Notice Please Read Before Posting!! Bug Report Guidelines

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by [GM]Ahri, Feb 12, 2016.

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  1. [GM]Ahri

    [GM]Ahri RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    To get started on this forum, please take a moment to search within the Bug Reports to ensure that your issue has not been reported yet. If you find that your problem has not been reported yet, please submit your report as detailed as possible so that our team can understand, identify and reproduce the bug quickly. The quicker we can do this, the faster the bug can get addressed.

    Commonly reported bugs that are not bugs:
    • Servers are down or crashed
    • Failing when attempting to enchant
    • Game Lag
    • I keep crashing while playing
    • Bad Graphics
    Only post bugs:
    This forum is not for feedback, discussions, or questions about particular gameplay aspects, and every post that is not a bug detracts from the time we could be spending looking into other issues.

    Use descriptive thread titles:
    The clearer and relevant your title are to the actual bug, the higher the chance is that we’ll be able to follow up on it faster. I.e. bug titles like, “Please fix!” or “GAME BREAKING BUG!” tell us nothing about the actual bug you’re encountering. A good question to ask yourself is, “does my thread title summarize the specific issue I’m seeing?”

    Describe the issue you’re encountering in detail:
    Providing information like the map you’re in, your character level, clan, role, and whether you’re in a party can significantly help us narrow down what’s causing the bug you’ve found. If you can reliably cause the bug you’re seeing to occur, let us know exactly how you did it!

    How to Post a Bug Report:
    Topic Title

    • A brief summary of the game bug.
    Topic Body
    • Summary: Describe the observed issue in one or 3 sentences.
    • Screenshots: Screenshot showing the issue
    • Steps to Reproduce: Include a step-by-step reproduction of how the bug appeared.
    • Frequency: How many times out of how many attempts did the bug appear.
    • Severity: Rate the bug's severity on a scale of 1 (minor) to 5 (major).
    • System Specs: List your OS, RAM, GPU, router, and modem.
    • Additional Notes: List any other notes about the bug.

    Status Tracker:
    • [Awaiting Feedback] means we are aware of the issue and is waiting for the development team feedback.
    • [Investigating] means we are aware of the problem but haven’t yet found a fix for it.
    • [Future Fix] means we think we have a fix and are testing it to make sure it works. This status does not guarantee that the bug will be fixed in the next patch.
    • [Resolved/Fixed] means the issue has been resolved.
    • [Not a Bug] means the issue is not a bug.
    • [NMI] means we need more information on this issue. If you’re experiencing this problem, you can help us out by posting more information.

    Please follow the Bug Report guideline or else we will relocate, delete or merge your post into an existing thread.

    Thanks for all the bugs and helping make Nine Dragons even better!
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
    Olalaa, Junky91, Fullneo and 6 others like this.
  2. [GM]Ahri

    [GM]Ahri RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Edited: Added information on Status Tracker
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