Why is PVP so toxic in 9D?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheDrewCrew, Jun 8, 2019.

  1. TheDrewCrew

    TheDrewCrew New Member

    Nov 29, 2018
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    Hello Guys,

    We all know PVP is a big part of this game. What I don't get is why does RedFox allow some of the most powerful Black leagues in this game to repeatedly mask and PK others for trying to level in LD or farm in KL? I mean the point of this game is to let people grind and get better gear is it not? I mean I get Black vs White but Black vs Black is really discouraging when you're trying to strengthen your own side.

    Mind you this is on the Tao server. So my question to GMs is why don't you do something about it? Or better yet, instead of giving us bulls***t answers like "we'll consider your input" just give it to us straight and say "we won't add a limited anti-pvp buff in KL because you have to buy your way to PVP to defend yourself."

    I'm not hating on PVP I'm just trying to understand the mentality behind it. There will always be assholes and PKing for self defense and/or revenge is justified, but it really says something about the player base and the game's management when the strongest players in the game constantly and repeatedly PK bully people who are minding their own business and trying to compete with others.

    Just my two cents.

    ACAB1312, BirdbrainX and 1Zenkia like this.
  2. RingoChan

    RingoChan Active Member

    Apr 24, 2019
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    I think they're trying to farm karma, on a server which doesn't have enough players to keep up with the old karma system.
  3. Phantomx0o0

    Phantomx0o0 Member

    Jul 6, 2018
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    The only game with pvp, where you are only 1 hit by another high tier player, with AOE.. that's why I quit.
  4. johnevade

    johnevade New Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    I don't understand that we only 2 servers are available. I started to play again but I don't meet with anyone who play with. Game is quite boring for me.
  5. ZacharyWarden

    ZacharyWarden Member

    Apr 20, 2019
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    Look Drew. Your league is currently in a league war. Your League Master could have easily surrendered. You could have easily walked to Icy during Impervious. This is the way the game works. One of you league members accepted a toxic player into your league which is the reason you and your league are Kill on Sight. Once the war is over. Kick the toxic player and that's the end. Yes I farmed you for league points to secure my Leagues win. All you had to do was walk away.
    Chellacious and NateTheGreat like this.
  6. ZacharyWarden

    ZacharyWarden Member

    Apr 20, 2019
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    You should have your League Master surrender and immediately have him kick IlIlIlIlINat

    Attached Files:

    Chellacious and NateTheGreat like this.
  7. BirdbrainX

    BirdbrainX Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Now that we have a more complete story, I can't say I agree with the TS since it was a league war declared due to the presence of a toxic player in the opposing league.

    While I am still against the act of griefing in general commited by players in the game for no particular reason other than stroking their ego, I can understand the reasons for the declared war. I hope once the toxic player in question has left the league, the matter will be settled.
    ZacharyWarden likes this.
  8. ZacharyWarden

    ZacharyWarden Member

    Apr 20, 2019
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    If you notice in the Hero Wars picture, we have the minimum points required for league win. We didnt get carried away, we merely secured our leagues victory. Once the toxic player, IlIlIlIlINat, is out of Wildfire. I assure you that'll be the end of it.
    BirdbrainX likes this.
  9. lazyl3oy

    lazyl3oy Member

    Aug 28, 2017
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    LOL wait until end of BvW every weekend now THAT IS TOXIC.
    Ever since I joined RF 9dragons, and joined about 10 BvW wars, all black side wins, not once did I even get the chance to even see True General Wei.
    Nothing but nuker pks at entrance so only 1 band/ person get TGW rewards.
  10. RingoChan

    RingoChan Active Member

    Apr 24, 2019
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    just roar and ask for master, or plevel, easy to find party if you're willing to invest time and mon-... er.. "resources"
    GoliaX likes this.
  11. Cytrix

    Cytrix Active Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I don't understand what's so bad about dying and being pk'd ? I die a lot and I also kill a lot. That's what makes this game interesting and fun to play. I kill everoyne on sight that I am able to. That is one of the reasons why I put myself through all the grind to become IS level. To be stronge than others and to make use of my strength. Once you are high level and also have good equipment there is not much to do except for killing other players. If it wasn't for that I would've quit a long time ago
  12. RingoChan

    RingoChan Active Member

    Apr 24, 2019
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    *PSA* DO NOT ACCEPT llllNat into your league/band, or if you did, kick him asap

    For comparison;

    Yesterday, I threw a nuke at a high level player as he ran past me at the srs. He raged at me for 15 mins in area chat, then roared expletives. It was about 6 pm? or so server time, and filed a ticket complaining about me.

    For one pk I did on accident. My party even rezzed him right away after I pk'ed him.

    I think it's one thing to pk someone one time, or even 3, 4.. even 5 times.

    And quite another matter to pk the same person 10 times in a row. And then kill their league mates another 10 times.

    I'm not saying it's wrong or right. it's the current game mechanic, and I understand Zakari wants to guarantee a league war win, again.

    Incident went like this: Zakari said let him farm wildfire members for 100 war points so nyck and tieguanyin died like 10 times each , then both were frustrated after dying and logged off since it was nearly midnight in vietnam.

    An hour later, MonkDrew logged in and ended up dying another 10 times to get Zakari his 100 war points, because Zakari made a mistake and needed another 10 kills.

    Zakari said he's killing the minimum needed to win the war, and they could walk away at any time to go to icy, or to nanchang and pick up the 1 hr anti-pk buff.

