How to effectively get a change from GM?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Revered, Nov 20, 2020.

  1. Thedarklord87

    Thedarklord87 Active Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    You are the bloody trash that your mouth want to keep yapping, I highly doubt u even know what you talking about.
    Doubt my spec on lappy? U think first world country like mine lack the ability to pay for a good pc? Or you think capping damg at HI12 in hainan I can get more damg even after I cap damg? Little baby, if all I see is 0 what’s the use of a stupid level? This game is this game other game is other game, from acclaim from start of game we can hold lvl that’s more than 10years ago, u say 10years plus later we agree u should just lvl up? Remove the whole freaking chi breathing then? Want to keep to Chinese wuxia content? Let me tell you, in Chinese wuxia content you can hold your growth if you think you not confident enough to handle the tribulation but in game is gear or need to farm.
    Lvl up = more damg lmao!
    Using a lvl1 char vs a lvl 25 char, more damg you say? I give a level 1 char just Marisa set enough to 1hit that lvl25 char that depend on lvl maybe that 104 extra str helps but I forget the idea abt point system because at that lvl u alrdy cap str dex so extra damg is from your wep n gear. Really zzz all I see is damg 0 in hainan telling me lvl up = more damg good game knowledge
  2. Thedarklord87

    Thedarklord87 Active Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    CB is bug? You take what drug? You don’t even know many things in game n ask so many question you have the confident to come in n say big?
    Chi breathing can pop up but a player should have the choices to chose if they want to hold or forward.
    This is since 10years ago from acclaim starts, this game is base on Chinese wuxia.
    Every major realm growth you need a lot of resource luck n talent.
    But in game we don’t have big family to support so resource will change to farm
    Luck, our drop rate vs farming speed
    Talent as in game all char start out the same, the talent will have to be gears.
    Someone who ask so many noob question claim he know what is bug n what is not bug huh?
    If this is bug why chi breathing is a option ?
    Just remove the whole chi breathing n level, just minor lvl don’t need major lvl.
    Fools that get trick by pub zz
    rashbrasil likes this.
  3. Bankz

    Bankz Active Member

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Dude................. you do know you get a penalty verse red mobs right? Which is why you gain 5% more xp when you kill them...... You do more damage to mobs your lvl or below. I said no such think about degrading you pc. I said I could run 9D smoothly so it's not the game causing you to DC.... But you know it all right? so what i say should phase you.
  4. Thedarklord87

    Thedarklord87 Active Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    You can run 9d smoothly? Wow while so many people talking about crash. I just got my pc for 3k on year 2020 not enough to run 9d?
    Talking to you is a waste of time, pen for hitting red mob? I don’t know why you so weak u get pen, at hainan I hitting elite damg 0. Maybe I too weak but their hp drop so fast. 30min 5k point only while u need millions of point to go for end game stuff.
  5. Bankz

    Bankz Active Member

    Jul 14, 2016
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    You're right! This is a waste of time. You clearly don't understand how 9D works. So there you win. :D
  6. Eroine

    Eroine Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Players with good faith and those who have a stand don't need to go into hiding and ask for a game change. The changes that are made in the world and in any organized environment are made by leaders, that is, by those who have followers, not by those who sit in the back, in the corner of the table and say nothing, then put a sentence in a box on a corner of a sheet. To make a change you need leadership.

    CB change impacted the game in a negative way because the design of the events. All events are made for 150 levels and are not farmable for high levels characters and for cap levels. At cap level because of the bad game design you can't farm in high level dungeons as easy at low level or on cap mobs because of the excesive HP of mobs and bad drop rate. You made a change before thinking how this impact the game community of players and did not analyzed from all angles.

    You forced cap players to make 150 characters to farm the event because of the bad planning of events and forced to dote them with good gear and now you took it as it is nothing and in same time you did not put something to replace it, meaning you didn't improve the farming system of the high level players and cap one to access the events as easy as the 150 level. Now you will force players to make templates for each event and people will not do it, more those good faith farmer will go away. You impacted another segment of your game base and force it to go away.

