A question for the Devs and RedFox

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kito420, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I will make it short and sweet. Why do you insist on adding items of damage and nothing for HP? You have nukers who can do 25k in 1 hit, and for most players under HG that dont have the kind of HP. I think you need to change the HP rate to make it so we have more HP to fight with. How can pvp become balanced if people are 1 hitting everyone? There is a complaint about 30% hp pills that is kinda dumb if you ask me. If there was no 30% hp pills, pvp would last 3 seconds and if you are alone you would be dead. The pvp in this game is such crap. These so called "bad ass players" only get strong during your events.

    I honestly dont want to play a game where other players dont have to rely on working for their own items. Instead you give them to them during events. Just like last event, VN league abused and exploited every chance they got to farm Kunlun boxes. You should have done a roll back because you screwed a lot of people over by changing the box drop rates. You changed the rates after they had spent 12+ hours farming. When those servers came back up it was daylight in Vietnam and 1am-3am USA time. I was rather mad that as soon as i got home yall decided to patch that. They they exploited chickens and haystack. Still no roll back. So now they have all the best items from exploits. [ I dont care who comes here trying to say im crying or complaining because im not. They exploited and cheated and got no punishment]

    This game is going to fail very soon because you are more worried about other titles than this one. You have 1 GM who is partially active in the forums and not a single VGM or GM in game to check on stuff. There are still glitched weapons on the server and nothing has been done even though Ahri keeps saying it was all removed, but fact remains that a CS cannot grind in Icy dung let alone solo it. Just kinda getting fed up with a game that has no rules and a lawless system and when we say there are issues, you tell us its in game drama instead of doing your job and logging to check the problems. Added more items to the mall to benefit your pockets but what about good content and events weekly? I am shocked there is a x2 event back to back weeks.
    ReportJinxPlease and MMMMMMMM like this.
  2. VSlash86

    VSlash86 Active Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    they already put the top items from & for Kunlun on IM,... this server will probably close soon
    balb1n0 and MMMMMMMM like this.

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