It's time for Rumble Fighter change.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HumoLoco, Dec 18, 2018.


Rumble Fighter gonna be shutdown soon?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Or should be Make Rumble Fighter Great Again?

    I don't care about what GM telling us "There's no plan to shut Rumble Fighter down." Don't listen their tricky ass.

    This is for RedFox staff has no idea what make a big change for Rumble Fighter or Nimonix want to know our shet suffered. If this thread is down. You know what is wrong with them. yet if this thread is down, there's chance of Rumble Fighter cease existence and quit our old drugs and move to new games to being on new drug again. Dont believe me? How about this?

    If i dont see a shet. Ima done with rumble fighter and start suicide note.

    Remember this little guy-- @TheFuzionBranz ? Let's check his old dust thread let us wipe his dust off for him. Rumble Fighter Community Thread and the rest of us created thread about the improvement of rumble fighter you took them down. No chance to find old thread which is very similar.

    Or rather you want to read summary like less 5 sentence each of @TheFuzionBranz's long ass paragraph? Read this then. I only pull a pieces of his useful information what we have deal with our game and forum so far. The whole of his thread is kinda useless if you read the whole. The better one I made one for this.

    To me, it is really improve last time we had. It does great job. Let's look at this dumb useless thread should be not in the general discussion because it created a chaos and make our redfox staff confuse af. At least, GM Toast did good job on his final decision on that dumb useless thread. What should be thread suitilable for the general discussion? Let's look at this Question For RedFox Staff, see how is it helpful? Getting an answer from the RedFox staff what they wanted to know.

    We do indeed lack the RedFox staff. by look at this Community and Forum Moderators. You surely see his poll most wanted moderators. Think about forum, I just talked about. They are improved already. Nothing else. Yet, I do want to have an extra person for RedFox staff such as Fisticuffs Fridays. How about hired random person that no knowledge of rumble fighter and limited their opportunities they are only "the event helper" their job is pass to GM. We surely need the community adviser, where new player has no knowledge of rumble fighter but with their infinitely question about the rumble fighter yet we have to limited the community adviser's opportunities as they are not allow to take our thread down, ban us, etc the power of GM's half ass. If community adviser's concerned their best job is to pass to GM or support tickets. Because the adviser, a person who gives advice that they are knowledge of rumble fighter's issues. That's why OGP is being very stupid ass for banning my ass in the first place. That's why I cut @TheFuzionBranz's word out there praised OGP? I know nothing about OGP's existence anymore. We are now in RedFox, not OGP.

    As he mentioned the True Spender. One of my favorite king spender, because i cannot erase my memory how OGP banned me the best one.
    So for RedFox staff understand the better of the true king spender we wanted is. Let me simply put for you.
    $500 for Sage Master Black Perm before Nimonix box it.
    $100 for player's suggestion being release before Nimonix box it.
    Less $50 any old rares from 2007 to 2015. as long as we dont get repeat rares items. For example of Black Stardust set. I have around 5 times to see Black Stardust set being on spender event. What about other that we haven't obtain?

    Yea that's the true king spender because we wanted Sage Master Black Perm not Black Stardust set for $500 right? Black Panther set was used to be king spender back in OGP that's where they delay prize ass and banned me. You dont dare us that delay shet. We dont want any shet delay prize.

    To be honest gonna hate his part of Game subject. Let me pull a few of his important and let's look at other better than his rest.

    RedFox staff, can you please ask Nimonix about any plan for trade system because we need the answer. We don't want to hear them "we have or not planing or thought of implement the trade system." the f**king blah blah. WE WANT HEAR YES OR NO. Simple. Stop wasting our times. Look at this little nig's dumb useless thread? That's how. We want the answer right now not another years.

    Plaza? What the hell. We have no idea why Nimonix slap us da biggest stupid update for Plaza with nothing. We see improved on fishing chest box. but no. that was fake.

    Guild Wars was the main of this game. I used to play guild war a lot used to have at least 1.9k lp. I dont like the rest LP every month. It's insult me and the whole of my old guild war members. You know why. We need more players and keep LP. There's no guild war anymore that's why we dont want to play anymore. If there's no guild war since 2 years? Should've remove it and put family system because everyone do NHAA room more than guild war does. What's wrong with yall rumble fighter community? F**K the nhaa. Rumble Fighter ain't for e-date or date online whatever the f**k you name it.

    It is fact that our game and forum has zero ares for new players who want to be competitive. There's useless guides, because I dont see any person is good at analysis with a tons of scrolls and excores. Yet, we let them run away from us. Why dont yall learn it from Negan from the walking dead? He's great to own all people all he needs?

    We need new mechanic like air panic or bring old skills back to destroy air panic.
    Let's talk about the mechanics. Since it is important than above.

    What are mechanic to Rumble Fighter has it now?

    We see air panic that is.
    What about the old skills that nimonix or ogp took our forgotten skills away? ever heard of faux, rbreak, panic breaking. and more shet? no you dont have heard of them. new gen. f**k off. why air panic? panic breaking is the great feature ever I abused.
    We see some old gens crying over damage scale.
    F**k it. let's look at Mechanic.