    This was not such a bad glitch that impacted the game on a huge scale, you have other top important glitches to resolve. Keep up this good work and in 2021 you will have no players to play this ancient game !

    And btw NineArts is almost 1 year, how many of this did you solve out ?

    No 10 was :
    Indeed you fix it for good...
  7. Revered

    Revered Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    It is not true or GM was lying:
    • In PVE, there is no penalty on damage and attack rate of monsters above 5 level (previously, 60% damage only applied)
    • Damage and attack rate will be equivalent for monsters with level difference +6
    • In PVE, the experience points gained by killing monsters above 5 level than your character has increased from 140% to 220%
    Thedarklord87 and Bankz like this.
  8. upirank

    upirank Active Member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    It is obviously 9dragons is a kungfu game and redfox with no actually knowledge about the wushu setting, where many masters have to do chi breathing to ascend to the next level, there are master who did not ascended to the next level due unable to complete the chi breath. So of course it is all about money, if you force people to farm in kunlun where mob is much harder to farm and more junk stuff to drop than on lower level mob, they will have to buy from IM, which is money money baby.
    disciple15 likes this.
  9. Bankz

    Bankz Active Member

    Jul 14, 2016
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    I take it all back then. Didn't realize they switched it up on us.
    Revered likes this.
  10. renatokpz

    renatokpz Active Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    What about people lvl 246++? Where do they farm map items?
    Kunlun item drops are broken. No event items drop during weekdays or weekends.
    Hainan drop rate sucks and it takes time to kill one mob.

    For what reason, high lvl people cannot participate in the events?

    Well, we can easily farm dungeon items, but what about map items? starting a new toon every now and then?
    People get demotivated by this.. So much effort and dedication to gear up the main toon and then you provide us with events like that?

    Please, take this into consideration for the new events.
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    rashbrasil and disciple15 like this.
  11. Thedarklord87

    Thedarklord87 Active Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    we have been talking abt high lvl joining event for very long but GM have not think about this n just want us make more char.
    making more char = more gear needed = more gold need = more money spend or more time spended
    it create a fake image that this game have alot of player while mostly is alt.
    but i have give up 99% n now just slacking around see if theres will be more logic change or still the same but money wise i hardly see any reason to carry on supporting this game.
    many hold level not just to farm zombie, this is a fact if not tibet will have more than just 10-15 zombie hunter.
    since i got all end game gear, i only lack the new cloths set so u think its fine then u just enjoy, but i myself think its not.
    this game is not just about me, its about others too.
    giving others a fair chance to grow even if they dont spend.
    disciple15 likes this.
  12. Sedolh

    Sedolh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    Well first there was a complaint about auto farming or not farming or just annoying zombie farming or what ever u wanna call it in Tibet.

    So it's a good thing to see that they fixed that part at least,, Tibet doesn't have that much issues anymore.

    I'm just hoping that RF will take that decision in account that they limited as well a bit
  13. Revered

    Revered Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    If that was the reason for this change then You don't think it was easier to remove Zombies?
  14. Sedolh

    Sedolh Active Member

    Mar 3, 2019
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    OH yeah absolutely, can't argue with that, but for me it was already weird that they needed to check it manually.
    I understand that people are complaining about the patch and the drop don't get me wrong. I'm just saying everyone complain about that, and now that it's fixed it is also not right.
    Tibet has a lot less people coz of it.

