Rumble Fighter: 1 vs 1 Demolition Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by [GM]Toast, Mar 4, 2019.

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  1. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Hello Fighters,

    The 1 vs 1 Demolition Tournament is finally over. Several upsets have been made, but at the end of the day, there remains only one winner. The Dark Horse of the tournament: @NJSmasher has won it all. Congratulations!

    Now that the tournament is over, we wanted to gather feedback, express our thoughts, and how we will conduct ourselves in future tournaments. We will use your feedback to provide smoother tournaments with clear-cut rules in the future.

    All users who successfully complete the short tournament survey will be given an Orichalcon stone shortly after the survey closes. They survey will close on March 11th, 2019 at 11:59PM PST.

    Short Tournament Survey:

    What We Thought:

    In this tournament, a lot of players did not show up for their scheduled match. We did not want to advance with our tournament with empty slots. We also did not want to allow tournament participants to get away with a free win if we could help it. Our solution to this was to allow substitutes and re-entries under specific conditions.

    Substitute participants:
    • If both tournament participants in a specific match did not show up
    • If a tournament participant forfeits their spot before their match, and the substitute participant expressed interest in fulfilling that spot.
    • They could not finish their match through something that was beyond their control (only applicable if there was available space in the bracket)
    • Communicated with us beforehand that they could not make their tournament slot but were open to being rescheduled for a later time (only applicable if there was available space in the bracket)
    • They have participated in tournaments in the past with a flawless attendance record
    • There was an open spot that needed to be fulfilled immediately
    What Happened:
    • Multiple substitute and tournament participants thought that re-entry, regardless of available slots, was unfair and should not have happened in the first place.
    • Re-entry was not made available to all tournament participants. Tournament participants who did not receive re-entry thought it was incredibly unfair and targeted towards them.
    • Substitution slot is not a good idea because substitutes thought they could take any no-show space. Unfortunately, due to scheduling issues unknown to them, we could not make this happen.
    Issues with Tournament Ambassador:
    The Tournament Ambassador played a crucial role in this tournament, allowing simultaneous matches to be held without RedFox employees having to take a step back from their day to day responsibilities. The Tournament Ambassador live streamed their entire matches to prove that there was no favoritism going on, however the position is not without faults.
    • The Tournament Ambassador spectated matches on their main personal account. While on their personal account, they received private messages from either their friends or tournament participants which proved to be distracting. This issue was later addressed.
    • On multiple occasions, the Tournament Ambassador would say something like "?" in reference to the lag, often distracting tournament participants.
    • Lack of experience lead to questionable decision making which on occasion led to restarting a round, however did not affect the tournament overall.
    DDoS Issues:
    DDoS issues have been relevant since RedFox Games has taken over Rumble Fighter. We have looked into these issues and have worked with authorities to report any DDoS threats. We have taken down a number of "services" used for DDoS, however the fact remains that we are not your Internet Service Provider. This means, we cannot prevent DDoS attacks from happening to your connection because we cannot control your home connection. If you need additional DDoS protection, please consult with your Internet Service Provider.

    If you wish to hide your connection from potential threats without relying on your Internet Service Provider, we recommend using these VPN services, guaranteed to work with Rumble Fighter:

    For DDoS reports to the authorities to be successful, we need your router logs or evidence from your Internet Service Provider that your home connection has been maliciously attacked during the time and date you claim.

    We take DDoS threats very seriously, and even implied threats may receive a temporary to permanent ban in game.

    Moving Forward:
    • Substitute entries will only be allowed if a participant in the tournament match forfeits their placement at least 12 hours ahead of their match.
    • In the event that both teams or individuals do not show up for their match, two teams or individual substitutes may take their place, but must be immediately available
    • We will only allow substitutes from people who have signed up for the tournament and will not take late requests.
    • Substitutes will only be allowed in the first round.
    Tournament Ambassadors:
    • Tournament Ambassadors will be trained and given strict guideline on how to run tournament matches without GM supervision.
    • Tournament Ambassadors must live stream or record and upload their matches ASAP.
    Lag Issues:
    • If two users are lagging with one another, unless the defeat was due to game breaking lag, the match will continue. All lag judgements will be issued at the end of the match as to not distract any of the tournament participants while the round is still being played.
    • If there is a lag judgement being made, the next round (if applicable) will not be played until the [TA] or [GM] have announced their judgement. Lag judgements are usually indicated by the [TA] or [GM] saying "Pause". Users are expected to suicide during this round.
    • Tournament participants will take full responsibility if they decide to type in chat or suicide while a tournament match is still going on without explicit permission or direction from the [TA] or [GM].
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2019
    Tengu, Starberry, PerroLoco and 3 others like this.
  2. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    After obtaining some feedback, we have decided for the thread to be up for public discussion. If there's any additional feedback you would like to give that wasn't addressed in our survey or thread, please let us know here.
    Starberry and PerroLoco like this.
  3. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    It's still winter.
    BassBreaks and PerroLoco like this.
  4. PerroLoco