    So.. I've no idea who llllNat is or what he did to Zakari and his league, but I'll take Zakari's word that he is a complete a**hole.. and any league that accepts llllNat is going to get a war from EC and The Devils.... and whatever league hari][won is in. B

    I can condone 1-2... even 3 kills per person but 10 kills on the same few characters... (probably more than that on MonkDrew since he wouldn't stop self-rezzing and talking back to Hari][Won and Zakari) during weekend x2 event

    Is there a point to this long post? I dunno..

    is the server population high enough that we can spam pk leagues who accept llllNat in? in my humble opinion, this will serve to make people mad and frustrated, and maybe quit the game?... if we can't keep players to keep playing and/or get players to buy cc, there may not be a Tao server around much longer.

    One KPI (key performance indicator) is how many sales are actually happening in hefei, and how long ppl take to sell stuff in hefei/on roar.

    Recently I've seen the same few +14 and +17 weapons for sale for about 4-5 days now, even at reduced prices, and the market still isn't moving.

  13. RingoChan

    RingoChan Active Member

    Apr 24, 2019
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    that said, I've pk'ed more than that in my time on asura (acclaim server), back when I was younger... a lot younger, and cared more about pvp.
  14. TheDrewCrew

    TheDrewCrew New Member

    Nov 29, 2018
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    Hey Ringo,

    Thanks for sticking your neck out for me. Yes this is MonkDrew d^^. But please, don't feel obligated to get involved with this because who knows what length some people in this game will go through to get back at you for speaking out...

    As for the claims Zak imposed on me in this thread, let me make this clear so we get both sides:

    1. A lot of people get invited to WildFire because we are mostly a PvE and pretty friendly league that tries to make all the right friends in all the right places. HOWEVER, I DO acknowledge that there is no possible way we can screen and check on everybody who requests to join. Nobody in Wildfire knows IIIINat or whoever the f**k he is because he doesn't talk to us and is only in the league for attribute buffs. If it were up to me (I can't kick him) I would've booted his toxic ass a long time ago. I hate moochers PERIOD.
    2. Declaring war over one toxic player instead of having a friendly discussion or conversation is pretty petty and unreasonable. Guilt by association is a terrible reason to declare a league war especially if the opposition IS FAR WEAKER than yours. Even If we are equal in strength I WOULD DO ANYTHING in my power to have a talk with you guys first before causing all this stupid e-drama. I don't blame you for hating IIINat and I'm sure he's toxic. Hariwon's league never PKs without reason, so I actually believe you guys. But, please don't lump us all together because of one dude.
    3. When I tried to talk to Zak and Hari to reason with them and telling them repeatedly that I know nothing of what happened, they kept reviving me and PKing me even when I took off my weapon as a gesture of sincerely (not that I can ever PK them and even if I could I won't). What made it worst was that others jumped in to revive me over and over to let them both PK me. I mean, I was trying to reason with you guys and you won't even give me the chance. Come on dude, I've talked to you before Zak I know you have a legitimate reason just please let me explain.
    4. This thread goes beyond what happened to my league. It wasn't meant to directly address to Zak and Hari declaring a league war but rather why the GMs refused to regulate PVP to a reasonable extent in this game. People are getting PKed left and right repeatedly in KL for trying to play the game. Any yet, RF refuses to AT LEAST have a GM go to KL to do some damage control so people can play the game. Once, twice, or even three times is okay, but when people get mask PKed repeated even by people from their own side it is really discouraging. I just wish everybody can get strong and not just a handful of players who are willing to shell out bricks of cash.

    Thank you all for contributing to my discussion. As for the League War, I will do everything I can do resolve the issue.

    KaMiguel likes this.
  15. ZacharyWarden

    ZacharyWarden Member

    Apr 20, 2019
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    Hey Drew, if you notice. None of your leaguemate got Pk'd today by TheDevil. As i stated before, I farmed you for the bare minimum for league war victory. Were not going over board. While my display of carnage was a bit unorthodox and out of character, it was mearly a means to an end. If it hadnt been you, i would of hunted your league until i got my 100 League points. That was simply securing the victory. While your right, consider Hari's language barrier. She doesnt understand english that well. So can't properly explain the situation. How dramatically IlIlIlNat was insulting Hari. Never insult someones mother. We went to war with SwordArt 3x before they got the message and kicked IlIlIlNat. They even changed their name to 14k. I am kind and helpful, but if hari asks me to kill to send a message. Ill do it. I understand your complaint. When it comes to matters like this. I have no sympathy. War is sending a message to EVERYONE. Accept IlIIIINat. Your league will be hunted.
  16. ZacharyWarden

    ZacharyWarden Member

    Apr 20, 2019
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    I also understand none of this is your fault drew. You cant be held responsible for your LM and leaders actions. Yet, you think after we went to war 3x and destroyed a league. Your LM/Leaders would get the hint and avoid IIIINat.
  17. Alys2

    Alys2 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2016
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    tough to play with this drama! Jasmines rule
  18. KaMiguel

    KaMiguel Active Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Let me get this straight. You're going to bully any league that accepts a character that you don't like?

    What are you 13?

    He said something bad about somebody's mother, you know what you can do? Ignore him.
  19. RingoChan

    RingoChan Active Member

    Apr 24, 2019
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    I think that was what Drew preferred too, that you pk him rather than his league mates.

    He is kind, like you are, and has a sacrificial spirit in him to help his band/league.

    Also, I'm glad you speak english well and could help us understand why Hari was mad at llllNat.
    I have had a language barrier with Hari as I'm not fluent in her language.
  20. ZacharyWarden

    ZacharyWarden Member

    Apr 20, 2019
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    Im not the League Master.
    I dont make these decisions. If my League Master declared war. Im going to do my part.
    I can just do my best to explain her situation cause she cant speak english fluently.
    KaMiguel likes this.

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