Publisher(Please Re-evaluate item mall prices and item mall)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sirme, May 26, 2021.

  1. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    I have recently checked out the new servers of 9 dragons and have noticed their item mall has a lot of fairer prices which will take away your costumers.. example, costume slot item, empty soul and boxes in general.
    Might also want to consider selling single pieces of companion items... sometimes people wanna buy 1.

    There is also role change pill... just leave it as a perma addition..

    and event items.. please make them reasonable lol.. (personally think you guys get it right a lot of items.. sometimes the rates are just a killer..)

    White dragon box.. that things price is a monster.. I dunno why price went up from crimson box.. ,ight wanna re-evaluate..

    events---- you all made the craft and companion event-- its a good start.. you all need more of those types of event..

    Also why not add clan change pills? server move pills? I don't know how this won't possibly sell.. Please look into it..

    And finally you all say you are following Korea, please add the stuff Korea has.. like fishing... and free ways to craft certain relics.. as well as your item mall ways..

    Make more sales to give more incentive to spend..

    just wanted to point out that other publishers are trying to pull a fast one on you guys, and implore you all to re-evaluate.. since I personally love this game..

    Thank you all very much for your time..
  2. KProphetK

    KProphetK Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    I dont think there is much RF can do now, the harm is done. Many of us and I mean many of us, left due to LLGC. RF has claimed that we are Kr and all that but in reality, we are not even close. The doctor the events to suit their pockets and forget we all check Kr version for things.

    last weekend Kr version had a tournament using this the duel area out in strolling valley and we was promised this 3 years ago and yet we still dont have i or use it.

    New Pub is setting the flow to keep and gain many more RF players.

    Sorry RF you was warned!
    rashbrasil likes this.
  3. Juiceart

    Juiceart New Member

    Oct 10, 2018
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    I think Redfox dont care anything, they only care about donate event. CM GM go to Yin, all the green status. On Yin, u cant see player lol. Come other publisher and learn from them. Make awaken great again or this project coming die.
    I love 9Dragons but i cant love Redfox.
    rashbrasil likes this.
  4. MinnesotaSlays

    MinnesotaSlays Active Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    I also agree. Redfox we have invested thousands and would love to keep playing on what we have already built. Please save our game and please save our characters. (I dont want to spend another 20 to 30k USD) T_T.
  5. MinnesotaSlays

    MinnesotaSlays Active Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    Also lets not forget about the hours we put into the game.
  6. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Don't worry, i think Redfox will be fine as long as they re-evaluate prices and add their own niche things. Personally I prefer here, so far. But I can see the allure of the "not named" publisher.

    the have a custom epi.. which i find funny looking. Their boxes are 100% pay 2 win. Has less junk items, for now. Their blue box equivalent that is.

    Their Dailys gives jade seperators, and silver replays, .. essentially.. Screenshot (1030).png Screenshot (1029).png

    won't say its superior. But gives more of instant gratification.

    I would say, if here we adapt monthly, and dailys and kinda tweak it up every 2monthly with maintainance we can beat any publisher.. Since we do have a lot more content.

    But all things considered, let hope for the best.
  7. renatokpz

    renatokpz Active Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Well, I think ResFox has a good chance to readapt and rethink on the item mall during this Memorial Day.
    I totally agree with you about the rework of daily/monthly rewards every 2/3 months based on game content.
    We are here to support you RedFox, we do care about the game and all we do it for the best of the game and publisher.

    If you need us, let us know, we are here for you.
    MinnesotaSlays likes this.
  8. KProphetK

    KProphetK Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Its going to take more than a revamp of the daily/monthly and Item Mall to get players back. Its going to take the other pub to fail miserably for them to return. Broken promises, lies and accusing the community of not knowing wtf we talk about as far as bugs and game had tarnished their image. Do we as players want things easy or easier - Yes/No/Maybe - who knows anymore.

    Its like this - 9D has always been like a 2nd or 3rd job for many of us and playing this game for 15 years I can say - that I am not moving to new pub, nor am I remaining here for now. I cant restart chars on anybody's servers. I have been wanting for a long time to have a good reason to finally walk away (Swords of Legends Online - best reason I have and its not P2W at all!)

    Ive left a billion times and always returned to 9Dragons - And if I am to return and things are not better here, Ill go to the other version. But RF you need to think of the F2P players during this time. Ill support you RF if your doing right, but thats been a long time waiting and dont seem like you care or wish to do whats right!

    i hope you can save this version and get your act together, cuz keep saying this is Kr and watering down events wont get players back or those thats still here, to stay!
  9. MinnesotaSlays

    MinnesotaSlays Active Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    For the most part, I think they would pay if the loot boxes were worth the money. This game can't survive focusing on the F2P players. They have to make money to stay afloat. Now please don't get me wrong I definitely don't believe anyone needs to spend 100k to play 9D, but if RedFox offered a subscription service or something along those lines we would probably see more balanced pricing in the IM. Everything is farmable and for the most part relatively easy to get if you are willing to pay the price tag. The big thing is if RF was able to make a consistent flow of money then the price tag for the items would be significantly less and the loot boxes would be able to have way better items in there and F2P players would be able to become P2P players at a substantially lower price tag. I am by no means rich and I can only speak for me, but the game is F2P at the start. If you want to keep up with the F2P aspect without spending money you need to invest 300x to 500x the amount of time a simple swipe of plastic could get someone who is using their money to move up in the game. I do not say this to start an argument

