[Poll] How many PVP/PVE players in this server?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Monkhi, Apr 7, 2016.


Are you a PvP player or PvE player?

  1. PvP Player

    66 vote(s)
  2. PvE Player

    150 vote(s)
  1. PiromanYUG

    PiromanYUG New Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    With all do respect, I'm not mean, just pointing to the problem, and propose some kind of solution.
  2. PiromanYUG

    PiromanYUG New Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    Ok, maybe the 24 lvls are too high, propabally the 12 would be enough, but even eith that people should come back to play and advance to higher lvls.
  3. ihgyug

    ihgyug Active Member

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Even GM said the game is pvp based huahuahua
  4. FuriaAlba

    FuriaAlba Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    The same dude that said that hybrids are not meant to be CK.
  5. Alys2

    Alys2 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2016
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    Pvp= variation= complexity? so i dont like i sux?i cant just pve and be happys!
  6. williamds

    williamds New Member

    Mar 28, 2016
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    Go and do a check on previous pvp servers and see how badly they fail. I don't understand why RF persist in pursuing a fail business game model.
    Psychlop5765 likes this.
  7. dixbutts

    dixbutts Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    12 levels?

    You get 50 stat points every 12 levels. Premium gives you an additional +40 to all attributes. That's 10 levels right there, and then there's also the +20 all from the $10 Triagrams. That's the equivalent of 15 levels without including a CB level, or 14 ( +2 points ) if you were to calculate it with a CB level. Players with Premium and Triagrams are already 14~15 levels higher than anyone without, and that's not even including any straight percentage bonuses you can also receive from having said Triagrams and Premium.


    Why do you care about being PKed by someone higher level than you when someone the same level as you could kill you with minimal effort if they are willing to spend $$ on OP items?
    akam6666 likes this.
  8. Zaraton

    Zaraton Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    The issue is more about that PvP in 9Dragons is a complete joke if you stack it up against other MMOs both full PvP or Hybrid setup. There is no benefit to PvP in 9Dragons other than to fuel a person's ego or get the red text and black box karma title. None of these truly promote PvP at all. This coupled with the broken stat/gear system they have that splits average players and hardcore spenders is another drawback with level differences being a factor.

    MMOs that have a far better PvP system/concept are Blade & Soul, Tera, Perfect World International (First 1 1/2 years before P2W aspect), and Guild Wars 2 (Realm vs Realm PvP). These have better systems in place for PvP and make it more fair for everyone. I'm sure there are other great examples of better PvP systems in other games but these are ones I had first hand knowledge in and could remember. Will need to dig through my MMO list and see if I can remember any others that stand out for quality PvP.

    The current PvP setup in 9Dragons is lacking in features on a serious level. The mechanics of PvP are a serious joke. If anyone claims that 9Dragons has real PvP they haven't played many MMOs with PvP in them. 9Dragons has PvE and Griefing not PvP. Until they add real PvP content it will remain PvE and Griefing. Have said this before and this view will remain.

    • Where are the Guild vs Guild events?
    • GM PvP events?
    • A real SvS where you have to PvP and no NPC to talk to but more along the lines of controlling the map / destroying the enemy base?
    • A true punishment system for Griefers and a reward system for those that always fight around their level?
    • True arena battles where no one can interfere for a ranking perk (1vs1, 3vs3, etc)?
    The game needs more than just going around randomly killing players on a map where it is possible to PK others. The PvP here is too basic and stale for today's world of PvP.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
    PlayeR, Atrusha and Spite like this.
  9. perseus90

    perseus90 New Member

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Need 1 more server, Tao for PK and 1 more server for non-PK
  10. Atrusha

    Atrusha New Member

    Feb 24, 2016
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    I'm a PvE player. I have never learned to PvP, because it is not something that I like to do.
    However, my only problem in how things are at the moment, is the fact that I get PKed, without even a chance of fighting back or running away, because I am killed by one or 2 shots, which use stun or slow, making it impossible to even try and LF out to safety. Even my heals (I am healer) are of no use because there simply is no time to use them. If another player kills me with just 1 or 2 shots/hits, than that tells me they are much, much higher than I am. I don't mind getting PKed occasionally. (I am one of those players that does not use Anti PK pill or buff). I do mind getting PKed if it's a completely unfair fight. Would also be nice to find a PvPer who would simply ask if you would like to PvP. That way you both know what lvl the other is before you start :)

    So, although I am strictly PvE player (just because it suits me better) I am wil;ling to learn from the PvP players. Learn things, like what stats would be best for both PvE and PvP, what would be best way to defend myself and other things like that.
    Not all PvE players hate PvP and it's players and not all PvP players hate PvE and their players.
    We can learn from each other, by listening to each other and by trying to teach/show each other what we like about the way we play the game.

