Update Treasure Boxes Revamp

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [CM]NineArts, Jan 23, 2018.

  1. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    All the functions you could want have been added to our treasure boxes in this update!

    ALL Treasure Boxes
    • Blue Dragons Treasure Box
    • Four Guardians Box
    • Crimson Treasure Chest
    Treasure Box Revamp.PNG

    Applied Changes
    • "10 Rounds" button has been added to treasure box UI to open 10 boxes at once.
    • Reward System has been added to affected treasure boxes.
    • Tooltip ("?") added to the upper-right corner of the treasure box UI to display treasure box contents.
    • 1 9Dragons Silver Repay will be given as a bonus item each time a treasure box is opened.

    Reward System
    • Reward gauge will increase each time a treasure box is opened.
    • One Guaranteed success item can be obtained by clicking the Reward button once the gauge reaches 100%
    10 Rounds.PNG

    9Dragons Silver and Gold Repay Information

    9Dragons Silver Repay will be given as a bonus item each time a treasure box is opened.

    9Dragons Gold Repay can be obtained by resourcing 9Dragons Silver Repay.

    Cannot Trade
    Cannot Sell
    Can Store
    Cannot Discard

    A Resource list for 9Dragons Silver and Gold Repay has been added to the NPC Granddaughter of Wan Daye Lihae in Hefei and can be accessed via F11 anywhere in the land.

    9Dragons Silver Repay Resource List
    • 9Dragons Gold Repay
    • Blood Sorcerer Jewelry Box
    • Sealed Bead (Large)
    • Bead of Storm (Gold)
    • Bloodstained Blueprint
    • Gold Key of Kylin (2)
    • Evil Blood Chest (2)
    • Sealed Bead (Medium) (2)
    • Exp Bonus Card (Excellence) (2)
    • Huatuo Panacea (2)
    • Lion's Roar (2)
    9Dragons Gold Repay Resource List
    • Four Guardians Box (Contains one of the Four Guardian Beads)
    • Tender Stone of Nine Divines
    • Flag of Chaos Box
    • Extreme Refinement Scroll +2
    • Dragon Banner Box (Excellence)
    • Dusk Kylin Weapon Box
    • Removing Extreme Refinement Scroll
    • Extreme Refinement Scroll +1
    • Cursed Blood Silk From Hell
    Blue Dragon's Treasure Box Contents
    Four Guardians Box Contents
    Crimson Treasure Chest Contents
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2018
  2. dixbutts

    dixbutts Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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  3. HotFryPan

    HotFryPan New Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I've just restarted 9D after many years not playing. All I can say is once, a long time ago, before refined clothing, before [New] weapons, when acclaim was trying to rip everyone off, I had some idea of what the hell was going on. I have no idea what this means.

    Also, you kids get off of my god damned yard.
    Captainpack likes this.
  4. Andarin

    Andarin Member

    Mar 13, 2017
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    Volume up for better drop in game. X3
    Captainpack likes this.
  5. Ferolux

    Ferolux New Member

    Jan 15, 2018
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    I just recently started playing about a week ago and decided to credit my account last night to open some blue dragon boxes... had i been aware of this i would have saved them untill today. This is really unfair to me as someone who rarely has the money to credit my account nonetheless pay for any game. Is there a way that i could have the silver repays or some sort of reimbursement for this seeing as it was literally just hours ago i opened them?
    Captainpack likes this.
  6. mrgreatsea

    mrgreatsea New Member

    May 14, 2017
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    Tender Stone 100% succes= 170 Gold = 170x15= 2550 Sliver
    [2550/ (30+9) ] x 6000 (cc) =~ 400 000 CC
    happy time to open box ^_+
  7. Revered

    Revered Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    I got the feeling, You should go back to the school. But maybe, just maybe I`m wrong so could You be more specific and show again what You try to prove?
    4efo123 likes this.
  8. dixbutts

    dixbutts Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I think they are talking about the required materials to obtain the 100% Tender Stone. Which would mean you would need to buy 6x $499.99, 1x $199.99, and 1x $9.99 credit packages. Then use all of that $3210 of credits on opening boxes to trade for the TS.

    1 Box = 1 Silver Repay
    15 Silver Repay = 1 Gold Repay
    170 Gold Repay = 1 100% TS

    170 * 15 = 2550 Boxes
    39 Boxes = 6000 CC

    2550 / 39 = 65.38461538461538 purchases of 30+9 boxes
    65.38461538461538 * 6000 CC = 392307.6923076923 CC

    So, 392308 CC to obtain that TS -- EZ
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2018
    Perfection likes this.
  9. Revered

    Revered Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Thank You and sorry for my previous comment to @mrgreatsea post.

    We should go much further.

    392308 CC /11500=34,12 CC of $99.99 packages
    34.12CCx$99.99=$3411.03 to obtain that TS

    $4012.98 to obtain Four Guardians Box



    It`s another update with lame explanation from GM. Do You guys from RF can`t write it in proper style?