    PerroLoco Member

    Mar 23, 2016
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    How would you choosing the people to be the tournament ambassadors? Are they for only seasonal or temporary?

    How would you improve to communication with the player who wish to reschedule?

    What you think you should put the player that has been reschedule with different opponent or same opponent on the reschedule?

    From my understanding, if player lose and moved to the loser tournament and give them chance to win the 1st place in later?
  5. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    We choose tournament ambassadors if they have proved they can do the following:
    • Stream every match with saved a saved VOD for review later
    • Record every match and upload it as soon as possible.
    For safety reasons, we also require our tournament ambassadors to have high quality VPNs.

    Tournament Ambassadors will only retain the role during tournaments, so they're seasonal. We will likely invite the same Tournament Ambassadors due to experience. As we expand tournaments, we would like to invite more players into the role so that more matches can be spectated and we are not limited to business hours for the tournament.

    Since our spectators only have a finite amount of time, schedules are usually set in stone. As we expand our tournament ambassador program, we will have more player spectators, therefore we would not be restricted to just business hours. The only way we could reschedule however is if both players agree to the reschedule, otherwise it would be unfair to the player who showed up on time.

    Reschedules with different opponents will not happen again. If you are referring to your friend's case, both Reservation and DeathScooby were instances of being put on the reserve bracket, not rescheduled as different opponents.

    Double elimination is a structured format where the loser of a match will enter the loser's bracket. Once they lose in the loser's bracket, that's when their tournament run ends, with the exception of Grand Finals. Grand Finals will be the winner of the loser's bracket vs the winner of the winner's bracket.
    Starberry likes this.
  6. alex8541

    alex8541 Active Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    You state substitutes can only be made if the player forfeits 12 hours before their match. This is nonsense since no one will take the time to do just that. Instead u should indeed let only people who signed up for the tournament and didn’t make the cut be eligable for substitute but if there is a no show that match should be rescheduld till a substitue is found may this not be the case then let the player who didn’t have his opponent attend pass on to the next match also substitues should only be made in the first round of the tournament. As soon as the second round starts no re-entry - subs may be allowed.
  7. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    We have adjusted in the case there is no shows from both teams or individuals, we will put an immediate substitute in their place. They must be immediately available. If we cannot find two teams or individuals within the grace period, that match will be dropped.
    Starberry likes this.
  8. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    Let me know how I did throughout the tournament as a Tournament Ambassador. It was clear that mistakes were made and proper training procedures need to be done in preparation to revise my role in the next tournament(s).

    However, I would like to see what kind of feedback you guys, as the participants and/or viewers can give me to improve upon.

    If you would like to write this feedback anonymously (not on forums), you are free to write up in the survey form as well.
  9. alex8541

    alex8541 Active Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    So what are you saying there mut be 2 no shows? for you guys to find the instant sub?! No just with 1 no show u find that immediate sub if its not available then you proceed this all only on first rounds from 2nd round its not up for disscussion and there should be no subs at all.
  10. Xenophyr

    Xenophyr Member

    Jan 7, 2017
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    Is there an update for today!?
  11. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    There will be a update maintenance tonight.
  12. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Yes. Otherwise, it would be unfair to the player who showed up on time.
  13. alex8541

    alex8541 Active Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    This is not ok and unfair for players wanting to participate like me but not being able because other players signed up and got picked instead of me and those players didn’t even show up thats not fair.. like I said the player that is on time will get his match just with a substitute if the sub can be found in time (5 min being the max for example) if no sub can be found the player proceeds no exceptions this would be more fair for everyone.
  14. Nicki

    Nicki Active Member

    Apr 19, 2016
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    What’s the next tournament? When is it? This tournament was a smack in the face to REAL demo players. It was basically a game of luck & lag. Pouch items should’ve never been allowed, PERIOD.

