
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by QueenSparklez, May 30, 2017.

  1. QueenSparklez

    QueenSparklez New Member

    May 25, 2017
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    Ok i played the last game, yes i know there not the same and all but how come im not getting any pets, theres no way you took it out game completely cause i see people all around with pets all the time. Do we have to buy pets IRL or Im i farming wrong.Maybe it's a glitch. Tell me how you got your pet!
    Ripmaskedman likes this.
  2. Daltonroars

    Daltonroars New Member

    May 21, 2017
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    Realistically you just need to keep farming. Farm on the weekends when it's 6x EXP and 6x drop. Also, use the Time Effect at guild director after being logged in for 2 hours for a 10% increase in drop rate. There are many things that can increase your chances. Premium service from cash shop increases it by another 50%. Also, you need to know what mobs are more likely to drop them. Google the 12sky2 monster drop guide, it helps me get a grip on what mobs I should be farming. Apparently using EXP pills while farming for gear gives you a decrease in chances for elites or some weird thing like that, so if you're farming for drops make sure you aren't on any 2x EXP boosters.

    Hope this helps!

    Ripmaskedman likes this.

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