Gm are doing nothing about the grief issue.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kito420, Jun 8, 2016.


    MMMMMMMM Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    My account got locked for entering my password incorrectly. You should tell your league master to becareful who he/she is inviting into the league. I see some members like, freefighter who came from winter/summer/nomercy who grief other pve leagues and talk sh1t about them because they cannot do nothing about it.
  2. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    We will be cleaning soon enough.
  3. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Everyone starts as a female at conception.
  4. kobasica

    kobasica Active Member

    Feb 16, 2016
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    That is answer for my theoretical question about other ways of making someones grind difficult? ksing, traping, making lag idk...
    I don't care what they did to you, im just amazed how this version is stupid. This will become grief accusation war, I want to get someone banned i ll report him for griefing... I don't get why gms get involved in this.

    What other pvp goal we have in this version? is there any important boss to fight for ? no. is there any BW war? no. is there any pk event? no... I understand why some see the only way to play 9d is to grind and prevent others from grinding. I don't feel harassed by that, its just the way this **** version roll...

    This is the rock bottom this version reached, my amount of caring for it is at minimum. I see this GMs involvement as a police in game they can't edit in way they want... lol...

    Ps. You are so annoying that i understand A4W or any other league for harassing whole your gang, despite there are some really cool ppl.
    Suyong and dnlogin09 like this.
  5. MyJustICE

    MyJustICE Member

    Feb 19, 2016
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    The next Drama Queen :)
    maybe ^_^
    Suyong and kobasica like this.
  6. dnlogin09

    dnlogin09 Member

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Haha noob rockin protect me??? i will think about it when i kill u in next time meet :D
    And for the guy made this topic a word, your are the kid without brain :D
    Report other person because scare to face,then laugh when it finished, just a game kid. you cant enjoy with it and need help from GM? i think you should leave this game because you cant enjoy with it!
    Suyong and kobasica like this.
  7. RockinSurya

    RockinSurya New Member

    Dec 25, 2015
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    Protecting ?
    Getting Griefed involves both sides , It is not possible in this VERSION !
    Don`t act smart that you got banned for GRIEFING !
    Not some temporary ban period, also remove them from RANKING

    Fifou likes this.
  8. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    It don't bother me. They are not killing me. Rules are rules regardless. Don't break rules. Don't get banned.
  9. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Can't understand any of this. Google translate please.
  10. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Gm can check pvp log. Some of these players want to be pve add there is no pill in game atm for them. A4w pks these pvers until the log out and quit. I know you think is fun cuz it's supposed to be a pvp server but you are losing the highest population of players because of ass players like her who pk players until they quit. That damages revenue to the publisher because players are leaving the game because some lvl'd out players want to not allow others to grind or farm items to better their gear. They over price the market. They used glitches weapons to farm their stuff and all y'all care about its defending them by saying pvp can't be griefed. When hg players only have one grind spot and he cannot getting without same person killing him every time he comes back to the only spot to grind. Gm can check pvp log and see who is griefing and who is false reporting. Reason DemonGirl is she killed low lvls repeatedly over and over until they had to make a ticket. They checked her pvp log record and banned. I'm done debating this. I am right. You are all wrong. She was banned for breaking the rules. Griefing exists. Masks won't save you. They can check pvp logs. Point is. Play nicer. A4W pked the entire server. They try to use that "pk my enemies" lie. You made enemies by griefing others.
  11. blackman86

    blackman86 Member

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Add and antiPK buff in Temple plz.....no1 can grind there, only VNs can and they pk evreyone
    balb1n0 and Kito420 like this.
  12. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    I dont get any of these arguments. Banning cause of griefing?

    According to the written rule, if I can find a way to make it a "resource" while killing, Im free to kill? i.e. Killing others to occupy a grinding spot? Indeed it would be more exp! It doesn't and never need to be a killing for karma.

    Plus, I have seen many people whining about pking in temple. Most off them are low level (ps, db and im). Hello! Its temples! The last place of 9D so far. It suppose to be reserved for last levels! for HG players! And guess what HG players do? Pk! Indeed!

