[Exocore + Set + Title] Twisted Dagger

Discussion in 'Exocore' started by Starberry, Mar 8, 2016.


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  1. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Price : 980 Credits

    All Class Exocore (Except Android)

    Description :
    An ordinary weapon that cannot be tapped into it's full potential without a clear mind from the user. Defend yourself and allies from ranged attacks by creating a mysterious barrier and travel through the shadows to closely attack enemies nearby, leaving nothing but faint traces and dead bodies. The energy emitted from this Exocore remains unknown to the scientists of Neo Alchemist City, and the Guardians seek this weapon in order to gather concentrated light to purify the darkness and chaos caused by the Dark Guardians.
    <Created by IGNs : Pulse & Hito>

    Note to developers :

    Upon activation (optional) : +3 SPD, +5 CRI when activated.
    *The dagger is supposed to be VISIBLE while doing the skills*
    Your scroll's properties remain unchanged, except for the Counter.

    The dagger shown in the Stance and Optional transformation animation is supposed to float at shoulder level, NOT low.


    Cross your arms around your body while the dagger floats in the air.


    Transformation Animation (Optional):

    Float lightly above the ground while the dagger is summoned in front of you.
    Note : This does not dodge recovery kicks.

    Guard (Optional):

    Default guard.

    Blocks using a hand, with the weapon resting on the user's shoulder. (If possible, add a dark effect when blocked attack, similar to how when someone hits while you block, a blue effect appears.)




    Type text
    Hit number text

    Speed Levels
    (Lowest to Highest)
    Very Fast

    Recovery Levels
    (Lowest to Highest)
    Very Good

    Damage Text
    Special Descriptions

    Combo List :

    [​IMG] [​IMG] (Counter)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Last edited: Aug 20, 2017
    NeoStrayFox, Squad and Windstorm like this.
  2. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    [​IMG] [​IMG] (Counter)

    Short front-sending Counter : Blade Toss
    (G + K) P : When connected, toss them above the ground. By pressing the punch key afterwards, summon several blades to pierce your enemy. | 13 Hits | Damage : 175, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 = [295] | Speed : Average | Recovery : Good


    *Similar to Android default scroll's counter, but opponents is held in the air for approximately 1 second in order for the blades to strike the opponent*



    Defense Barrier : Wall of Light
    V : Creates a barrier in front of you that blocks ALL ranged attacks. It will shatter after receiving a certain amount of damage. Additionally, the barrier will heal nearby allies. The barrier does not block opponents (opponents will be able to go through the barrier) (You are freely able to move after casting the barrier, but you may not switch exocores. Switching exocores results in the barrier to be broken.) SP will be reduced slowly every second the barrier is in place. (If insufficient amount of SP, barrier will be broken.) | 0 Hit | Damage : 0 | Speed : Fast | Recovery : Good


    SP Decrease per Second : 12
    Shatter after receiving 1200HP total damage.
    User + Team Member HP heal rate : 100 HP per 2 seconds (drains 40HP from barrier HP every time barrier heals team members + self)
    Cooldown : 7 seconds (when broken)
    Will be broken if user presses V again (even if attempting to use charged V skill)

    Animation when broken :




    Diving Strike : Twisted Burst
    (V) : Gather even a greater light energy and release it completely to perform several rapid slashes. Afterwards, elegantly drop down back to the ground. Additionally, nullify and cancel your opponent's buffs while cancelling any debuffs made to your allies. if any hits are connected. Very safe. | 12 Hits | Damage : 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 50, 100 = [350] | Speed : Very Fast | Recovery : Good


    SP - 45
    Effect : Remove buff of opponent who was hit by the skill. (Removes : Speed Up, Power Up)
    Effect : Remove debuff of allies nearby. [Removes Poison, Slow, Blindness] (casting debuff range is similar to Caduceus's range)
    *Cannot simultaneously use the barrier and this skill at once*


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Projectile Shadow Clone Dash Attack : Merciless Slash

    B : Instantly focus your mind and body to blend into the shadows and summon a clone of yourself. If connected, press the punch key to phase through any opponents and slash them once, similar to Seven Nights. Opponent is forbidden to block any attack for a small duration after connected. | 1 Hit | Damage : 430 | Speed : Average | Recovery : Below Average


    SP - 50
    Damage is FIXED, meaning it will always hit 430 damage no matter the circumstance.
    Optional Effect : If the dash hits, a special blue flame buff is granted, giving the user additional SPD. [1 Level] (Speed UP)
    Optional Effect : If the dash hits, activate debuff, preventing opponent from guarding/blocking any attack for 5 seconds.
    *Distance covered is the same as Dark Slayer's dash skill*


    The following effect can be used when dashing (in the background, similar to how the "Z" Exocore does.) Effect only will be done on opponent's screen :


    Aura Effect Animation : User is cloaked with a shining aura, to give you the buff.