    Just my 2 cents. Thank for reading :)
    Virus and akam6666 like this.
  11. Dromi

    Dromi Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    This..right here, PVP in 9D is made for kids and ppl with personality/ego issues, might have been the bees knees in 06 but were 10 years later...
    Psychlop5765 likes this.
  12. Atrusha

    Atrusha New Member

    Feb 24, 2016
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    Thanks for the tips!

    I do enjoy your sarcasm :)

    I was kinda hoping for the sort of advice that might make me appreciate PvP (unlike at the moment with indeed the ppl that use the things you mention). I guess with all that is currently amiss with the game, I will have to wait before that time comes. Maybe I should make a questionaire and hand it to each person that PK's me. See if I can learn anything more to add to your list :p
  13. Dromi

    Dromi Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Pk'ers are not PVP'ers per say, the only thing that makes them PVP'ers is that they kill other players, but they do not fight them, never in a fair fight....see countless examples of how childish they are related by ppl that were thought easy targets, got attacked killed the attacker then they got wanted by the said attacker...Ppl that plead for pvp dont actually want PVP in the sense that they would be able to fight others their own level on fair situations, they just want the ability to run around on lowbie maps and kill anything that moves and cant fight back, if it takes more then 2-3 shots to kill its too big for them. Had they wanted pvp in the true sense of the word they would have pushed for PVP events...SVS, BvW Hefei tournament...but NO they want open world pvp...

    Sorry for the wall of text
    Psychlop5765, Spite and Atrusha like this.
  14. Vrangsinn

    Vrangsinn Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    I voted PVE.

    In my opinion, there is much to be desired in the PVP aspect of this game. I used to enjoy it very much, but there is virtually no incentive to do it in this game. Not to mention the bugs and flaws, but also mainly the attitude of the players. I just just cba. It's boring.
  15. Vanguard

    Vanguard Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    PvP is fun :D
  16. Szafka

    Szafka Active Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Atleast i dont cry on forum about that.
    1. never exploited anything
    3. Nobody likes me enough to buff me i just use 3x YYBS
    4. That's the point of PK not PVP. PK is player kill which means i kill not die.
    5. Relog in peace mode never relogged on combat mode.

    So you hit only with 20% accuracy. Stay on forum crying while ill pk lowbies <3
  17. Yabuszko

    Yabuszko Active Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Crying? I am crying out of laugh every time I see you ^^ For me and many users here you're the bottom of mentality a human being can achieve. So, I don't even feel sorry for you cause I know accidents like you are not treatable - all what left for me is to laugh at your sight only ^^
    Vanguard likes this.
  18. skeedish

    skeedish Member

    Jan 29, 2016
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    PvP is fine. But not to the extend of allowing pk to happen during players grinding. This would cause much discontent to the game limitation, causing many players to leave RF 9D. From the pool results, it is obvious approx. 80% players are PvE.
    We should come out with a plan for players who love PvP to gather at 1 map for pk, rather than allowing pk during grinding.

    GM Ahri, pls reconsider current plan.
    Psychlop5765 likes this.
  19. skeedish

    skeedish Member

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Allowing pk during grinding would be equivalent to previous Asura server 9D. From past records, the population is lowest among all 9Ds in Asura server. And it eventually forced everyone to quit within short period of time, it really happened.

    It is not easy to come by good population in 9D. I hope, and I believe everyone hopes to maintain our current population. We are dealing with humans. Hope this helps.
  20. DrRockzo

    DrRockzo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Tbh unless you are geared/higher lvl a healer can be difficult to escape pk just based on the fact that con is their penalty stat and cant really be evened out until you are better geared. Anyone that attacks a grinding healer is probably a **** to begin with though.
    Peachy and Spite like this.

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