BK & GK Titles Point System is Unfair

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dylzer, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. dylzer

    dylzer New Member

    Jun 4, 2016
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    Players opinions on this , personally I think this is unfair on the non pk players in respect of BK points needed for fist BK Title is only 100 points and GK first title is 1000 points , I know this has been the same since acclaim days , but come on lets be fair here to both pkrs and none pkrs it should be 100 points for both sides or 1000 points for both sides but surely it should be equal for all , how long does it take to make 100 bk points compared to 1000 gk points . That would be good to know.
  2. DrRockzo

    DrRockzo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    You can get like 500 Gk from rtd quests alone. I got my brave heart epi from grinding alone. You get 30 Gk per kill as opposed to 10 bk PvP wise so it's not that bad.

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