    NeoStrayFox, Squad and Windstorm like this.
  3. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Set Design

    Title :

    Title Description : Purify dark energy with the Spectral Light... <Designed by IGNs : Tiny & Pulse>

    Male :


    Female :


    Set Description : Only a clear mind can allow the way for victory. <Designed by IGNs : Shina & Pulse>

    References :
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Stats :

    Spectral Light Title (Unisex) - SP +50, STR +3, ARM +2, +30 CRI
    Spectral Light Mouth Accessory (Unisex) - SP +6, STR +1, ARM +1
    Lunar Eclipse Hair Accessory (Unisex) - CRI +15
    Lunar Eclipse Necklace (Unisex) - SP +60
    Twilight Eyes (Unisex) - No Stats
    Twilight Gloves (Unisex) - SP +60 <1 Socket>
    Twilight Wings (Unisex) - SP + 30

    Spectral Light Hair (M) - SP +65, STR +1
    Spectral Light Top (M) - SP +30, STR +3, CRI +5 <2 Socket>
    Spectral Light Bottom (M) - HP +30, ARM +2, CRI +5 <2 Socket>
    Spectral Light Shoes (M) - SPD +1, JMP +1

    Lunar Eclipse Hair (F) - SP +65, STR +1
    Lunar Eclipse Top (F) - SP +30, STR +3, CRI +5 <2 Socket>
    Lunar Eclipse Skirt (F) - HP +30, ARM +2, CRI +5 <2 Socket>
    Lunar Eclipse Boots (F) - SPD +1, JMP +1

    Set Effect #1 : Accessories & Exocore (Similar to HwanNinjitsu/Shadow Ninjitsu Set Effect)

    Spectral Light Mouth Accessory
    Lunar Eclipse Hair Accessory
    Lunar Eclipse Necklace
    Twilight Wings
    Twisted Dagger
    2 Set : SP +5, JMP +1
    3 Set : SP +10, SPD +1
    4 Set : SP +15, ARM +1
    5 Set : SP +20, STR +1, CRI +15


    Set Effect #2 : Spectral Light Set [M] & Lunar Eclipse Set [F] (Excluding Title, Eyes, Accessories and Exocore)

    Spectral Light Hair (M) // Lunar Eclipse Hair (F)
    Spectral Light Top (M) // Lunar Eclipse Top (F)
    Spectral Light Gloves (M) // Lunar Eclipse Gloves (F)
    Spectral Light Bottoms (M) // Lunar Eclipse Skirt (F)
    Spectral Light Shoes (M) // Lunar Eclipse Boots (F)
    2 Set : SPD +1, JMP +1
    3 Set : HP +30, SPD +1
    4 Set : STR +1, ARM +1
    5 Set : SP +12, STR +2, CRI +10
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2016
    NeoStrayFox, Squad and Windstorm like this.
  4. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Update Log :

    12/14/14 9:23PM PST :
    Thread created.

    12/15/14 6:47PM PST :
    Counter Added.
    Panic Added.
    Grab Added.
    Changes to skills.
    Granted kG into uncharged V.
    Made original V to charged V.
    Finished Product.

    12/15/14 9:49PM PST :
    Added a few extra notes, and updated description.

    12/21/14 3:46PM PST :
    Added shop image, by Draygashi.

    12/22/14 3:44PM PST :
    Replaced old GIFs with new ones. (Fixed?)
    Added Guard.
    Various types of text (different colours.)

    12/23/14 1:52PM PST :
    Replaced Panic and Stance GIFs with new ones. (Fixed?)
    *Problem with Blue Aura GIF* <- noted
    Added Panic Attack Combo image, thanks to Draygashi.

    01/01/15 11:55AM PST :
    A few changes made to some animations.
    Further problems with GIF* < - noted

    02/16/15 10:01PM PST :
    GIFs should be fully functional now.
    Stance removed.

    07/01/15 3:15PM PST :
    Added new stance.
    Added optional transformation animation.
    Changed charged V skill from a ranged attack to a close-up grab dash skill.

    07/01/15 3:45PM PST :
    Modified grab and counter.

    07/02/15 11:40AM PST :
    Fixed Panic Attack combo button.

    08/19/15 11:05PM PST :
    Added some stats for new set.

    08/21/15 1:06PM PST :
    Removed Panic & Grab.
    Modified V and B skills respectively :
    V - Added HP recovery for team members and increased the HP of the barrier. Cooldown when broken increased from 5 seconds to 7 seconds. Physical Attacks will no longer result the barrier in being broken. Added that the barrier does not block opponents.
    B - Added a better description of the attack.