    I just look at it like it is, yes it's a weird way of fixing it, and yes it does make it harder to farm for event stuff, but on the other hand it fixed the zombie farm complaining.
    I am just hoping that they adjust it to the events as well that on higher level can be farmed easier..
    For me it's a good first step, now it's just a question of how they continue.
    Revered likes this.
  15. ozzy1920

    ozzy1920 Active Member

    Sep 3, 2020
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    + one to suicide for losing xp, that would be awesome. Im an currently unable to lose any xp due to new Prem. sucks.
    rashbrasil likes this.
  16. Ozbud

    Ozbud Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Soon players will have to make and plvl a new character every day on account without premium if they go back to the lvl150+ Map and dungeon mob farming.
  17. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Keep in mind that we do listen to all player feedback and suggestions, however, please keep in mind that issues do not get fixed just because a player requested it.

    Regardless of if a particular issue is fixed or not, we do appreciate all player feedback.
  18. tssrreddy

    tssrreddy Active Member

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If You Really Listen to Players The Best Solution is to Make Farm Events Based on Dungun Drops Only with that almost all Problems Will be Solved to words Chi Breathing too
    Thedarklord87 likes this.
  19. Eroine

    Eroine Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    I am going to say this again, even some will think is racist, but it is not because it has a scientific basis. To work in a multinational company exposed to international environment, in a management position you need an MBA and a vast general culture of specialized books. Among those specialized books are those related to the culture of the countries and the peoples where you carry out your activity and sell. If you work in an international environment, you need to understand others, from other regions, to work with them and implement the company's values and achieve company goals, including sales. This is where you lack.

    This game and all the implemented strategy is about the EAST ways, it has nothing to do with the WEST and our way to see the gaming. There is a crash of culture when comes to this. EAST people see the game as a job, that is to work hard to prove something in the game and be someone, not to have fun and to take it easy, because it's just a game. Work itself is for us the job and family. There is where you prove something, meaning in real life, not in a game. Also in real life there should be balanced in work and personal life, too much of one or another is not good. The game is a extra, to relax and have fun, but all aspects of 9dragons are stressful now :

    -endless farming of same things ;

    -same events;

    -same forum contest;

    -no fair and balance end game and roles;

    -unattractive content, not at all provocative (as I said many times this game is play by mature adults now, over 30, that are not in their first prime, their expectations are high, we don't read anymore SUPERHEROS books but Game of Thrones, which has a complex plot that trains your mind, something that 9dragons lost it with the lore and quest);

    -players are not seen as a esteemed customers to develop a relation on long term but cows to milk for $;

    -lacking of communication with the community is the first mistake that is brought to mind in all courses about the customers satisfaction or experience of a company. In this particularly case, let's say that the CB was a defective product and has to be and must be withdrawn from the market. What should logically happen in this case ? When a product is withdrawn from the market, the customer is first informed and a motivation is given, then the defective product is replaced and damages are paid by the company. RF just made 15% of this job, meaning they didn't put something to replace and generated a bigger problem for the cap players that already complaint in plain site over 1 year about the events and how these are not design in a fair way for them. It's the night of the mind.

    - in a company environment that is RedFox (a gaming company), a questionnaire is always made about customer satisfaction. I haven't seen anything like this in 4 years. Have you ever considered asking like this without a veil in a survey what the community thinks about you, anonymously, without censorship. I think you will have a wonderful answers.

    In west, in the times we live right now and with all of this work from home, we implement more Mindfulness and Wellness Programs in the companies, meaning less stress and more individual and personal growth of the mind and spirit. I wish you will reconsider your strategy with the game and you will make 9dragons more fun and less stressful and also you will provide a quality service to the community based more on a open communication first ( what we want to change and why). Also, you should put more effort to understand the gaming philosophy and motivation to play of the west players and don't try only enforced your way. Developing a long and trusting relation from both parts is the key on long term stability of a game. This also applies to sale stategy.

    Game is not life or a job for us here, but a way to de-stress or relax. So make it fun or you will lose the GAME !
    rashbrasil and Thedarklord87 like this.
  20. Thedarklord87

    Thedarklord87 Active Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    U write very well n I agree with you perfectly, I willing to give a One More Chance for RF to make things right for the next event. This chicken hunt event is dam stressful, I will say this is not a event for human
    rashbrasil likes this.

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