9Dragons The game I used to love

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TopdoT, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. TopdoT

    TopdoT New Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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    I have play 9D since Acclaim days with my older brother. We really like the game and the communities it has. Every map was fill with people, especially the Bloody Plain and Hefei. It was fun since the level cap wasn't high at the time. We played in Asura (PvP Server), so pking was common. PvP element was a double edge sword. On one side it disrupts your grinding or even died to mob/bosses. The other side, it caused you to form band and alliance to deal with the pkers. All the events were fun from Storm vs Storm, Black vs White, True General Wei, and others I don't remember. Dungeon raiding and mob farming is just a grinding element of the game. The true purpose of the game in my opinion is having a community everywhere you go. The F2P, Premium, and Localization is what kill Acclaim’s 9D and maybe other publishers as well.

    I want to take a moment to give my overall impression of RedFox’s 9D so far. I have play for about a week and have reached Hermit. With premium, xp cards, and low-mid tier items. I know some people can reach HG in a day or two with high tier items. There is a pros and cons of playing RF’s 9D.

    The pros are high xp rate, high drop rate, high stat, high stat items, high buff stat, RTD quest fast travel (wish it same for other quest type), dragon weapon (beginner items), Auction House, auto buff, daily rewards, and abundant of materials (BE, GT,FS). Anything else I haven’t mention is things I haven’t done yet (guardian, infinite dungeon, loulan, golden pig event, etc.)

    The cons are empty maps especially Bloody Plain, two type of premiums, rng loot boxes from shop, high tier items require materials from shop, imbalance between non-prem vs prem members (xp, stat, and drop), skill rate is abysmal and high cooldown (except with prem and 9x pills), lack of tournament, lack of structure in band, league, and master & disciple, lack of karma system, lack of high tier items story origin (ex. def trinket come from def boss), game feel like a modded/private version of 9D (some items seem out of place), and most importantly lack of community.

    Wounding Dragon
    Like all sickness, I hope 9D get cure soon. The current state of 9D seem to be in good standing. But the fact remains, the people that still stick around are those that care about 9D and want it to be in it glory days. Once those people left, there is no one else willing to play a 10+ years old game (let alone pay for it). One way to heal the wound of 9D is to make a significance changes to the game. By making it P2P, monthly subscription with monthly update. The rate would be $5-$10 depend publisher financial stability. No P2W items and no loot boxes in shop. Only cosmetics, personal, band, and clan changes allow. Spend more time on advertising in social media and connect with players in game. Less time spend on making cash cow items for future event.

    Dreaming Dragon
    In my opinion, there should be three parts in leveling the character. First is tutorial level from Losing Self to Elemental Crown. At this level the players will learn about the game as they progress. Second is intermediate level from Elemental Crown to Dissolved Body. At this level PvP is allow, everyone default option is PvE until they enable PvP in setting. Random PvP (PK) will be mark, penalize, but gain bad karma. Any vigilante that kill the pker would gain good karma and rewarded item for entire band/clan boost. Third is advance level from Dissolved Body to Max level. At this level everything is possible, farming is not as important as winning battle. There will be friendly band vs band war and clan vs clan war that give reward point for upgrading band and clan structure (unlocking skill books, weapon plans, and clothing plans).

    The Karma System would be revamped so that PvP actually matter in this game. Each karma title would give stat boost for PvP. Bad karma gives power boost and speed. While Good karma give defense boost and hp. A white clan player defeating a black clan player would receive GK and vice versa. HP/VE and any other boost from potion would only work in PvE. No boost would be allowed in PvP beside buff from yourself, other people, and events. Leveling should be curved in a way that tutorial level takes 3 days, intermediate take 6 days, and advance take 12 days to max (base on 2-3 hour a day grinding). Skill exp rate and cooldown should be the same as original Acclaim version. PvP would increase all type of skill faster (rate varies based on opponent level). The opponent cannot fight twice within 5-10 minutes (to avoid griefing and exploit). Only allow to fight twice when both accept duel, but would wait 10-15 minutes for the third time. Make the game more about fighting mechanic and team-oriented battle. Each role should have a strength and a weakness against other role (nuker > hybrid > warrior > healer > nuker). More events at Bloody Plain and GM involvement event. Bloody Plain would increase skill exp rate. Spawn random bosses and boxes for players to hunt for band/clan point. These are some of things I thought 9D would be, but so far no one has taken it to full fruition.

    TL;DR Beginning is about my experience during Acclaim era. Returning is when I return to 9D in RedFox era and express my opinion. Wounding Dragon is the part I describe the current state of 9D and possible solution. Dreaming Dragon is some of the things I hope it would be implemented in order to keep 9D alive and breathing.
    P.S. I'm bad at grammar and I'm also the one that suggest the server to be name Tao (my forum name was chetbam).
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2020
    0oMerakio0 likes this.
  2. Cytrix

    Cytrix Active Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Somewhere I read something about PVP Points in Hainan. Seems like u can use them to buy stuff there. But I agree, Karma should be re-introduced and there should be some sick karma relics to motivate people to pvp.
    0oMerakio0 likes this.
  3. 0oMerakio0

    0oMerakio0 New Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    This right here.

    I also played back in Acclaim days (Nirvana, Verbal_, PoB/Cereal Killers). Just came back a few weeks ago after a 11 year hiatus from this game. I honestly wish a new publisher would just buy this game and make it pay to play. And everyone starts from scratch again. 9D is a unique game and still has that potential we all saw back then. But it needs to be revamped. This is obviously just a cash grab on the side for RF.

    It was jarring to see all the beginner maps empty, and not even to mention BP. That's when it hit home for me. Back then BP was always popping off, no matter what server, but especially on Nirvana with our epic League wars. Damn those were good days..

    Although I am still enjoying the game, learning the new areas, and reminiscing of old days, it is very discouraging of how pay 2 win this game has become. And I honestly don't know how long I will stick around. And I'm not investing $ just to win, nor grinding months for some Ultimate tablet.

    I have two HG toons, but as I near the last 20 levels, I keep asking myself 'what's my aim with all this?' And honestly, I still haven't found that answer.
    vietman likes this.
  4. Thedarklord87

    Thedarklord87 Active Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    we are just playing game, i think u waste too much time thinking too deeply into it..
    from what i read from you guys is u just want to pk, there many pk game out there i wish that u enjoy yourself.
    u basically can hit HG without spending money n with the online login gift i dont see what so money grabbing RF is?
    infact i think they quite nice compare to acclaim
    KaMiguel likes this.
  5. Cytrix

    Cytrix Active Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Try to survive in high level maps without being one-hit ko'ed from other players. Then you'll know how much this game is about cash grabbing. If you just play for yourself and dont compete with others or don't mind being one-hit killed - then yes you dont need to use money. Else you either are a team of friends who all no-life and share account or invest 10-20kk++ $ to be able to compete.
  6. Thedarklord87

    Thedarklord87 Active Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    You know those player invest real money for this gear or farm like crazy, try saying unfair in real life

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