Skill Exp rates

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ForestWolf, Feb 24, 2017.

  1. ForestWolf

    ForestWolf Member

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Hey guys, greetings RF staff,

    I could actually open the thread by showing my bleeding fingers and the bones of my finger tips, but my target is to actually create a decent discussion about skill exp rates.

    In my opinion, they are way too low compared to the level experience rates. I am playing a nuker and noticed right away, that the higher level nukes level extremely slow. To make you understand how slow: the stun nuke at C5 is getting LESS than 0,01 for one cast, it is actually about 0,007 per cast, so I have to use it 3 times to get 0,02%. This would be no problem if it was an active or at least a spammable skill, but unfortunately it is a 2-second casting nuke with 7 seconds cooldown. In best case, if I use it all the time it would take me 35 hours of non-stop grinding with using this skill without breaks to get it to C6, where it will only get worse. Even if i grind 5 hours a day, it will take me a week without manuals. In a week I can reach IM or even higher player level, so you can see: the skill progress is not equivalent to player level progress.
    The stun nuke is actually not the worst example - the AOE nuke is even far worse and gets under 0,1 with a cooldown of 10 seconds+ at Cheng 2.

    It might be the problem is only with nukes having that low exp, but since it is the only way for a CK class to grind, it slows down the grinding and creates a disadvatage in PvP.

    Do you have similar examples? How do you train slow leveling attacks/nukes?
    I think the skill exp rates need to increased to x2, how they are during most events. That rate seems fitting for the progress of the character. Another possible solution would be making Honour Student stack with manuals.
    balb1n0, machatzi and Klitz like this.
  2. FuriaAlba

    FuriaAlba Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    You either didn't pay atention to how xp increase works or you ain't that good with % maths. Anyway the system works the same as before, their events increase base rates and whatever multiplier you get from decos, prem, cards, league buffes, formations or other xp increase instances increase that rate.

    I reckon you will post I am wrong so just incase you do I will ask how would 0.15x3= 0.60?

    Same idea is for skill or plain level xp. I agree tha smash/nukes xp is kinda low thou.
  3. DadSav

    DadSav Member

    Oct 8, 2016
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    The rates are slow...............but you will max your skills before you max your level if you put any effort into it.

    Sure, it would be cool to be LM and have maxed skills, but does that make any sense? Your character still has a ton of growth to go.
  4. FuriaAlba

    FuriaAlba Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    You **** at this game if you can't tell how a simple xp increase works, you **** at explaining also and you **** at maths.
    It's easy to check that a buff that gives 1% a cast without event on a 2x event gives 2% and when you use a 3x manual you get 6% a cast, easy to check with any basic clan meditation also.
    If there's any advice I could give you is that you stop using the internet and start going to school maybe?
    I probably don't know everything regarding 9Dragons, it's not necesarlly my ambition to do so, but you on the other hand are very limited.
    If you're going to reply, put your mind to work a little, be a little competitive once in your life.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2017
    loafgehasd likes this.
  5. soloseff

    soloseff Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    skill xp rates are fine

    its not normal to max out your skills before you max out your level.

    When you're level cap you can still work on your skill lvls for the real dedicated players

    If everyone is running around with c10 skills then there is no challenge

    The lvl xp rates are actually worse then skill xp rates atm
  6. FuriaAlba

    FuriaAlba Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Nah, you just one of those low end people that know insults instead of usefull stuff, if you think you can "own" someone over the internet by insulting and puting some false information then you sure are in top of your game, keep going.
    loafgehasd likes this.
  7. FuriaAlba

    FuriaAlba Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Where was I crying? You halucinating now? Must be some good weed you got there. I'm mostly curious how long you will you continue to endulge me with your lackluster comebacks.
    loafgehasd likes this.
  8. soloseff

    soloseff Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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  9. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    You should see how slow it is on traps lols 0.01% per casting, 0.01% every 3s = 0.003% every second. And cooldown time is 3mins+

    Well, good news, I maxed them all lols The only healer who has maxed out all traps :)

    Skill rate is ok, then? lols
  10. FuriaAlba

    FuriaAlba Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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  11. Ubermensch9

    Ubermensch9 Member

    Mar 23, 2016
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    Why has everyone gotten so hostile? Thread was a discussion, you guys start flaming, acting like you're better than everyone else. Please be objective in this discussion, thank you. Having said that, I can live with the low skill exp rates for buffs, but as a nuker getting a 15 min cool down on buffs, is silly. I maxed my def buff by SM8, but that's because I can recast every 10 sec (which is still very high), I do agree skill exp is low. I need to use x2 manuals and I might go from c2 to c3 in 10 levels. This is at SM I'm taking about
  12. ForestWolf