    The entire point of a demo 1v1 is to fight the entire stage, from first floor on up, the final platform at the top should’ve been banned as well. That’s just how demo 1v1s work. My thing is, if you were doing this stage you should’ve asked PEOPLE who DEMO REGULARLY to help you with rules.

    Demo is team stage, better when it’s teams.
    Draygashi likes this.
  15. [GM]Toast

    [GM]Toast RedFox Games Staff Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Sorry, it seems like this will be an issue unless we accept all participants into the tournament. The reason why we limit participants is so that the Game Masters can monitor every single match without relying on Tournament Ambassadors. Unfortunately, we can only spectate games during our office hours, meaning we cannot spectate all the matches. We have tried letting players conduct matches on their own, but we have multiple teams and players lie about their communication status with their intended opponents, claiming lag issues, and other problems demanding GM intervention, which we could not provide. If it were not for the time constraints, we would do it.

    As our Tournament Ambassador program expands, we will revisit this issue, however at the moment, we cannot resolve your specific issue.

    @Nicki @Exocore We will have a Demolition tournament again as 2 vs 2 Demolition was one of the most requested tournaments in the survey. I would like the both of you two help me with strict rules and regulations so it's more representative of the active Demolition player base.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2019
  16. TearstoLead

    TearstoLead Member

    Mar 23, 2016
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    Using Smash Ultimate as the bracket example..
    Does this mean... Striker for Smash Ultimate????!!!
  17. TearstoLead

    TearstoLead Member

    Mar 23, 2016
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    You did a good job, you **** at sui tho, jk. It was your first time so I'm sure the next time will be even better.

    P.S. by update maintenance, do you mean it will be a full update that adds items etc, or just a quick patch? P.S edit: Nevermind it got posted at the same time I posted this LMAO
    Starberry and Draygashi like this.
  18. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    I'm glad that I got the help of fellow players to teach me how to suicide at the beginning of the game properly. Even [GM]Toast was bragging that he could suicide faster!

    Thank you for your kind words though, I appreciate it. This is just a first attempt at an important job, so it was slightly nerve wrecking at the beginning. I know that I made rooms where I did not turn off Items which resulted in some backlash.

    However, I like to think that things can be executed better by learning trial by error. Not everything can be done at first glance.

    By update maintenance, it generally means just a general game update. You can expect to see re-releases, new items and sometimes even overdue game modes like Classic Mode that some players have been waiting for years.

    All matches recorded will be watched at for educational purposes. They will also be kept so that players who missed the matches can get caught up with all the action that happened last week.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2019
    TearstoLead and Draygashi like this.
  19. PerroLoco

    PerroLoco Member

    Mar 23, 2016
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    Then yall need to work on this. Cuz yall didn't do that to DeathScooby when he requested reschedules 3 hour before show up on their schedules da tournament event. However the problem is that you told us that DeathScooby's opponent didnt show up, did yall asked him reschedule when DeathScooby requested da reschedule 3 hour away from his schedule? That's would be reduce to replacing the opponent for DeathScooby, unless if the opponent agreed da reschedule and didn't show up da second time then da tournament event have to move on.

    Still it really look to me DeathScooby got different opponents by just reschedule. Think hard. I am not mad not even DeathSooby, but he's just mad due to the lacked of what you have rule for tournament. It would be different story if you were put DeathScooby to the loser tournament due to the opponent didn't show up and DeathScooby made rescheduled approved by the redfox staff before showing up on tournament, for whose made reschedule and their opponent didn't show up. It would be save your time to worry about the opponent slots spot for DeathScooby with his reschedule. Since we don't like being waste time and wanted move on.

    That's would be sound better system it sound to give the loser a chance to win the 1st place. Basically we will have two winners and then Grand Final there's only one winner either winner's or loser's bracket?

    Now how do you made a score system for loser's bracket from the winner's bracket?

    like this?

    semi final:

    Loser semi final:


    The winner: Humo.
  20. Baidoku

    Baidoku Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    I'm very inactive but ever since Demo 1v1's back in 2007 have been a thing top is banned. Pouch items are cheap in Demo.
    YobitoWorld likes this.
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