Hello, I cannot create Bead of Frost Full Moon even though I have the required materials. It will not recognise the Bead of Frost that I have.
I bought the BOF. How am I supposed to know which in is Event from which isn't? They both look the same and has nothing that differentiates them.
Don`t listen what Fehri said. BoF from past event works fine. You should send a ticket to support, so GM can check it. View attachment 21129
The BoF that doesn't let you craft into BOFFM is dropped from the Illusive Branch mobs. There's no way to tell which one is which either.
Hmm.. GM Ahri, can you please ask your team to fix this? There should be a way to differentiate Event BoF from Illusive Branch BoF, if the latter cannot be used to create BoFFM. Currently, there is not way of telling the difference, so alot of players are buying un-upgradable BoFs from Auctioneer / Player Stands / Direct Trades, before they realise they cannot upgrade it. PS. I have written a feedback of this bug to the official Illusive Branch thread as well, you may cross-reference my post there. Can you please surface this to your team and suggest the following fixes, either: (1) revise the item to where BoFs gained either from Event or Illusive Branch can BOTH be used to create BoFFM OR (2) revise the item names/codes to where BoF [Event] is different from BoF [Illusive Branch] This will make it fair for the player base to make informed decisions prior to purchases. Thank you. Illusive Branch http://forums.playredfox.com/index.php?threads/illusive-branch.43171/page-3#post-413939