I'm curious about those picks of guardian loot. New mob drops? Something only guardians can loot? What are the for? What do they do? Or you can just give us the full patch notes now.......lol jk
Do you mean the Auto Loot feature? If so, summoned Guardian automatically pick up loot items according to what item frame you have selected. Here's a screenshot of the F11 window we have just created for the update.
We highly recommend everyone to part-take in the upcoming Guardian Event. There are a total of six areas you can order your Guardian to Search. Ancient Valley is the newest area and does require a cash shop item name Search Scope to explore that area. There are too many items... where should I start?
New Area we can go to? or only pets? what type of items show us a taste yum yum new beads or something?
meanwhile in Korea Server, Early summer events: http://www.ninedragons.co.kr/news/l...m=515&flashname=sb_01.swf&pageNum=1&leftNum=4 They got double events for summer! and if you ask for when summer event arrive on RF SV? wait 2 months or maybe more lol
Thank you for sharing! Both services have a different development plan schedule. Therefore, updates and events release date will not always be the same or will synchronize. Hence we might not even get a Summer Event this year since we have plans to release multiple events related to the Guardian update.
Stop that Ahri you will hurt there brains, let just pretend that the guardian's events/updates are summer events.
First 2 ornaments you posted, show only 1 weapon stat as first bonus and after it just (Weapon Stat), without any info on bonus. 1st Ornament: Critical Rate increases by 1100/10000 (Weapon Ornament) (Weapon Ornament) <----- Why is it missing? Constitution increases by 16 (Wardrobe Ornament) Paralysis resistance rate increased ( Wardrobe Ornament) 2nd Ornament: 8/1000 of Damage absorbed into Life (Weapon Ornament) (Weapon Ornament) <----- Why is it missing? Reflect 6% of Physical Damage to Target (Wardrobe Ornament) Constitution increases by 16 (Wardrobe Ornament)
As @pvtkourkoutas stated, there is a missing description of the attribute. These ornaments have 2 effects, no matter if they are used on a cloth piece or a weapon. Just to show you a proof, there is a partially translated ornament from the Korean version: while yours keep us in the dark with the 2nd effect: Will look into Hangul again and try to translate it, though. Not that it should be your work. So far, got this much: 획득 경(험치)를 7% 만큼 더 받을 수 있다 . Have fun! Probably the ones in brackets aren't correct, but AFAIK it's something related to exp gain. 7% exp gain? No, thanks. Waiting for a set of KL beads for pointing it out!