    For example like this:

    9Dragons Silver Repay will be given as a bonus item each time a treasure box is opened.
    Resource list has been added to NPC Granddaughter of Wan Daye Lihae in Hefei:


    9Dragons Silver [Can Store] Repay Resource List

    • Blood Sorcerer Jewelry Box (=1x 9Dragons Silver Repay)
    • Sealed Bead (Large) (=2x 9Dragons Silver Repay)
    • Bead of Storm (Gold) (=1x 9Dragons Silver Repay)
    • Bloodstained Blueprint (=1x 9Dragons Silver Repay)
    • Gold Key of Kylin (2) (=1x 9Dragons Silver Repay)
    • Evil Blood Chest (2) (=1x 9Dragons Silver Repay)
    • Sealed Bead (Medium) (2) (=1x 9Dragons Silver Repay)
    • Exp Bonus Card (Excellence) [2x] (2) (=1x 9Dragons Silver Repay)
    • Huatuo Panacea (2) (=1x 9Dragons Silver Repay)
    • Lion's Roar (2) (=1x 9Dragons Silver Repay)
    9Dragons Gold Repay [Can Trade, Store] Resource List
    • 9Dragons Gold Repay (= 15 xSilver Repay)
    • Four Guardians Box (Contains one of the Four Guardian Beads) (= 200 xGold Repay)
    • Tender Stone of Nine Divines (= 170 xGold Repay)
    • Flag of Chaos Box (= 120 xGold Repay)
    • Extreme Refinement Scroll +2 (= 100 xGold Repay)
    • Dragon Banner Box (Excellence) (= 70 xGold Repay)
    • Dusk Kylin Weapon Box [+10 to+15] (= 70 xGold Repay)
    • Removing Extreme Refinement Scroll (= 20 xGold Repay)
    • Extreme Refinement Scroll +1 (= 10 xGold Repay)
    • Cursed Blood Silk From Hell (= 2 xGold Repay)
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
    Riclaus likes this.
  10. dixbutts

    dixbutts Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Since we are forced to see these pop-ups when people obtain rare items from boxes, can we at least get a fix for the incorrect spelling?

    ACAB1312, Riclaus, Swim and 5 others like this.
  11. TheDarkness

    TheDarkness Active Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    You dont need to gamble, grind gold, around 15 bil gold can get one bead, why should us spend 4k $$$ to get the same bead? in fact this is not for those who want bead and try to open boxes. This just for those fancy in gambling open boxes for fun. The gold repay is an extra bonus for them accumulate until they can get items. If you just thing keep opening box until get enough 200 gold repay then please stop thinking it. Remember this is bonus for who open boxes, not a real deal.
    Stereotyped likes this.
  12. dixbutts

    dixbutts Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    You can farm materials that people want and sell them. It's much easier imo to obtain gold from selling items at a lower character level. Grinding in LD and picking up Icy Spirit Leader Plate's/Silver Spirit Leader Plate's/Orange Jade of Rising Sun is a good way to make gold

    Get to GL+ and craft a FC2 Superior GCM set socketed will full Yin resist. Buy a BOFFM for 300kk, a BOF for 40kk, and a cheap 40kk PSH +14 weapon. Use one of your 3 free monthly JS to add the last slot. Craft 4x 300 Yin damage ornaments from grinding in LD, and socket them into your +14 PSH weapon. Grind an hour a day on Evil Spirit Hounds in KL using your daily x5 card. You can get to Hermit in a week or less by doing this.
    JasonStatham likes this.
  13. dixbutts

    dixbutts Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I am going off of Yin prices, I guess Tao prices are higher there. You need those 2 items for the HP leech to stay alive.

    This is how you can tell what type of damage a mob does:

    This is how you should use YYBS buffs/ornaments to increase your damage on those mob types:

    You only need critical rate ornaments for PvP as long as you already have a 100% critical rate for PvE. I would suggest staying in LD and grinding out items to sell to other players though. Then buy yourself a MKC and Inner Clothing if you don't already have them. Hopefully you've saved yourself a few Rank A boxes from the recent event to keep you going until then.
    JasonStatham likes this.
  14. Aramoro

    Aramoro Member

    Feb 19, 2017
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    u dont need that much time, just farm during weekend exp event

    once u get like CS or so u can go to KL for better exp
    as for relics, there is an event every once in a while u can farm relics

    u want to farm in LD anyways till that
  15. Andarin

    Andarin Member

    Mar 13, 2017
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    Hi, from where did u got this picture ?
  16. dixbutts

    dixbutts Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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  17. fero001

    fero001 Active Member

    Feb 2, 2017
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    I would like to hear from GMs or Developers how this works. Or if its working as is on that picture.

    Its not clear and i would like to know about that damage DECREASE. If you consider for example Golden bead got all 4 types of DMG . It means when i am using it then i have some damage decrease ?

    Anybody can tell something about that ? :) Thanks
  18. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Reward System
    • Reward gauge will increase each time a treasure box is opened.
    • One Guaranteed success item can be obtained by clicking the Reward button once the gauge reaches 100%
    [CM]NineArts I woul like an explanation on how this reward thing works.....

    From what i can see...every box opened gives 1 % in rewards xp bar....
    so are you saying after 100 boxes I can get an item of my choosing....

    or I get a random guaranteed item out of reward menu...?

    If you can choose the rewards, how do you go about choosing after the 100th box?
  19. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    What this means is after opening 100 boxes you get a randomly selected success item from that box. It's a free success item.

    Also fyi, in order to claim that reward, you have to have another box available after the reward gauge reaches 100%, so technically you have to have 101 boxes to receive the free item.
  20. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Okay, thank you very much on the elaboration.

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