Make them carats or lower the price

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Rimsky, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. Rimsky

    Rimsky Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    already did one if you know something that should be on here check it ill post the link at the end[​IMG]
    this scroll was carat at one point I dont know why they changed it people bought the scroll but i still dont see it used at all it should just be permanently carats.[​IMG]
    know this scrool is a classic its a good scrool it wont be bad if it becomes carat the scrool is really good and deserves to be rc but i feel like even if the price is lower people still wont buy it[​IMG]
    another old scrool nobody use its a good scrool its juggle launcher isnt really that amazing but its good this scrool in my opinion is about 39k
    exorcist and persona people only use exorcist after they get it out of daily quest box mainly the only people who use persona or people who just started playing
    I also wondered how come we dont get some of these scrools from random quest box people get scrools like liberty from quest box but not these there are many other people dont even buy like ST. valentine you can give some of these away in a very easy event or just permantly make them carats quite a few of the things you get from daily quest box nobody really buys them would you expect to get snake shaman from tquest box -.- and this is the link to the other one I did

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