My only 1 suggestion!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CaptainHook, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. CaptainHook

    CaptainHook Active Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    As title says, so here we go: Make IM (Item mall) cheap, few items obtainable only from there, but every item mall item to be tradable in game just a big BUT don't make this server a P2W (pay to win) server, thats my only wish else it su_ _ s. Tbh MANY players started over and over on different servers, and i don't really think they wanna donate to much especially on a "new" server. I know i know this server sounds promising but still...just think abt it:D
    Kazu likes this.
  2. Jamie

    Jamie Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    If players refused to spend money on useless rubbish then the company would have to rethink their prices. Nobody seems to have any issues spending $35 on a costume so it is the players fault. Don't expect a brand new game where there will be a flourishing community, it isn't going to happen.
  3. CaptainHook

    CaptainHook Active Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    35$ for a deco isn't a problem, but there are other things u may need! Lets have a look on our mighty GC official server, this should be the best example! So...what u need 1st of all? 90 days premi i belive. After that? Char is getting stronger and stronger....ughhhh it's getting excited now! What else we need? We need a damm 4 slot weap weap 1st of all (2 js) oh wait +0 weap has horrible dmg, lets buy some scales and tears also!. Ohhh wait i made the weapon +11 dead (most times like on gc) lets buy some blue boxes hoping for a +2 scroll or +1 so the char will be more stronger! OK the char has ended with +11+1 dead weap, a deco and 90 days premi! Weeeee we RULE, but how much $$ spent? (talking abt GC server still) Maybe like 100$? Ok lets move on! Damm brosss i wan't pvp now, pve is boring!!!! What i need? hm hm? Another weapon with pvp stats (crit orns in it and so on). Ok this is also done...but what the hell???? The char died in 3-4 hits!!! Ok lets donate 70$ more and make a speed deco and a dex one for pvp then we Boom Shakalaka the noobs down! In total how much $$ is spent till now(on gc)? Maybe like 200$ aprox? See? This is what i'm talking abt! I agree to buy all these things for the begining, but not with such a ridiculous high prices like on gc official!
    itsthem and Kazu like this.
  4. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Maybe one day a game will adopt my philosophy of free to play, pay for perks.
    IE, you can pay (cheap to mid) to save time from grinding/farming, or for vanity items (expensive).
    Alas, I will probably have to put out my own MMO someday to see that implemented properly.
    I always figured I could make more money on selling people custom toons and gear skins than anything that would affect game play. People like their bling after all. But that would require actual forethought and intelligence on the part of the game devs.
  5. wowzors77

    wowzors77 Member

    Jan 4, 2016
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    The cheaper the items are in the IM the more money people are likely to spend. i never understood why they dont lower prices. people have multiple characters that they wanna have nice decos on and also multiple refined weps. but when i see high prices i think i would only buy once then never again. example " deco cost $20 ok ill buy one but thats it. but lets say deco is only 10$ i might buy for all 3 characters and maybe different kinds of decos."< this is just example and in no way defines prices before or current.

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