[FEEDBACK] Community Feedback Survey

Discussion in 'Notices' started by [GM]Toast, Nov 3, 2017.

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  1. UnleashD

    UnleashD Clean Up Crew

    Nov 5, 2016
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    LordWiFi and Tengu like this.
  2. SupWova

    SupWova Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    iirc, he*
    BJJFromGJJ and 271115 like this.
  3. 2Silver2

    2Silver2 New Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Thank you!
    [GM] Toast finally someone who cares about us and the game. :)
    There are a lot of bugs but I can't really describe it.. so could I send a video/screenshots etc?

    ~ Fantastic
    LordWiFi and BJJFromGJJ like this.
  4. BeeBee

    BeeBee BeeBee

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Every time community moderation comes up as a solo topic the thread always falls into flame and personal attacks that don't even have to do with the original post or community moderation anymore. That's proof enough that most of the players here can not handle their own egos and it will always be difficult to get anything done. No matter who it is there will always be problems because someone thinks they can make a statement that sounds controversial, act like its fact, and suddenly someone is exposed apparently.
    I think RedFox needs to do whatever they are comfortable with that also gets the job done. Hire more employees to handle moderation or take the challenge of community involvement. Players will always be divided in everything but their disappointment with how the game is handled and updated. They should be too, because this survey asks more about what virtual items we want than what changes we want.
    LordWiFi, BJJFromGJJ, Tengu and 2 others like this.
  5. Yukoto

    Yukoto Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Damn u putted that btch in his place. OOOOOO
  6. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    This type of thread isn't special, all threads blow up with drama when the toxic people show up. Its Also a huge reason we need more moderators so we have more hands-on cleanup.
    Also just because the survey has items on it doesn't mean you have to click them. I didn't.

    edit: also not everyone complains about every update. Lets be real RF gets more updates than any other fighting game in existence. People here are just ungrateful brats.
    LordWiFi, tamirtov and UnleashD like this.
  7. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    'o'; he really just did that to himself...
    LordWiFi and UnleashD like this.
  8. BeeBee

    BeeBee BeeBee

    Mar 25, 2016
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    I'm just adding in my thoughts while trying to be unbiased about it. No offense Tengu but even with all the very useful and progressive things you do, you tend to push your opinion out just as far as the people you put down. I know I've lashed out in frustration but its not an everyday thing. Even the ungrateful brats play the game and have input, its just mixed in with a bunch of other stuff.
    As for the survey, I made a point of not filling in bubbles that I felt would give even the slightest notion that I'd rather pay to gamble for virtual items than have interesting content to play. I might do one more post to illustrate my issues with it despite it probably being a waste of time.
    LordWiFi, tamirtov and Tengu like this.
  9. UnleashD

    UnleashD Clean Up Crew

    Nov 5, 2016
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    No one really lashed out, sometimes toxic people need a person that can utterly handle them to keep the peace as you can see I made the toxic player that began the problem stop talking. Every game community has toxic people, and this type of thing will always no matter what be inevitable because theres always that one person that cant handle losses, being told the truth, or anything really, even if theyre bored theyll start a situation (no pun intended @Bored ) every gave deals with it but since rf is pretty much so SMALL community wise the toxic is more noticable meanwhile the actual good people are hiding in corners cuz they wanna avoid everything to do with toxic people. I respect Tengu cuz why not he makes sense and doesnt take things too far.
  10. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    The biggest issues Rumble Faces currently:

    -Pay 2 win content
    -Oldgen vs Newgen divide
    -Hack vulnerability

    More than anything, these 5 things are holding the game back.

    [Pay 2 win content]: Make carat content cheaper and more convenient to get. Make it seem like RC content is optional, and not something that seems mandatory to compete with the people who already have premium gear. Make Class Change and Avalon Driver purchasable for carats. Items like Verda's Coin, Gem socket/Avalon socket removal should be priced as carats too. Or you can ignore everything that was said earlier and just make a trade system. The trade system can still be designed to promote business profits. If the trade system cannot be profitable, or designed to be profitable, then I can understand why this is never gonna happen

    [Bugs]: Hire talented developers that can help fix the bugs faster. This is a large investment, but it will pay off. You can even just hire them just to fix the bugs, and then set them free. If not, prioritize this as much as possible

    [Oldgen vs Newgen divide]: Make the word "oldgen", "ogp", "newgen" censored (and other letter/number/symbol/spaces combinations). This will encourage players to use the words less. We need the new players to feel more welcome in this game, so this is why the divide is a problem.