    I am planning on transitioning games. I came back after a break because I really do love this game, but with so few people. I just don't really have a reason to play anymore. 9D has given me the best 15 years of my life. I have played plenty of different MMORPGs even BDO and B&S Runescape Adventure quest worlds and so on and they didn't hold my attention as long as 9D has. However, Swords of Legends Online has done what 9D can do and more. 9D has to grow with this day and age MMO scene. The graphics are still bad, the loot box prices for what's in them are not worth the price, the population is spread so thin, and no server merge. If they can turn this game around you better believe many of us seasoned players will come back no matter what.
    Perfection, Sedolh and rashbrasil like this.
  10. Sedolh

    Sedolh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    Sad but true
    MinnesotaSlays likes this.
  11. [GM]Ahri

    [GM]Ahri RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Noted and have discussed this matter with Sirme via PM.
    MinnesotaSlays likes this.
  12. KProphetK

    KProphetK Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    See this is what the community hates about you and your staff, you openly reply here that your talking privately to someone about the state of the game and future of the game.

    Your reply should have been made public instead of PMing Sirme. You got to remember Ahri that the players that left here and moved to new pub, still come to these forums and see what RF is doing about the issues that made them or us leave and your still doing it. Just shows that you and your staff dont care.

    Now your offering server transfers, when for year players have been asking for that very thing. Ahri adn Staff I personally have nothing against RF, I just know what was promised, what RF tampered with (especially events) and how you say your going to do 1 thing and do another.

    The future and changes to 9D should be made public - that was wrong of you and RF to do what you did privately with Sirme.

    And nothing against you Sirme.

    And as far as me always talking about the F2P players, I was 1 of them until January of this year when I dropped a lil over 2k on to accounts. Thats not much, but I really couldnt afford to, but I did it trying to betting my chars and a friends,

    What I mean about F2P - The new players that come to game and want to see what it is about. They will ask about the Item Mall and what they need or how to make fast gold in game. They are ALWAYS asked or told to buy CC and sell items in game. Some cant afford to drop $50 - $100 a day/week or month. Some are on a fixed budget (like myself cuz I am disabled), but we try to play and enjoy ourselves but cant due to being PK'd all day long trying to farm gold or items to get better gear. What does RF do - make new gear for game dam near impossible for the avg player.

    Anyways got to go, headed to Myrtle Beach to visit my parents! GL all and HF! Later!
    MinnesotaSlays likes this.
  13. Sedolh

    Sedolh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    U need him a message becwuse he suggested other monthly or more he tells u about it?
    So what about talking to @MinnesotaSlays coz he is asking what u guys will do to make it stay alive?

    So far all we have is yeah we will stay open no worries. Look what happened, 95% of the people who are left playing 1 month ago even left.
    U know what MIGHT be a nice idea, u can see which people are BM and who are still active,, talk tox098 them
  14. MinnesotaSlays

    MinnesotaSlays Active Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    I can definitely understand where you are coming from and I understand the cost of being on a tight budget while trying to progress in this game and I appreciate you sharing. I feel that if RF is able to set up a monthly subscription in the game we will definitely see a decrease in IM cost. They have also shown promise with the IM box re-evaluations and I don't mind that they aren't speaking directly with me as long as some communication comes out. I would suggest a monthly to maybe even Bi-monthly update outside to the server maintenance notes. These update forms should host 3 important parts. What is happening in 9D rn, what is projected to come(no promises on time frame because you guys have no control over that), and what the community wants or thinks about the current state and the projected content to come. Things will surely get better. RF can literally only go up from here. Those huge content updates definitely give me something to look forward to. So I can't wait to see it.
    bengie22 likes this.
  15. Sedolh

    Sedolh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    I hope it can go up from here, but like u mentioned new games are coming outbas well soon.

    Of course those games does need a bit better machines then this game.
    But i truly truly hope that RF will listen.

    So 1 idea what might work. Stop dropping event every month, but maybe a more seasonal event and make it a bit bigger so like 2 events in 1 season(about 3 months)
    MinnesotaSlays likes this.
  16. MinnesotaSlays

    MinnesotaSlays Active Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    I agree with you here. If they thought about taking their monthly events and cramming it into like a whole winter that way we can have 4 seasonal events and the same way that they released the lv 3 parts for the beacon relics they can do that with the holiday event relics. This would allow us to have more time to farm for relics that we might of missed while pre-farming material for the "next event" and allowing F2P players more time to collect the material.
  17. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    They will, if he is willing to do free work. By discuss he meant I elaborated more. And everything else is what you see here.
  18. Sedolh

    Sedolh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    Depands on the term what u mean with free work..
    I mean pretty sure we (all of us on this thread) would love to discuss it with ahri(coz i think he is the guy to do is).
    MinnesotaSlays likes this.
  19. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    I mean literarily free, there is no strings there.

    Apart for my "love work/ pastime (Realy all i did for most part was elaborate on what I meant with this thread, as I was asked)" the info I have is what we are all discussing here and the reason for the thread, for them to Re-consider/ Re-evaluate, but that in my experience is usually talked about with companies nor forum. Hopefully we get a decision on forum though.
  20. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    And I have seen them ask people in this forum similar questions.. The response was usually toxic.. 99% of time. Along the lines of that is not my job, blah blah blah, do your own work. Said people are still in forum.. and they know themselves..

    So I don't see why they would put themselves in that position again..

    But I digress, we will all see the results of their re-evaluation.

    Personally still think here is superior in terms of content. And with minor tweaks it will be completely superior..

    the new 9D is imho a lot more pay 2 win lol.. since game just started.. and you can get weapons from box.. Apart from that it seems like an outdated version of here with Acclaim system.
    MinnesotaSlays and Perfection like this.

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