What is Your Major Malfunction?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Acidhedz, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    156,000 gold for a 30 minute pill to turn off pvp...

    Seriously. What in the hell are you thinking?

    I am STILL waiting for ANYONE to give me one OBJECTIVE reason why PvP should be treated different to any of the other options that can be turned off, and you can't even manage to give us a solution that isn't totally asinine!

    On top of that it you give us zero information about whether or not it works everywhere.
    You also appear to have turned PvP back on for the lower maps, and didn't bother to put it in the patch notes.

    Why should people be punished like this, just because they don't want to use SIDE CONTENT!
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2016
    Perfection, Dromi and chiyoko3242 like this.
  2. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Then they need to fix the damn text on the pill. Either way it doesn't say much about their competence.

  3. Yabuszko

    Yabuszko Active Member

    Feb 7, 2016
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    122k at Tibet Clinic (same pot) max Loyalty - and yes, its 3h pot.
    Spite likes this.
  4. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    I'm only at the SM levels, which atm need to be called the S&M levels.
    Getting over 100K gold, even in 3 hours, isn't something you just shrug off.

    And really, this is a new item. How can they manage to get the text on it, but not get the duration right? As a writer I know how easy it can be to overlook mistakes in hundreds of words, but that thing only has a couple of short sentences on it.

    I would still like to know if it's a blanket anti-pvp item, or if there are places it doesn't work.

    @Swim I, and others, do not like (open)PvP. At all. Ever. For any reason. I'm sure there are things you don't like. You know you don't like them. You might even know why you don't like them. How would you like it if you constantly had people telling you "Oh, it's not that bad, you get used to it."
    Seriously, you might as well be talking about someone randomly running up and farting in my face.
    Stonedplayer likes this.
  5. xFlyingArtx

    xFlyingArtx New Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    If there really hapen... not much PVP on icy I think because there's not much ppl grinding there and they have good level to fight back... lol
    As we know many PVP player will target 1 map or more below them to get an easy kill...
    Today I saw many random pK on NC and LD maps and most of the PKer is the ppl who grind on higher maps
  6. Idolized

    Idolized Active Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    It costs how much???

    Spite likes this.
  7. ihgyug

    ihgyug Active Member

    Jan 28, 2016
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    It shouldn't even exist and you guys complain? Name me a 9d server with anti PK potion.
    fataljustice likes this.
  8. Blitzcronk

    Blitzcronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    There has been nothing but threads going into five-six pages which have the same "We don't want pvp" theme to them. Red Fox and JWG had to do something because the majority were in arms. There is now a buff to prevent you from being pked and for the sake of 150k for three hours, you're going to complain. GamesCampus removed that crap for good reason, it absolutely abolished pvp. I see so much hypocrisy because the same players that don't want to be killed whilst grinding will be happy to have input into svs but any other time, no.

    The buff is here, pvp is going to be completely dead. CC pvp will be dead, BP is dead. The one saving grace that kept an element of this game intact was pvp and now that is going to be even smaller with this buff. I absolutely hate the addition and I really don't care what kind of responses I get that call us barbaric savages or sociopaths.

    Pvp is a big part of this game, if you don't agree that is your choice but the entire bloody story is based on war.
    fataljustice likes this.
  9. fataljustice

    fataljustice Active Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    6hour wanted debuff for 1 kill and you noobs complain about 150k? LOL
  10. fawhash

    fawhash Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    If you had spent more time grinding than writing long-ass posts here,you might have reached HM by now instead of the current SM. Maybe at higher levels you could have started enjoying pvp and it would have saved us from your constant ranting.
    Vrangsinn and ihgyug like this.
  11. fataljustice

    fataljustice Active Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    shut up noob im not sm
  12. fawhash

    fawhash Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    lol. I wasn't talking to you.
  13. Shady

    Shady New Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    There used to be a buff next poison of conqueror at hermit. Veteran player experience
  14. ihgyug

    ihgyug Active Member

    Jan 28, 2016
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    For CC. Not for all maps. Veteran my ass lol
    fataljustice likes this.
  15. ToMaZzz