    [DDOS]: This problem will never go away unless there's a way for IP addresses to not be exposed from the game client. I know that even if we get real game servers, DDOSers can still mess with the game by DDOSing the server instead of the players.

    [Hack vulnerability]: Hiring talented developers that can help patch the hacks more quickly(same solution as the bug fixes). If not, prioritize this as much as possible
    LordWiFi, tamirtov and HumoLoco like this.
  11. Tengu

    Tengu Creator of Savate

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Don't say that lol everyone knows I tend to fight fire with fire while I wait for my reports to be processed. But thanks, Im trying to behave more than I used to ;)
    LordWiFi and UnleashD like this.
  12. UnleashD

    UnleashD Clean Up Crew

    Nov 5, 2016
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    I agree with everything except the old gen new gen divide. Thats inevitable. Its a fact not a curse. It can be used positively to explain that someone was an old player for example “Nah I’m a old gen, I played back in ogp was fun”. Though people use those terms in a toxic way, it shouldnt be removed just because people cant handle reality.
  13. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Not everyone is capable of handling toxicity in all forms, so I believe it's best for the community to have these words censored. We shouldn't care if someone is an oldgen or not, and in most cases, those words are often used in a toxic context (in my experience)
  14. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    pls :<

    I only use that for guild war af.
    i love guild war to use these word af.
  15. UnleashD

    UnleashD Clean Up Crew

    Nov 5, 2016
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    No no I agree in everyway, but censoring it womt change a thing not even close. Because its still not a form of profanity, a form of sexual misconduct, nor is it a form of racism (even though its sort of the same). Its just two words, division is always in a game and its unavoidable.
    BJJFromGJJ likes this.
  16. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    It's similar to League of Legends' censoring of the word "cancer". This is where I got the idea from. Newgen and Oldgen is a very toxic word in the fighting game community, and it's one of the major reasons why Super Smash Melee players just absolutely make it difficult for new players to get into it (see Chillindude vs Leffen). It's just a trend I'm seeing, and it's one solution I can propose that can influence a little bit of the community. It's unavoidable, but it can be diminished a little bit, and that's better than nothing
  17. UnleashD

    UnleashD Clean Up Crew

    Nov 5, 2016
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    I mean it still wont stop censor avoidance or toxic people from creating a new word. What will we do then censor every word until they stop? #shiftplus7
  18. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    nahh only the words "oldgen", "ogp", and "newgen"

    Too much censoring does more bad than good, and I prefer these words to be gone from the fighting game community dictionary only. Just like In League of Legends, people can always find another way to express something is "cancerous", or tell someone they're "cancer". I mean someone would probably use ogplanet instead of ogp, but people think it's more cool to say it like it's some sort of code that new players don't know lol

    edit: ogplanet probably gonna get censored anyway if ogp gets censored
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2017
    LaniRF, Flamekiller and HumoLoco like this.
  19. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    yea OGPlanet should get censored. cuz ima tired of see ***** say OGP was the best. In reality they are fucked up and bad business already.
  20. Shana

    Shana Creator of Heartseeker, SF, IAS, BD & CC

    Mar 12, 2016
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    For the problem of "stat inflation", I think it's alright as long as this is being promoted for Boss Mode rooms than PvP rooms.

    The solution to stat inflation in PvP however, is having a stat equalizer in PvP rooms, where class base stats actually matter, and their stat downsides actually balance the class. Blade and Soul's stat equalize system for PvP is a good example of this

    and with stats being mentioned, I want to also bring up the topic that the damage values are out of place, and I want the original damage values to be reverted. Draygashi's thread about it is spot-on about this, and I think this will also fix the stat info bug where you get stats like 1098435827 speed, and 23474329875 strength showing up
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