    ForestWolf Member

    Feb 17, 2016
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    The AOE is definetely most ridiculous skill to level. I got it on the 3rd day after the server was open and leveled it since permanently on x3 manuals, including most of the event times. Now what would you guess how far i got? C3...almost two weeks of manuals and events and its only C3. I will get HG in few weeks and by then im sure, it wont be higher than C5

    Now RedFox, you saw confirmation by a lot of player with examples proving the rates are far below anything decent. Please consider increasing it permanently to x2, or making more often events with x3, or allowing honored student manual stack with nornal kung fu training manuals.
    loafgehasd and balb1n0 like this.
  13. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Show me your Dodge trap, Crit trap, Heal trap and 100% accuracy trap please lols

    You are talking to the only Healer WHO MAXED ALL TRAPS and you are kinda confident in your knowledge. Take pictures then show me. Don't talk about damage traps, they are mostly useless. For pvp? Forget it, like people would stand in your damage trap?

    If you show me the traps I mentioned above, I'll show you my actives and smashing, all maxed out!

    I hope you know what you are talking about lols
    loafgehasd likes this.
  14. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Are we still talking about the skill exp rate of RedFox? I'm feeling like we ain't even have the same topic lols
    loafgehasd likes this.
  15. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    My char's name is Miyo. And once again I repeat, I'm the only Healer in RedFox's server who has MAXED ALL TRAPS. And as the only one who know how it feels when all traps are maxed, I say smashing and actives are nothing to compare with traps.

    You keep talking about buff skills and damage-traps when I was asking you to show buff-traps. Buff-traps is the main point of being a healer. You know what it means to be immortal for 30s with 2s of casting time? Its a Dodge trap. How about the ability to root and silence enemy for 30s continuously with 2s of casting time? The damage-traps, which I agree, are easy to level up and they are no big deal. The main point is buff-traps and they are 10 times harder than training a smashing (180s cooldown while a smashing is only around 18s cooldown, some even less with mastery -2s cd on smashing).

    The pain I suffered to max all the buff-traps. How dare you look down on my works by claiming "easy" without any evidence. I bet you don't even know whats the stat of the buff-traps look like when they are maxed. A smashing can be re-cast in seconds. A buff-trap has cooldown counts as minutes! And with the same skill exp rate, how dare you claim something that you don't even have a clue on.

    P/s: my level? HG10!
  16. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Thanks for supporting my opinions. Actives and Smashing are totally doable.

    Btw, I used x3 x4 and x5 exp skill for trap training and I just maxed the traps last month.
    I was here when the Tao server first been opened. Took me a year to max those traps and its so annoying when someone shiiting on my works without any evidence.
  17. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Do you even know what you are talking about?
    Say the Dodge trap, you don't land the trap and get 1%
    You land the trap you get 0.01% (cheng 1 btw, with higher cheng, the lower the exp). For every 3 seconds you are your teammates are in the trap, you get 0.01% every 3 seconds. so 0.1% for 30s then you have to wait 210 seconds + 6s of casting. So in total, you get 0.00053763%/s. IF (here a big IF) you have all the condition like you said (people afk and willing to party you). And, hey, its just cheng 1. Do you know how much exp/3s for higher cheng traps?

    Now complain to me again, whats the rate of your smashing or active?
    Use my method of calculating exp to show me the "loooowwww" rate you got there.
    Btw you dont need a "afk" or "party" to train you smashing eh? What an unfair "Hell"!
  18. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    So you didn't check the images the others posted?
    The one that I thanked for supporting me?

    This one?
    Credit: Santiago23751

    Did you say Hyb/Nuker? lols

    Btw you can just target some bugged mobs and go to bed with your built-in auto skill trainer on. Unless you, the one has played 9Dragons for so long doesn't know where to train ck skills? I'm saying you can train ck skill/smashing/even light foot while away from keyboards. You cannot do that do traps! And yes traps are the worst to level since you have to actually sit there and click!
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2017
    KProphetK likes this.
  19. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Now I dont even get where you going to. Just fuking auto skills then go to bed. Whats the big deal?

    Btw show me a picture where all your traps are maxed please. You keep saying but showing nothing about the traps that I wanted to see.

    Oh wait I get it! You don't know how to use auto skills :)) You don't know where are the bugged mobs that you can train your ck skill on them for whole day long :))

    I see, now all that make sense.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2017
  20. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Hey your lack of knowledge about the built-in auto is not my fault!

    And we are talking about skill training and its rate in RedFox server. Stop complaining about your old days or your style of training or w/e. Idc :p Lets talk about the present at this moment.

    So, with the auto, ck skills are not a nightmare at all! Bleh!

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