Elite drops

Discussion in 'Game Help and Tips' started by Oeuny, Aug 27, 2018.

  1. Oeuny

    Oeuny Member

    Jul 1, 2018
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    GM's who see this... Is it against your tos to explain how elite drops and rates work? M9 people have grinded for 10 years(exaggerated) and everyone thinks it came from random tickets lol(the ones I asked). I have asked other players but none of them actually know just smart ass guesses or ******* answers. Also are the rates bugged or messed up in specific maps? Like I was told by older players that the yang map for g levels is closed because elite drop rate was retarded and people got a lot. I just alwayssss got questionssss. Simple stuff like do all maps have the same chance as others to drop an elite? For example do premium maps have higher chance than regular? I've been told that drop rate increases from events or ps doesn't effect elite drop rates. Not complaining about not getting any I'm just curious how exactly it works as I haven't seen any information from other versions myself. Any information is cool to know :)

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