April Events Questions & Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by [GM]Toast, Apr 3, 2019.

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  1. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    We will take everyone's in game name over Forum ID. If you do not post an in game name, it automatically gets sent to the account associated with your forum ID. If your forum ID that is associated with your main account is banned, you will have to post your in game name to receive the reward.

    Thanks for the feedback. The first month will serve as a test run. If we do need stat or item restrictions as proven by the Al Hata Hard Mode run, I will personally see to it that it happens.
    Arschgeist likes this.
  2. TheFuzionBranz

    TheFuzionBranz Wiki Creator & Manager, Scroll Masters Finalist

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Perfect, Thats nice to hear
  3. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Guess I can use bunny scroll. Cuz he ignored me. Someone host it and win it.
  4. Baidoku

    Baidoku Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    I don't know if it's just me but when you're in a tournament of 64 people or so it kinda sucks when the difference between placing 5th or and 60th is zero. You get the same reward.

    I feel like when it comes to tournaments whether its fashion or an in-game tournament there should be rewards given out for advancing to the next round.

    Round of 64: Participation Prize

    Round of 32: *Low tier prize*

    Round of 16:*Medium tier prize*

    Round of 8:*High tier prize*

    Semi-Finalist ( Top 4 ): * Elite tier prize *

    Does anyone else agree?

    Also when I rate prizes as low, medium, high and elite the GMs should be categorizing their event prizes into tiers. So something like a carat item or just straight up carat coupons or something of sorts should be low tier. Medium tier can be rare boxes or a rare accessory. High tier loot can be a decently rare item and elite tier is obvious: Forum titles, Rare Unique titles, Gladiator/Kuroko Sets etc.
    Draygashi likes this.
  5. imBrandon

    imBrandon Active Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    If Redfox does another 1v1 tournament let’s hope it doesn’t result in a -30 100 Crit set w rare scrolls
  6. Hercule

    Hercule Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I think a participation prize should be given to players whom go through the trouble of recording, editing and uploading a boss mode video. Videos going up on youtube are good ways to make the game more popular, make sure everyone whom uploads uses the same tags so Rumble Fighter Red Fox gets more internet revenue. :p I think it should be worth while because of the same reasons why everyone else just said, its pretty obvious whom is going to win since Boss Mode time challenge is more a test of your stats rather skill. I still enjoy the event even tho I don't think i'll win because its something different. Plus, the prizes don't really motivate me except for the exclusive title. :) Pretty cool, but I think you guys made a statue in Plaza once for winners of an event? I don't think a statue is the appropriate prize for this but something else would be cool. Maybe instead of(or in addition too) a boss mode flag, put flags in Al Hata(or just the boss room?) of each champion's name and/or a screenshot of poses you(GM Toast) found cool of each player on the flag?

    I don't see the future in the game in giving away multiple exclusive in-game sets, exo's, etc. unless your customizing each one... It's bound to get repetitive no matter what you do or how you give them out. I know you guys cannot just add content at will so I won't even go that route. Instead, little cosmetic changes, NOT RECOLORS OF ITEMS/CLOTHES/EXOS are a lil cooler to me. They seem more personal, and completely for bragging rights. :)

    My response to Fashonista is I find the event lack luster. I've never participated for any reason other than the participation prize. >_< I prefer art contests like the loading screen events now that I know how to use Illustrator. The idea is pretty cool I guess but eh, 2-4 weeks just so GM can scroll through the pictures and pick out a random one? Y'all probably don't even make the final judgment just to be fair, y'all probably narrow it down than pick out of a hat or something. These are opinionated events, I think y'all should downplay the prizes on Fashonista and have it daily, like Fisticuffs. Y'all should do a more personal event than just "post a picture" "wait 5-10 business days for your participation prize" >logs in my alt and repeats.
    Doesn't help the business... no one played a minute extra of Rumble Fighter because of Fashonista...
    and Fisticuffs are too much strain on the GM's to join all those rooms. Not to mention, if your not playing with a GM than your literally in a nhaa chatroom for an hour hoping GM Toast shows up. So impersonal, because when you pullup your not tryna talk to anybody or interact your tryna get loljumped and hurry up and die so you can go to the next room and do the same. xD
    Something more personal, WAY less strain on you, and you can repeat it every week is quizzes. I suggested this a while back, "Confucius Curiosity" hold a quiz in Plaza with simple two choice questions, each person whom answers X go to the left of the fountain, each whom answer Y go to the right. The correct people stay in that Plaza channel while the wrong people get teleported out, repeat until 1 user stands. ^_^
    Skippah and [GM]Shadow like this.
  7. sheeran

