Update Comrade System

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [CM]NineArts, Mar 24, 2021.

  1. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    A Comrade is a companion who will fight on your side especially when you are in critical situations. The Comrade system will provide greater support as the level of your Comrade goes up.

    As the level of Comrade goes up, you will gain Inner Chi Points. You can choose 1 option from the list of Yin, Yang, Body, Soul, Life, and Vital Energy to increase the stats.

    • Attack Attribute: Yin, Yang, Body, or Soul Attack values will be increased.
    • Resistance Attribute: Yin, Yang, Body, and Soul Resistance values will be increased.
    • Life Transfer: This will increase your life by transferring a certain amount of Life from your Comrade.
    • Vital Energy Transfer: Will increase your Vital Energy by transferring a certain amount of Vital Energy from your Comrade.

    Recruiting a Comrade
    Comrade Recruit system allows you to choose 1 of 6 given Comrades as your companion.
    Each of them has a unique story to tell.

    You can recruit all 6 but can only have 1 accompany you at a time.

    How to Recruit
    • Select 1 comrade from the portraits located on the left side of the window.
    • Select the favorite item for the Comrade you’d wish to recruit from your inventory on the right side of the Comrade UI.
    • Right-click to insert the items into the Recruit Comrade UI and click the Recruit button to hire the selected Comrade.
    recruit 2.png

    Accompanying with Comrades
    The Comrade system allows you to recruit a partner to travel with. When teaming up with a Comrade, they will not only attack together with you but will share vital energy with you in a tough situation.

    Your recruited Comrade will automatically be summoned into battle but can be switched between recruited Comrades by clicking the Accompany button.


    Comrade Information
    Comrade 1.png
    Comrade 2.png
    Comrade 3.png
    Comrade Growth
    Comrades can level up by gaining Exp. Exp will be gained by feeding them their favorite items. The more favored the item, the more Exp your Comrade will receive.

    • Click the Growth button located at the bottom of the Comrade menu.
    • Select and register items that your comrade favors from your inventory.
    • Click the Use button to gain Exp for your Comrade
    Comrade Growth specialized items should be consumed based on your Comrade's current Rank. Comrade Growth Item (M)~(L) is not recommended to be used until Comrade 26 Rank or higher.

    Pure Blue Ointment is extremely rare. If you happen to come across one of these items, be sure not to use it until you are at a really high rank.

    Pure Blue Ointment 2.JPG

    There are 2 types of items used to gain Inner Chi Points the Comrade: Soul Pills (S), Soul Pills (L).

    Soul Pills.JPG

    Comrade Inner Chi Points

    You will gain Inner Chi Points upon each Comrade level up. The points can be used to increase the stats of the special skills such as Attributes Attack, Attributes Resistance, Life Transfer, and Vital Energy Transfer.

    Click Yin Attack, Yang Attack, Body Attack, Soul Attack, Life Transfer, Vital Energy Transfer, Yin Resistance, Yang Resistance, Body Resistance, or Soul Resistance buttons to increase the stats of Comrade that you’ve selected.


    In the case you’ve collected plenty of Inner Chi Points, you can click the details button and click the + buttons for the Attributes you wish to increase.

    • Physical/Chi Kung Damage - Attack Damage of your Comrade
      • Comrades can specialize in either Physical or Chi Kung Damage.
    • Attack Speed - Attack Speed of the Comrade
    • Chance of Special Skill Activation - Special Skill chance of the Comrade
    • Hands of the Inner Destruction - Amount of internal wounds inflicted to opponent
    • Life Transfer - Max Life increase of the character
    • Vital Energy Transfer - Max Vital Energy increase of the character
    • Yin - Yin Attack / Yin Resistance
    • Yang - Yang Attack / Yang Resistance
    • Soul - Soul Attack / Soul Resistance
    • Body - Body Attack / Body Resistance
    • Inner Chi Point - Amount of Inner Chi Points held and used

    Inner Chi Points Reset
    Upon using an item called, 'Oblivion Flower,' all applied Inner Chi Points will reset and able to use again to add their attributes.

    Oblivion Flower 2.JPG
    White Brandy
    Consuming White Brandy will increase the number of attacks as well as increase the chance for your Comrade to cast special skills.

    White Brandy 2.png
    • Click the White Brandy button on the recruited Comrade window.
    • White Brandy Refill: While the White Brandy window is active, select White Brandy from your inventory and click the Use button to recharge.
    • Click the Activate button to activate the item.
    White Brandy will be consumed each time your Comrade attacks.

