College Majors

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Castries, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    nah. Do the Drop-Out major. The Computer Science diploma are worthless. Show us your skills how to **** programming on a computers. If you don't then do different major or be drop-out major like me. that is. It's ******* lame to taking the whole ******** math courses for the Computer Science major. Most of them are drop out and switched to useless diploma like digital art whatever they desire it. Also most of a godly programmers weren't learning in their class like I do. I dont learn any useless classes like English, Math, whatever the ******** requirement we have to take classes to complete the **** diploma.

    I dropped out because the math courses are ******* with me. You don't need to use math for ******* programming, all is you need basic math. It's ********, they just want the money til we cry in a graveyard.
    Yusuke likes this.
  2. Yusuke

    Yusuke Best Dressed

    Mar 3, 2016
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    The math classes are a pain, but perseverance is key. AP classes definitely helped lighten the load. Math may be unnecessary but I still think it’s important to know. I’ve completed two internships and the most challenging math problem was simply findout what the sales tax of an item was. I do feel like degrees are secondary and are only used to give people credibility. I haven’t graduated yet, but I’ve been getting offers primarily because of my experience and the the 3 certifications I have accumulated.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2017
    SoarRF, HumoLoco and tamirtov like this.
  3. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Ikr but in my math classes, we are not permit to using calculator for any purpose and also professor refuse to help us to "read to us" for word problems.

    The big question is why do you have complete all **** math course before you finally reach the class what you really look for. Like they required you complete the whole math course before you finally reach digital art class... Like really, if someone want to become a math teacher but end up they have to complete the entire English courses but not math? Is it fair?

    It's useless and ludicrous af. The Education System are so fucked up, they WILL NEVER BE IMPROVE; they are just keep doing to scam us for the whole of our life.

    Yea time for us shoot every university and college.
  4. tamirtov

    tamirtov Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    HumoLoco likes this.
  5. Yusuke

    Yusuke Best Dressed

    Mar 3, 2016
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    You’re right though. I still had to take English again and 2 Science classes even though neither are related to my degree. English consisted of writing papers and reading books. ​
    HumoLoco likes this.
  6. pr0dz

    pr0dz Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Aha Cyber Security is a good career but since you have my major, what good careers accept Computer Science?
    HumoLoco and tamirtov like this.
  7. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    yea i am deadly serious. We have to use our fingers to count it.

    Prerequisites are ******** to be honest.

    English courses are too easy more than Math, but English courses give you a heavy homework, like you don't have time to edit it make it final essay on next due. But still English courses are too easy. Because you can use Humo Language to give them godly L.

    I remembered I took a several science classes a year ago it was shitty humanities elective. I don't interest it, you know what I do with them? I didn't do nothing in my class all is listen to my whore professors all is they do talk for ******* 2 hours I acted like deaf so they wont bother me and I don't doing homework at my home. All was I am waiting for code programming classes. Now I have completed code programming classes already, now i need to finish two classes left to get a certificate for free then drop out cuz i using fafsa to pay all my **** tuition.
    Yusuke and tamirtov like this.
  8. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Nothing of what good careers accept computer science. It is really nothing.

    It's same as "you cannot eulogize what is already dead."
  9. Pocajong

    Pocajong Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Some of you people really take learning english and math for granted
    Regardless if you need it or not its better to reinforce something then to let it slip your brain
    The amount of people ive seen type some god awful garbage in both coding and real life situations I would think i was working with a korean company hell bent on using moon runes then any language on earth
  10. Drevius

    Drevius Comic Book Creator & Clean Up Crew

    Mar 4, 2016
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    It's good to keep it up I'll agree with that. However if you asked me to try and keep math up after core classes I'd laugh in your face
    Castries likes this.
  11. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Yea right. You have never try coding before you going to college. Coding does not required you take a whole English courses and Math courses and also useless elective classes. Like taking humanities elective what's could they help you for the future? Nothing.

    Ok do this.

    @Yusuke rowed 10 miles down a river in 2 hours, but the return trip took him two and half hours, but the return trip took him two and half. Find the rate @Yusuke can row in still water and find the rate of the current. Let x=rate @Yusuke can row in still water and y=rate of the current.

    gogoogo answer it.

    @[GM]Gourdy blends coffee for RedFox. He needs to prepare 140 pounds of blended coffee beans selling for $4.29 per pound. He plans to do this by blending together a high-quality bean costing $5.25 per pound and a cheaper bean at $3.00 per pound. To the nearest pound, find how much high-quality coffee bean and how much cheaper coffee bean he should blend.

    Gogogogogo answer it.

    My parrot required 2 cubic feet of space per parrot to maintain a healthy environment. Find the maximum number of parrot you could put in a cage measuring 22 feet by 24 feet by 70 feet.

    gogogogo answer it.

    If you get wrong answer them. Then your life are fucked up.
    Yusuke and Panthaero like this.
  12. Castries

    Castries Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2016
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    humoloco, your grammar is worse than labeba's. stop responding to my threads
  13. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Nah *****. my grammar is always getting worse. Its called Humo Language.
    Castries likes this.
  14. Pocajong

    Pocajong Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Moving the goal post
    Assuming I dont know coding when im already in my 3rd year while doing research in cryptography but sure m8 I really dont know what im doing : ^ )

    Tell me how are math courses are useless when you'll probably need it for algorithms and data structures but again I must not know what im doing right? You shouldnt need math for simulations right? the computer does it for you right? But how were simulations given by a computer even possible if someone didnt create an algorithm for it to create such simulations?

    By telling me math and english are useless in a field that LITERALLY is its back bone you must be one hell of a *******
    Everything thats been created at this point had to come from somewhere and how it got there you have to understand to create more things but that obv went over your "DROPOUT METHOD" head
  15. Pocajong

    Pocajong Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Ofc trust me if I was given the option I wouldnt either but thats probably due to your previous teachers teaching methods
    Its good to understand how things came from and once you have that understanding you can use those previous building blocks to make your own thing
  16. HumoLoco

    HumoLoco Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    Yea drop out method is always never wrong.

    You got me dying after hear it from you saying "Tell me how are math courses are useless when you'll probably need it for algorithms and data structures " I would NEVER use algorithms and data structures ever again they are uselessly to me. that is.

    coding programming required basic math and that is. You literally never using algorithm to coding with c++'s newest version, unless you making a damn robotic. However, if you talk about it, you meaning if someone really good at algorithm then they would be easy to under the syntax of the code language. That is. Basic math has everything in code language, you don't need discrete math for it. I don't need to learn algorithm in order to understanding of code language. I use my Humo brain to coding not algorithm. **** that. Code language is too easy to learn like you learning to ride a ******* bike.

    By the way, You said "You shouldnt need math for simulations right? the computer does it for you right? But how were simulations given by a computer even possible if someone didnt create an algorithm for it to create such simulations?"
    How about (concepts) philosophy vs math for simulation? Do ever you use your brain for motherfucka simulation or be one of them the bystander?

    I was forced to take Computer Science because they don't offer da game development and game programming. That's why I am going to get a certificate of OOP and drop it out. And I been there for almost 4 years.

    op af.
  17. LordSea

    LordSea Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2016
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    i took tons of AP classes and dual credit (college credit also) classes so im sure my workload in college will be significantly less than the average persons
    like i dont even have to take english in college whatsoever
    Castries likes this.
  18. tamirtov

    tamirtov Clean Up Crew

    Mar 3, 2016
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    HumoLoco likes this.
  19. Castries

    Castries Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2016
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    yeah thats one of the great things about AP classes
    less time needed and less work

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