Why no templates?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by edwinG, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. edwinG

    edwinG New Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    So I'm wondering why no templates? I know you can't transfer the data base but nothing stops you from creating or generating some templates for those who are coming from Game campus.

    When Acclaim shut down Disney refused to let go of the data base but GamerFirst at lease created template for those who could prove they had characters. We can't sent picture of our characters as proof.

    From GamerFirst to Game Campus they pass the data base so we didn't lose any levels.
    From Acclaim to GamerFirst the templates had a range so you may lose some levels but not much.

    I wouldn't mind losing 10 level but over 200 is a bit much. It took me 10 years (on and off) to get to HG6 and I was just starting to enjoy the game again when GC closed shop.

    In Acclaim I spend maybe a few grand, in Gamersfirst a few hundred, in Game Campus maybe a couple of hundred. After Acclaim I lost a lot of item I pay for so I was hesitant to spend more money with GF and then with GC even more hesitant. I lost items but at lease I still had my levels.

    I can't see investing more time and money to level my Character to the level that I was at when GC closed and I'm not taking another 10 years. I know some of you guys say you can level to max in a week but lets be real. I always played the PVP servers and grinding was a real grind. 10% grinding 80% fight off others who wanted a piece of you no matter what flag you was flying. So yea, it took quite a while to level and spending money was almost a must to level quick.

    I just can't see doing it again from zero, and starting at zero is no incentive to spend money on a game that you spend years on and that you will never know will change hands again in a few years.

    Some may say, its not fare to the new player. Well how fare is it to players who been with this game for years as compare to those who just started.

    I don't know but I think RedFox should look into it. Like I say, losing my items and a few level is one thing but to lose everything you put your long dedicated time too is a bit much. I can't see dedicating myself to RedFox if they wont show some king of gratitude to the long time fan base that may be thinking of coming over.

    I may create a Character just to come and see but dedicating the time to get to a level were you can enjoy the stuff you left behind, I can't see it. A PS4 is a lot easier to deal with and looking more inviting, for those times when you need a game fix.

    Just my two cents
    Oitza, Captainpack and saifuzaman like this.
  2. Dean31

    Dean31 Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Are you kidding? Do you not remember how badly that was abused in G1? Yes RedFox look into templates and how 99% of them were fake, look into it so you know exactly what NOT to do
  3. Blitzcronk

    Blitzcronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    This is a question best of asked in AMAA as you are directly asking [GM]Ahri the question.
    Captainpack likes this.
  4. [GM]Ahri

    [GM]Ahri RedFox Games Staff Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    If you wish to play the Awaken version, you will have to start fresh. This version is not like any of the previously released NA versions.
    Captainpack, Spite and saifuzaman like this.
  5. saifuzaman

    saifuzaman Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Yes, I agree with you. Let's start fresh with new mood. ehhehehe
    Captainpack likes this.
  6. Kalzi

    Kalzi Active Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    They would lose money.
  7. Darkfiregoth

    Darkfiregoth Member

    Jan 11, 2016
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    i don't understand why people think Redfox is picking up where GC left off anyway. Acclaim to G1 was a passing of the licence, G1 to GC was a passing of the licence. GC to RF, totally different licence as it's a totally different game. RF don't owe anybody from GC anything. Just like with Suba, there were no transfers to them because they had nothing to do with any of the other publishers.
    Captainpack likes this.
  8. edwinG

    edwinG New Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Actually they wouldn't lose money, they might gain. From level 0 to 60 or 90 you can get by with out anything. Higher levels is when you are really looking for special items to give you a better advantage and help you grind and level faster
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2016
  9. edwinG

    edwinG New Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    You don't need a database or anything to create a template for the players who can prove they had characters at a certain levels. Its what G1 did and it was better then starting from zero again. And yes there are some that always abuse the system including hacking which always happens and I can't see it not happening here. I still prefer the templates for a game with a life expectancy of 2 years, max 4. that way you can get to enjoy the new things that the game has to offer, before it closes down again and you lose everything you pay for, again.
  10. Darkfiregoth

    Darkfiregoth Member

    Jan 11, 2016
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    Redfox do not owe you a template character, no matter how much you want one. Redfox have nothing to do with any previous publishers. Templates at G1 were a huge mistake, now everyone feels like they're entitled to these things when they're not. Nut up and start from scratch like the rest of us ¬_¬
    dixbutts likes this.
  11. Fullneo

    Fullneo Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    You have to start with fresh char. Almost everything will change and especially char build. You will have to learn again how to build you char and how game mechanics works.
    Even RTD are subject to change so the story also...
    On a side note we will have more xp from mobs (from what said [GM]Ahri) and if it's like other version release we will have some very nice amount of xp from quests.
  12. edwinG

    edwinG New Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    This got nothing to do with needing Nuts, it a game. I've worked on a flight deck of an Aircraft carrier which use to be the 3rd most dangerous jobs in the world, saw a few people die and lived through a number of incidents, worked in Antarctica, not a very forgiving environment, lost a few people while I was there, and did my tours in the Gulf where we had fallout bunkers about every 50 ft in a safe zone, a number of other incidents where you didn't have time to think if you had nuts, you just do or die, so yea, playing a video game doesn't come close to my definition for needing nuts.

    RedFox doesn't owe anyone anything, neither did G1 or GC, but they did it to show some appreciation to the 9 Dragon fan base. I like the game, I just don't like wasting my time and redoing everything I already spent must time to achieve in this game for the last 10 or so years.

    They can do whatever they want and I'll do what I want and in about 2 or so years when they give up on this game who will really care. It's a matter of how you treat your customers that counts, and let us know if we want to stick around.
    Oitza likes this.
  13. Darkfiregoth

    Darkfiregoth Member

    Jan 11, 2016
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    Bro, didn't need your life story o_O
    matt323 likes this.
  14. Blitzcronk

    Blitzcronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Regardless if your story is true or made up, this is a brand new version and thus there are no transfers. You can argue it out as much as you like and until you're blue in the face but we have to start again. It won't be too difficult, not with all the new changes, the added exp rates, the reduction to quests and the new KR grinding. It's a shame but we all have to start again so what this allows us to do is build new communities and achieve more than we previously did.
    matt323 and Darkfiregoth like this.
  15. edwinG

    edwinG New Member

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Not even a life story, more like a little commercial of all that's happen, but oh well, who cares, right?
    Just the comment of "nut up" seem a bit of a joke. Just putting into perspective how some people play a video game feel they can have it hard, like people playing Call of Duty on a console think they are traumatized after a 2hr long section, please let be real. I'm a veteran but I know some guys who play this game and are still servicing and may have experience worse, my experiences wont even come close. Some people read books, play video games or watch movies to get an experience, other live it.

    I'm not arguing about anything, like I said, they can do whatever they want.
  16. Darkfiregoth

    Darkfiregoth Member

    Jan 11, 2016
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    When I said "Nut up" i meant stop whinging and take it like a man.
  17. Kuro1986

    Kuro1986 Active Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    They already promised us some free stuff if you play during CBT, so stop complaining about getting more free stuff.

    iDropBombs likes this.
  18. LadyAngel

    LadyAngel Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    That costume better be darn good looking, i prefer to have a smexy char :p
  19. Kuro1986

    Kuro1986 Active Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    No idea what's it gonna look like. But we can always ask for a perma swimsuit deco for your character :D

  20. LadyAngel

    LadyAngel Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Not smexy enough ! I have my own style remember ? :oops:
  21. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Too bad they will all be the same thing. The server is going to start off looking like attack of the clones.

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