    Comrade Achievement
    Achievement Rank will be determined after surpassing Comrade Lv99 as listed below:
    Comrade Lv99 or lower
    Defender (Low) -> Comrade Lv100+
    Defender (Mid) -> Comrade Lv200+
    Defender (High) -> Comrade Lv300+
    Entry Guard -> Comrade Lv400+
    Official Guard -> Comrade Lv500+
    The Defense Unit (Low) -> Comrade Lv600+
    The Defense Unit (Mid) -> Comrade Lv700+
    The Master Guard -> Comrade Lv900+
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
  2. kovan10

    kovan10 Member

    Feb 19, 2016
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    why are the first 3 recruiting items only in marketplace? lol
    Despised likes this.
  3. WiseMonks

    WiseMonks New Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Still not fully understand it.so please explain u get the comrade(i feel a Russian way of saying this word).
    Then u can lvl it up by feeding it those IM items.
    And then each lvl it gaon u can put more points in the comrade?
    So how high can u go?
    Put 900 point in hp or VE.
  4. Fate20101990

    Fate20101990 New Member

    Oct 25, 2020
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    Items to be called comrades are that we must buy in the shop or beat monsters
  5. Hermit86

    Hermit86 New Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    GM pls Provide more informations
    For example Nikkon
    The first blue can be found in Ressource, the other 2 can be get where? Only Im?
  6. Thingsidont

    Thingsidont Member

    Feb 19, 2016
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    Are we limited to only having one comrade or are we able to unlock them all and switch between them as we see fit?
  7. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Currently, only the comrade S items can be obtained in-game. the other items can only be obtained via marketplace at this time.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
    MarjonD likes this.
  8. kovan10

    kovan10 Member

    Feb 19, 2016
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    ok and when can we expect to get the other items in game? i mean u bring in this comrade system and the Only way to just even recruit one is to buy items from the item mall. excuse me?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2021
  9. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    You are able to recruit all Comrades, and switch between them as you please via the accompany button.
    MarjonD likes this.
  10. Ozbud

    Ozbud Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    That's exactly how guardians/pets started.....
  11. [GM]Ahri

    [GM]Ahri RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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  12. Revered

    Revered Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    GM, you want a lot of money from us, so I think you can try harder and explain the system better.

    How do they differ, what level 1 can do, why are some marked "Physical", others as "Chi kung", what special skill each of them has, what does it mean "life/ve" transfer (its like heal?) and how much etc.

    Am I right that they don't look so "have to buy" after patch 241? At the moment, what is known is not an incentive to spend money.
    Sedolh likes this.
  13. Sedolh

    Sedolh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    How i understand it at the moment with the littke information that we have.
    Physical does melee attacks and chi kung well are nukers, since they help u attack the same mob u do.
    They dont do a lot of damage.
    If u increase yybs damage, it will increase ur yybs damage as well. If u increase resistance, ur yybs resist will increase as well. (idk might be something for the persons whk dobt have the rat set butbwant to farm hainan, something like that).
    Transfer life and VE i think it is more a bigger leech instead of increase max HP/VE(since itnis saying transfer).

    The trap is not mentioned here in the new map post but it does this.

    -120/1000 HP and VE leech
    -100 all attributes
    -10000/10000 crit rate
    -50% yybs resist.

    I cant tell if it chances or time cause it had a timer.
    So even with rat set(6k yybs) itnwill cut in half i guess, with ur comrade u can increase the resist again a bit. But life/ve im not sure perhaps
    @renatokpz can help us a bit with that explanation.
    Revered likes this.
  14. Perfection

    Perfection Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2015
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    • Attack Attribute: Comrade will attack by using Yin, Yang, Body, or Soul attributes against opponents.
    • Resistance Attribute: Your defense against Yin, Yang, Body, and Soul attributes will increase as the resistance of your Comrade goes up.
    • Life Transfer: This will increase your life by transferring a certain amount of Life from your Comrade.
    • Vital Energy Transfer: Will increase your Vital Energy by transferring a certain amount of Vital Energy from your Comrade
    Adding points in to yybs damage increases comrades damage, not your characters, adding points to yybs resist increases your resist. Adding to hp transfer increase your hp, but it's very very small amount, same with ve, not really worth to add any on those, but rather focus on resist or comrades damage.
  15. Sedolh

    Sedolh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    So does that mean in hainan or kunlun also do more damage, since those are also yybs mobs.
    Then the other question, there are rumors that the bead of golden dragon(which increases yybs) does notnshow or has no effect on yybs mobs.
    Will that be the same case as this?
    Are they doing more against yybs or onoyndamagw against them or perhaps no difference at all??

    Thank you for sharing btw<3
  16. renatokpz

    renatokpz Active Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Sorry for the delay. However, @Perfection answered you very well.
  17. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    sorry was too lazy to post before..
    here is your answer

    ying yang card.png
  18. MarjonD

    MarjonD Member

    Jun 24, 2020
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    Thanks GM ! LONG LIVE
  19. Poisonrum

    Poisonrum New Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    Why are there no details or information about the items needed to recruit the comrades. Where to find the mobs that drop them or what boxes give the drops? what level range you should be in before you worry about a comrade? You didnt even put any initiative into telling us how it works and you expect players to just go buy IM items @_@ how about somebody take time to make it make sense for everyone first because as a returning player this makes absolutely no sense@_@
    KaMiguel likes this.
  20. Poisonrum

    Poisonrum New Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    Last edited: Jul 21, 2021

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