy..(the Karens).

    There is a reason why a lot of "western" games are dead.. because people like to throw the phrase western adaptation around a lot, when that is not the actual problem and they just want a game that does not exist and will never exist..

    a game where everything is free and you can get it when you want.. even the oldest western game wow is not free..., then there is EA games, not free ...
    so this "westerner adaptation" meme is ludicrious..

    they just need to choose their target audience, and hope its wide enough.. Karens are always gonna be Karens after that.

    For me personally having fun, laughing at people complaining already in new publisher.. with popcorns..
    MinnesotaSlays likes this.

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