XP rate from Tibet Mobs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dylzer, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. dylzer

    dylzer New Member

    Jun 4, 2016
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    XP rate from Tibet Mobs is something that really needs looking at , instead of "my own thoughts" being penalised by the low xp from Tibet mobs 0.01 / 0.02 % per kill is very low players should be rewarded for the fact they have reached the higher lvls of Character. I do understand that the higher the lvl xp rate goes down but the previous mentioned rate is very low when trying to grind level up is nigh on impossible in temples with all the pkn that goes on .
  2. VSlash86

    VSlash86 Active Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    it's been always like that in Tibet

    you are suppossed to use the money from the weaps/drops and get better gear in order to kill faster
  3. Zaitrey

    Zaitrey Active Member

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Well mostly, people will use prem on icy maps and up. Even in icy, the xp rate is killing and yeah we deserve it as we're getting much stronger. I always use prem + card myself so yeah. I still get 0.3 something. Lowest is 0.29 :)
  4. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    I do believe that it is more than 0.02% per kill unless you are talking about mobs that are 5 levels below your current levels.
    Plus, 720k gold from each weapon is a good income. You should have had gained enough for good gears as VSlash86 said.

    If you want to gamble (less time, more exp), go to temples. At ps6 you can hit 0.81% per kill with x2 exp card. There is chance that you get pk-ed. However, you can use anti-pk buff for every hour (I already reported this anti-pk buff glitch but there is no response from RedFox, so I assume it's ok to exploit. I can show tickets to support my words).

    Therefore, it is fine for the exp rate in Tibet related to good and fair income when you grind there. People always have to give up something to gain something. In Tibet exp case, it's the gold over the exp.

    P/s: go to Temples with anti-pk buff ;)
  5. dylzer

    dylzer New Member

    Jun 4, 2016
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    Anti Pk Buff isn't available anymore so how can you use it and let measure you mobs 2 levels higher for example mobs lvl 215 / 216 only give 0.02 per kill so your quote of .
    P/s: go to Temples with anti-pk buff ;) "is very strange "
  6. DrRockzo

    DrRockzo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    If you go exactly 5 lvl above you (assuming you are melee) it generally works out to be pretty decent XP, though it's not always easy to find. I am farming boxes in Tibet cause I hate myself but if I wanted to actually grind to lvl I would do temple
    balb1n0 likes this.
  7. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I grinded today in tibet to test the XP rate. On a x5 card in tibet and premium i got 0.06 per kill on orange mobs at IM 6. So despite the fact you might not believe him. He has to grind such low xp because your scumbag league pks him until he logs out even though he is in a PVE league that has no affiliation with any war leagues. There isnt a chance of being pked in temple, it actually happens to all non VN players.
  8. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    I think you are being too negative. I'm HG 5 and yes I grind for 0.01% per 2 mobs in Tibet. Common sense! :)
    I assumed that hes a low level and having first step into Tibet map. Thats why the exp should be more than 0.02%
    And hey, did he say anything about pk-ing?

    Also, I mentioned the anti-pk buff in temple. You are only pointing fire at ALL Vietnamese blindly.
    Think about it! Your comment is helping him? No! You are telling him to quit and saying bad words to other people.
    Its way off-topic and have no value to the original topic.

    I wonder if [GM]Ahri really care about forum's codes?
  9. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    It isnt in his salary to care. He will be professional. He may seem like he cares . but that is his job, to keep us at bay while the wolves steal our money.
  10. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I will stop pointing fingers at the VN community when there are no longer videos of VN cheating. Havent seen any brazilians cheating. No japanese. No koreans. No americans. No iranians. Not a single canadian. No one other than VN. I dont know what YaB was but he might be the only exception and he got the hint and left. So again, prove me wrong and ill silence. Until then VN are cheaters and trash leagues in this game. They destroyed 9D Viet server, they hacked R4 and GC and they ran 80% of the server to quit. FYI the players that quit, were pve. They were not even in war leagues but you eague pks anyone as much as you feel like staying there to kill a player over and over. You must feel really nice to be apart of such a league that kills everyone out of racism. All non VN must die.
  11. MyJustICE

    MyJustICE Member

    Feb 19, 2016
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    Trash Talk :rolleyes:
    i'm non VN,..but still Alive :D
    its not about Country vs Country,..9D not World Champion, or Olympic :eek:...its about League VS League,...why so serious ;)
  12. Michiyo

    Michiyo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    And so, you are pointing at ALL people in VN community!?

    I agree that cheaters and hackers should be punished seriously. I have no objection about that. I only want to say that categorizing people base on their nationalities is completely wrong. A person should be judged base on what he/she has done and those actions' consequences.

    Judging the entire community base on some individuals' actions is not justice. Its racism.

    P/s: sorry Thread for being off-topic. I'm just too tired of this racism
  13. Kito420

    Kito420 Active Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Let me put to you so maybe you can comprehend. Categorizing players by nationality isnt wrong. It is called statistics. The companies do the same. See what regions have the most players and such. If players with VN names, are selling hacked items, how does that not categories them as hackers? If 5 of them are VN, does that not make the majority of the hackers VN? If you have 10 players and 7 are VN and 3 are mixed and 4 of those VN are hackers, isnt it safe to say that the hacks have made it by the other VN players? It is funny how you sit here and try to make it look like i am the bad guy here when i am not the only one complaining about VN league actions? I am more adamant about it because instead of acting like the rest of the coward server, running to quit, i found a way around these scumbag griefers and cheaters. Ill call them scumbags because that is what they are. Hackers and cheaters are vermin.

    There is NO racism. Dont be mad at me because your community cant get it together. As i said before, Not all VN are hackers but most hackers are VN. Quit playing the race card in defense. If americans were hacking id blame them. You are a VN i assume by all your crybaby remarks. Take action. Take initiative as a VN member that speaks enough english to help both sides co-exist. You rather make it look like your league is the victim when you are actually the problem. You could leave the league and start your own. Fact is you are in a league with glitchers and cheaters. GM know this but dont want to take the time to go through all those logs. I know GM Ahri was lying to me anyways. He said they checked logs til the begining of time..... what kinda answer.

    Begining of complain when YaB first pked? What about the other players with these similar weapons that are in YOUR league and the VN leagues. How come YaB was the only Non VN that has gotten in trouble? Like i said. I ahve been here since 2006 with this game. I have seen the Koreans try and destroy acclaim. Acclaim put IP ban on their country. G1/GC had issue with VN hacking GM accounts after they tried to shut down R4, which was ran by VN hackers who got coding and started a private server. Quit playing the race card Miyo. VN league will pk and grief all non pk leagues and you know this. Admitting it to yourself that you are in a league full of bullies and cheaters, thats the hard part. Ill wager my account that if GM do a sweep of items and check bags, not just logs, but individually check each weapon in each players bags, your league will be in possesion of glitched weapons.

    I will not change the way i look at this. I am a person who only follows logistics and statistics and if 6/10 VN are hackers ima kill all 10. Not asking who is a cheater or who is friendly any more. I no longer kill. I am not killing VN because i hate VN. I have many VN friends i have met here over the years. I am killing VN because they are the majority of the cheaters in this version. Thats not racist, thats honesty. Take it how you want but if all the hackers where white with blonde hair and blue eyes, id kill them too. I dont care what nationality you are. If you are in a league with cheaters, you die for supporting them. So continue dying. I dont want new friends. I dont like any of you anyways, While im being honest. I came to try this server and when i seen how your league treated others for not being VN, and you are here crying racism in hopes to get me banned, is funny to say the least.
  14. darthsidius

    darthsidius Active Member

    Apr 25, 2016
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