    ToMaZzz Active Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    The only part i agree with u is on boss part, rest not rly u say die once in a while ? lol if i get killed 30+ a day i dont find it fun, u mention other mmorpg's well on the ones i play u CHOOSE to pvp or not. Here u dont have that choice if no anti PK pill cuz u get owned loads of times by more OP players and be happy? Well if u want pvp np i propose that a player can get killed once in a week on rest map but with no limit on cc or bp then its fair cuz i dont recall pvp being disabled in BP, so those who love pvp can do that white vs black war thing in BP while others can grind in peace. I dont like pvp so i played on bardo and yang for the pve aspect while others PVP loving played on PVP server which had all maps pvp able thats where choice's come in and here with no anti PK there is no choice unless u wanna get killed alot or camp in hefei
  16. fawhash

    fawhash Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Now, the most amazing thing is, that, this guy will reply to each post individually giving as much attention to detail as possible. And the length of each of his reply would be more than thrice the original reply. The replies would have sentences like "says who" "prove it" "just because you are saying" "ad hominem" "social justice" and so on.
  17. fataljustice

    fataljustice Active Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    +1 all pkers
  18. ToMaZzz

    ToMaZzz Active Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    @fawhash if ur refering to me i just get bit carried away :). Idea is that i dont like pvp i dont go BP those who prefer should go there and shouldnt be forced fully 100% one way or other, so that all could do what they like :)
  19. Zukee

    Zukee Active Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    People playing on forums rather than ingame.

    Why icy is dead?Most/some people quit game and thats why there is around 10-15 people max in icy.
  20. Acidhedz

    Acidhedz Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    Name one thing in game you NEED it for.
    All it does is give you bad karma, and you don't need that.
    It isn't required for anything, which makes it a matter of taste. What people do and don't like.
    Just because you like it, doesn't make it important. And what you like isn't more important than what anyone else likes.
    Lots of people play for the chat. We can turn off chat.
    Lots of people play for parties. We can refuse requests for them.
    Lots of people play for bands and leagues. We can refuse requests for both.
    None of the people who enjoy those things, and even play the game mostly because of them, are here in the forum complaining about how people can refuse to talk with them, or play with them.
    It's just you PvP brats that think everyone should have to put up with open-pvp, no matter how much we don't like it, just because you do like it.

    Get over yourselves.

    If this pill kills PvP, then that's because people didn't want to be doing it in the first place. That means they don't actually like it, and were only putting up with it because they had no choice.

    I'm sick of all you whiny little babies crying because people don't want to play with you. Get over it.
    You're all a bunch of spoiled brats that think you should be able to force people to play with you, regardless of what they want.

    And oh yeah, if it's so important, then why did the last PvP server die? Why did the PvP servers ALWAYS have way fewer people on them?

    And the story, the entire thing, is based on defeating the deviant clans. Which are ALL AI controlled mobs. There isn't a single quest that has anything to do with PvP.

    1. We aren't the ones crying about other players not wanting to play with us. We aren't the ones demanding the right to FORCE people to do things against their will. You are.
    2. You can still play PvP against anyone who wants to. Anyone who uses anything placed into the game to turn off PvP, obviously doesn't want to.
    Get over yourself and your pathetic little ego. Just because you think open-pvp is fun, doesn't mean other people do.
    3. This is a game. We play it for fun. You can't get better at having fun, because fun is subjective. You are trying to force us to do something we don't find fun. End of flipping story. Just because you like it, doesn't mean anyone else should have to put up with it.
    4. Yes, and everysingle one had way more PvE servers than PvP. Let's see... R, 13 servers, 2 are PvP. Ma, 4 servers pvp can be disabled. GW2, no open-pvp at all. T, 3 out of 7 (still can't break 50%). SW:OR, 6 out of 17 pvp. EQ, 20ish servers, 1 is PvP. EQ2, 12ish servers, since they just merged yet another pvp server into a pve server because of low population, they are down to just one as well. Vin, 16 servers, NONE are open-PvP. Even the big mack daddy of all MMORPGs, only has about 40% PvP servers.

    EVIDENCE! Mine says PvP in MMORPGs in not more popular, it's not even close.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2016

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