    sheeran Clean Up Crew

    May 17, 2017
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    We want less loot boxes and more content. We also want more updates and quality of life changes made. This is the only thing that RedFox Games and Nimonix should be focusing on.

    Boss mode event looks like a waste of time and should be canceled.

    Who ever has the most friends will get the most votes anyways.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2019
  8. Arschgeist

    Arschgeist Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2016
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    When does the fashionista voting phase begin?

    yuuuup, I have no friends and even some enemies but my set is clearly goat (throw me a like and a vote wink wink)

    That's why @GMs should NOT include IGNs during the voting phase. keep it unbiased and make people decide on what fashion actually looks better

    Cuz the real victim here is fashion.

    Everyone looks the same anyways (especially the guys, quiet genius hair is a dime a dozen.)
  9. Nicki

    Nicki Active Member

    Apr 19, 2016
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    @Myrus here

    Let’s be direct not subs boo
  10. Myrus

    Myrus Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Not the less fortunate commenting on something you didn’t participate in. Mamas if you seen so many people with Quiet Genius, u should’ve sumbited one of them nhaa sets to showcase something different.. You know? A new style, a new cut, a new color!

    Nicki likes this.
  11. Arschgeist

    Arschgeist Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Df does this mean

    I'm entry #39 in this contest?

    Ive been saving this set since I missed the last fashionista tourney. And nobody knows who I am so I went with one of my best ones.
  12. Arschgeist

    Arschgeist Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Oh you went with quiet genius for the contest. Sorry I didn't mean to offend you and your basic af hair.
  13. [GM]Shadow

    [GM]Shadow RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    Sorry for the silence about the voting phase yall, it's gonna go down soon.
    We've had a few things to take care of logistically but the voting process will start soon.
    Let's say for now, maybe today or tomorrow :)
    Again sorry for the hold up for everyone who's getting anxious/excited for it
    Starberry and Arschgeist like this.
  14. Sasori

    Sasori Active Member

    Feb 28, 2017
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    Boss Mode Event: Should be similar to zombie survival and time trial boss mode where you can only use those items on the ground. For these items it would be Relentless Mace and Devil Shadow and these would be automatically equipped. Stats would be automatically be 40-70 depending on the boss mode.
  15. Arschgeist

    Arschgeist Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Can you guys going to exclude IGNS during voting so it's not just a popularity contest?
    Otherwise the real victim here is fashion.
  16. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Unfortunately, because participants’ friends will be voting for each other, they’ll most likely tell you which set to vote for regardless.

    Fashionista contests will always just be a test of popularity. Apparently the GM team cannot be trusted to pick winning sets since there has been some backlash from the past.
    Arschgeist likes this.
  17. Arschgeist

    Arschgeist Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Wow. I'd rather GMs pick winners.

    People who strive to be popular in these games are sad enough, now it's becoming a requirement.
  18. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Players think that "GMs can't dress", so they are not allowed to judge for fashion related events.

    I feel like if anything, both GM voting & player voting should both be present in a fashionista event. If you win the player voting, you cannot win the GM voting.

    That way, everyone has a fair shot. I can only make this suggestion/change into the event, as I can only do so much for someone who's no different from a regular player.
    Arschgeist likes this.
  19. Arschgeist

    Arschgeist Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Or making GM votes count as 2-3 votes, depending on how many voters there are.

    [GM]Shadow likes this.
  20. [GM]Shadow

    [GM]Shadow RedFox Games Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    We'll detail the specifics of the next stage soon, but for now patience patience~
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