    08/'22/15 2:08PM PST :
    Modified damage on B skill.
    Added all stats for set.

    08/27/15 7:40PM PST :
    Added title design, by Tiny.

    08/30/15 9:52PM PST :
    Adjusted stats of the set.
    Added 2 Set Effects.
    Increased penalty of barrier HP cost if healing allies.
    Decreased damage of both charged V and the B skill.
    Exocore is finished.

    08/31/15 2:15AM PST :
    Decreased damage on B skill while adding damage to charged V skill.
    Changed charged V skill from 6 hits to 1 hit.
    Modified description.

    09/02/15 5:26PM PST :
    Modified stats on set to have them slightly lower again.

    10/12/15 1:29PM PST :
    Modified description.
    Added a mouth accessory to the set.
    Modified stats on set to be lowered, in return for a mouth accessory.
    Modified counter.
    Modified charged V skill, now has an effect to remove debuff of team/allies.
    Modified B skill, now has an effect to prevent opponent from guarding.

    11/11/15 10:49PM PST :
    Added wings to the set, and modified set effects for the item addition.

    12/20/15 4:18PM PST :
    Changed a few names of the set for a more "light & dark" theme.
    Added Shingamie on credits for the set.
    Added an extra note on the stance.

    12/26/15 6:58PM PST :
    Added set design, by Shinagamie.
    Twisted Dagger 100% complete.

    03/02/16 4:52PM PST :
    Added references to the set design.
    Changed the gloves to become unisex, like what was initially presented.
    Suggestion has been changed to "In Progress" to re-do some animations.

    03/02/16 10:20PM PST :
    Animations redone.
    V skill charged has been replaced with a slash attack sequence.
    Original V skill charged -> B skill
    Modified counter.
    Added barrier breaking animation.
    Modified aura animation for the B skill.
    Modified background dash animation for the B skill.
    Twisted Dagger set to "Complete".

    03/04/16 10:16AM PST :
    Changed counter from 2 hits to 13 hits. Damage reduction included.

    03/08/16 4:45PM PST :
    Twisted Dagger is moved to RedFox.
    Credits :

    YohDreams for the combo button images.
    Hitsuru for the charged V button image.
    Draygashi & PatrickRF for additional help. (Draygashi for the shop image and Panic Attack Combo Image.)
    Tiny for the title.
    Shinagamie for help with the set design.

    This exocore is based on : Byakuren Hijiri (Touhou), Yukari Yakumo (Touhou) and Sakuya Izayoi (Touhou)
    The set is based on : Akame (Akame ga Kill!) , Chelsea (Akame ga Kill!) and Accelerator (Toaru Majutsu no Index)

    Creator's words :
    This exocore is specifically for supporting, stalling and performing things on the defensive. It is NOT supposed to feel like you're going to overpower opponents like Attack Booster, Sword of the Commander and Berserker.
    NeoStrayFox, Squad and Windstorm like this.
  5. Cyclone

    Cyclone New Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Cisfor, Windstorm and Yusuke like this.
  6. Tides

    Tides Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Looks weebie as f*ck, support.
    Windstorm likes this.
  7. Yusuke

    Yusuke Best Dressed

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Really like that male set tho! Support.
    Windstorm likes this.
  8. PoFolks

    PoFolks Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    I feel sad I know the original game, imma dude to and live every second of it, support !
    Windstorm likes this.
  9. Pacman

    Pacman Clean Up Crew, Hottest Runner Ups

    Mar 3, 2016
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    love the sets and the title ;)
    Autronix and Windstorm like this.
  10. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Thanks for all the support.
    Squad and Windstorm like this.
  11. Ohana

    Ohana Active Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Give me hair.
    Windstorm likes this.
  12. Draygashi

    Draygashi World Record (Al Hata), CUC

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Supported again
    Windstorm likes this.
  13. cici634

    cici634 Member

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Love the set and exo support
    Windstorm likes this.
  14. Cardiac

    Cardiac Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Love the sets. Support.
    Windstorm likes this.
  15. Windstorm

    Windstorm Glacial Master

    Mar 3, 2016
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    I like it. Feels like Raven Fang.
    My only 2 cents are
    1. The [​IMG] should just debuff SPD and STR on hit.
    2. Put the male set in a different thread or just remake it altogether.
    The female version matches the design of this exo much better imo.
    Everything else looks good to me though. Support.
  16. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    1) We'll see. Thanks for the suggestion.
    2) Then... The title will be there for no reason and wouldn't match the exocore description.

    Thank you for your input.
    Squad and Windstorm like this.
  17. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Squad likes this.
  18. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Squad likes this.
  19. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Starberry likes this.
  20. Starberry

    Starberry Community Moderator (RuF) Discord Admin (RuF & 9D) Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Thank you.
    Squad likes this.

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