    If anyone think that a game should be fair and people only pk when they are allowed and ready, then (excuse my language), why the "phone" we need to rush for level? why would we need to buy Item Mall? Why would we need to make as many allies as possible? Just slowly simply grind. Why? Because the competition is killed. Compete for what?

    Recall the moment when YaB, the first one get +16 weapon, was the strongest. Everytime my track list annouce that YaB is in temple, I teleport to tibet and grind there. Yes I did get killed, many times within 60 mins. I found out a way to solve problems but not "pulling mom's dress".

    Its stupid that some people want a world where badazz don't exist. If there is no bully, what are heros for? If there is no good vs bad, bully vs protection, sins vs justice; then, what are we fighting for, here? you want your justice to be the universal justice; how about the justices of others? If I lived in that world then I would rather play Mario :)
  13. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Are you sure its "everyone"? Cuz I've seen Jasmine league and Brethen league were doing fine down there. Plus, temple suppose to serve HG players. Just the weakness of yin yang system allow you to exploit. Why I say so? Because the game suppose to be harder when your level get higher. However, with the broken yin yang system, temples help you level faster than you suppose to. So, with the crazy pkings down there, lets call it a fair trade then? Plus, why West temple? I bet that you only grind in West temple. Am I right?
  14. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Funny how she keeps talking about how low levels don't belong there yet A4W high levels don't even grind there. They camp there with the low levels in their league, helping them grind, while keeping others away or pking them over and over. The vn problem is more than just pvp. The strangle hold on the items. Over selling items so that players can't afford because they won't let them grind. market dies off and everyone quits. Funny how all those dupped rbk and boc were in Vn stands. The IP should have been banned, not just removing item. Ip Ban the original owner of the relic
  15. Dreen

    Dreen Active Member

    Feb 11, 2016
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    On a pvp server there shouldn't be any such thing as grief... There's various ways to avoid pvp... The funny thing is the player that claims to be grieved usually does the samething but can't stand the heat when it's occurring to them
    justvant2, Suyong and poooop like this.
  16. Suyong

    Suyong New Member

    Dec 25, 2015
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    I was in jasmine league , and also been grief by Dkj and warlord league also, he event camp me from the door of village. So to me pk is in this version, and why we don't play it for fun and don't feel grief by dieting, it is just a game. I hope everyone feel dieing in game is nothing matter, we still can revive and play again
    justvant2 likes this.
  17. MyJustICE

    MyJustICE Member

    Feb 19, 2016
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    hahaha....Agree ^_^
  18. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    1. They camp there with the low levels in their league, helping them grind, while keeping others away or pking them over and over
    --> So, this isn't grief since pk-ing now bring some benefit to the pk-ers, make their leagues stronger. Stronger leagues attract more members. Many members = better league buffs. Its not griefing but occupying grinding spots.
    2. The strangle hold on the items. Over selling items so that players can't afford because they won't let them grind.
    --> Well come to the real world. This how people do business. Dominating markets and yield the minimum market shares. By that, domination can narrow the gap between free-to-play and pay-to-win players. Plus, if there was no control on others grinding and looting, this would be a pokémon game.
    3. Market dies off and everyone quits.
    --> Retreating before a hard challenge doesn't deserve a victory. Instead, gathering up with many weak leagues and find out a way to grow (compromise, surrender, avoid facing, etc.) would be more effective.
    4. Funny how all those dupped rbk and boc were in Vn stands. The IP should have been banned, not just removing item.
    --> I agree on this. However, its scope should be onto EVERYONE. Duped/modified items are unethical and criminal. This not only ruins the community of player but harms badly on the honor of RedFox. IP banning, however, isn't an effective way since people now can change/fake IPs easily. A real solution needed to be discussed on this issue.
    5. Ip Ban the original owner of the relic.
    --> I totally don't understand why you are pointing only at the makers of those duped/modified relics. Would you say the same to illegal "drugs" out there? Only charge the producers? Consumers or customers ain't relevant? Think about how a cheater produce those items. Would he/she use his/her main accounts/IP/computers? If you say "no" then you just encounter yourself.
  19. Maxim

    Maxim Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I'm just checking, this is about LJ from Asura yeh?
    tinytinytintin likes this.
  20. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    No it's not about him. Lj isn't the one getting pk'ed
    tinytinytintin likes this.

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