    How to stop DDoS attack and lag.
    DDoS problem.
    How many time have I introduced you to dedicated server? but why cheap peer to peer networking? That's why you makes all people leaving/quitting like puss and hide their drugs from their mother.

    How to report and stop the Hackers or the third party.
    Absolutely not. I don't want to talk about it. Pay me up or give me sage master black perm then I will talk about the hacking. It is forbidden for us to speak of it. We agreed their term. Nothing can I talk about hacking. because you know how is their benefit to us. when nimonix being on crack and make Halloween boss mode hard ass that we cannot beat them like crazy but hacker is our hero. Yet you hurt us and them even more.

    So go on, the rest of you. It is up to you to destroy Nimonix what you want Rumble Fighter be.
  2. StarsRf

    StarsRf Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Humo for rumble fighter god af
    HumoLoco likes this.
  3. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    keep it up humo
    HumoLoco likes this.
  4. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Humo hits all the points that players have been ranting about since RuF came to RedFox; This is excellent work.

    This thread's primary objective is what I was arguing in the thread a few hours ago, some ideas in the game need to be explained in detail. Why are some aspects of the game required to be described in detail by the community yet, they get no official say in things such as new scrolls/exocores/mechanics/gameplay. If you don't know how to make the game more efficient, some of us will gladly help in any way we can.

    You would think that if a forum had some threads about issues regarding the game , it would get some attention from the game developers and moderators. I don't believe RuF has a problem with its content; I believe it's a lack of communication between the community and the game developers as well as moderators. I don't want to have to send in a ticket or get my thread shutdown to get an answer about a game I'm spending my money on. It should be taken seriously, and I should feel that I'm being heard.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2018
    doston8 and HumoLoco like this.
  5. xgone

    xgone Active Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Pretty Accurate and Simple.
    Keep it up!
    HumoLoco likes this.
  6. EmranLmfao

    EmranLmfao Active Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    If you guys brought air panic, bring back faux pls
  7. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Should I make a list for mechanic what we need or want to see them as well for new players need to know about the mechanic?
    doston8, Maomi, CokaineCrazii and 2 others like this.
  8. Maomi

    Maomi Clean Up Crew

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Most definetly, apprently the GMs have no power over what's being implemented into the game NimoniX's game developers does. If you make a list they'll know exactly what the players want when people stop paying for these worthless boxes.
    HumoLoco likes this.
  9. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    alright. i will need to collect some shet information on rumble fighter mechanic. also posting video. idk where to recording af. i forget which one i get da recording on laptop lmao. i will try to make list them by end of this week or sooner.
    doston8 likes this.
  10. doston8

    doston8 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I shall await your masterpiece faktz
    HumoLoco likes this.
  11. xZabuZZa

    xZabuZZa Member

    Mar 5, 2016
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    I was taking serious this game whyen I was 13-16yo. Now I'm 22 and I do not even play / pay money for this game anymore.
    It's dying and it should be dead too. Even if they change everything what users want , this game will be dead again. Only dinosaurs are playing...
    HumoLoco likes this.
  12. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Indeed. But what's point of nimonix throw all boxes and cash scrolls and exocores that game is already dead? They should throw carats scrolls and exocores instead. somehow they still pull off sage master perm and trick us to use all our money on it.

    It is like if you walk into the car dealership. you want buy that, you expected to pay it off in 24 payments for $16k with 10% interest. You talked with the dealer, and now that guy tricked your ass and slap your ass to that signed it and you realized you had to pay it off in 72 payments for $16k with 20% interest which is cost you triple from what car's worth.

    That's why people left it and looking other games.

    There's reason why people left rumble fighter are:

    Too poor to spend on rumble fighter due to OGP ruined everything on the transfer event because we have no proof of purchased items we had to limited choose only 30 items are transferred.

    Their friend quit, so they join the same drug as their friends.

    They got no life.

    Guild war is no longer.

    Too low population.

    Fear of repeating history.

    RedFox killed our old God Forum and our forum systems.
    doston8 likes this.
  13. SailorVenus

    SailorVenus New Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    We need to make RF great again! Also put some box items to the store!
  14. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Which box items you talk about?

    I am sure most people dont want the boxes.
  15. Suwoo

    Suwoo New Member

    Apr 4, 2017
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    When was the last time a carat scroll was released after metatron?
    HumoLoco likes this.
  16. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Dambe came out in like a year ago or mostly be two year ago. That is the last time carat scroll was released after "another" scrolls. "another" scrolls was released in two year ago after metatron.
  17. SailorVenus

    SailorVenus New Member

    Apr 26, 2017
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    I meant the items in box!
    HumoLoco likes this.
  18. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    basically you wanted no box but the items in box should be in the store is that what you wanted to talk about?
  19. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    i didnt say all issues are fixed. only they are fixed a little.

    I do totally agreed with what you have made a point.

    Let me tell you guild war is perfect balance. only need change the math for da ladder point af and stop that shet rest lp every monthly. da rules doesn't matter if you can follow or cheat rule, there's no rules.
  20. furkan13muh

    furkan13muh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Humo “The Preacher” Loco back at it again!

    You’re so right, yet RedFox actually doesn’t seem to care, man..
    HumoLoco likes this.
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