In light of what GM Ahri has stated.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by FeiiBardo, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. FeiiBardo

    FeiiBardo Member

    Jan 22, 2016
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    Let me point this out: I was not somebody involved in the "xp card farming".

    GM Ahri has halted the attendance event until further notice, stating that, "We were recently informed by members of the community that a few of you are creating multiple accounts to take advantage of the tradable rewards (Experience Bonus Card) given out from the Attendance Event".

    Not that I disagree with your (GM Ahri's) actions, but this is absolutely 100% not the players' fault.

    To be completely honest, you should have expected this result (people farming XP cards with multiple accounts) when you released the event. Why?
    The XP cards that come from the event are completely tradeable and storable.
    This ^ combined with the fact that the XP rates are lower than most players are used to should be more than enough reason for you to believe that players would be making multiple accounts to farm the cards.
    Yet again, while I do not disagree with GM Ahri's actions to stop the event, what I do disagree with is blaming the players for "exploiting" when the mistake was made in the event itself.
    Spite and muscyy like this.
  2. Blitzcronk

    Blitzcronk Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2016
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    The rates are pretty low so any chance to increase them the majority of players are going to take. When you make the mistake of giving out cards that can be stored and traded and then you penalize the community for your own mistake, you're definitely doing something wrong. The issue seems to be if there are any problems with anything cost based such as premium buff or dragon boxes, you are so quick to resolve them but anything just lingers in the void.

    If not done, I'm sure most people have considered farming accounts for the sole purpose of it. There are now hundreds of cards in-game, players are making a lot of money of it, we're able to buy cards so cheap, you have royally messed this up. I have about 30 hermit cards which I bought from a lot of players from anywhere for 5 for 1.5m or 2 for 800k and now that hundreds if not possibly thousands of cards are in the community, the advantages for the current players are going to sky rocket.

    The lack of testing and negligence towards the situation before it got out of control is your fault, you are responsible for this game and as a result you need to rectify the situation. Disabling the event because of your incompetence is just unreasonable.
    Spite, KProphetK and muscyy like this.
  3. adryan86

    adryan86 New Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Wonder if they will ban all servar, ban ppl for them mistake will kill this game first then start, they should do like acclaim did whit scales bug, ask ppl give back and who don't do it to take action against him
  4. ShaKira2008

    ShaKira2008 Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    How FUny that thy blame us for their own mistake.......But why they did not notice that exp cards are 15 in Reward section, But you only recive 10.
    Please RedFox.....

  5. Tussaud

    Tussaud Member

    Dec 25, 2015
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    It's absolutely 100% players' fault, if they have created multiple accounts. As he stated in his post: "You may establish only one account per person to participate in the services offered on the website." You create another account, you break the rules, you get banned. It's that simple.
    ihgyug likes this.
  6. kilroyjr

    kilroyjr Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    I bet RedFox doesnt take this **** seriously. There should be a zero tolerance policy of people cheating, exploiting, knowingly abusing the game. But I bet they wont do anything and let these people who did this get off scott free because they all gave them precious money in the item mall
    ihgyug likes this.
  7. ToMaZzz

    ToMaZzz Active Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Spot on :D they as pissed and players abuse exploit but dont give a flying **** if they show 15 exp cards and give 10 nice fck over on players from their side >_>
  8. ShaKira2008

    ShaKira2008 Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Oh and Dear GM Ahri ,RedFox ,share your wisdom with us .

    How you will Fix the Unbalance that you created ?

    NonTradable cards wont change the fact that people have STACKS of exp cards, while others have nothing.

    What you gona do ??Use your GM tool to turn all the suspicious EXP card stacks..Into Dumplings?(food).

    Do you even know to use a GM tool ?

    Vrangsinn and Kolalutu like this.
  9. Zukee

    Zukee Active Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    No,they are going to do a 3-4day rollback so no xp cards in game.
    adryan86 likes this.
  10. Kuro1986

    Kuro1986 Active Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    They wont do a rollback. If they do, they will lose all players who started in the past few days and have a character that's not older then 2 or 3 days.
  11. Trevino

    Trevino Member

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Deleted my own post.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2016

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