Regarding dupe incident

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by upirank, Sep 21, 2020.

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  1. [GM]Ahri

    [GM]Ahri RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Additionally, it is also important that discussion stays within the forum rules. In particular:
    • We do not allow naming and shaming. Accusations of misconduct directed at anyone, even if not explicitly named, are not acceptable. If you feel someone is cheating, any information needs to be sent to us privately.
    • We do not allow disciplinary actions to be discussed for specific members, whether named or not. General discussion of 9D policy is acceptable, but not a commentary on what may have happened with specific people. Staff will not discuss the moderation status of an account publicly or state whether an account has or has not been actioned. Allowing others to speculate on this can lead to a host of problems, and we are unable to clarify.
    • Flaming or bashing is not allowed. This goes for abusive and disruptive comments and behavior that are directed at RedFox Games employees and Nine Dragons community members, alike.
    • Demands or threats, specifically directed at the 9D team or suspected exploiters.
    Terrorhavoc and Alys2 like this.
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