Server Maintenance: 10/8/19 -- ROLLBACK ????

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Revered, Oct 8, 2019.

  1. quynh1810

    quynh1810 New Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Hello GM! Can you see my character? How do I join x3 when my character only has underwear? 2019October04 00-32-46.jpg
    ggbaguette likes this.
  2. Anders

    Anders New Member

    Sep 21, 2017
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    And how do you know if those characters had anything on them or no?
    It's also easy as heck to get is6 lvl without actually spending time by sitting in front of pc, I'm sure you know what I am talking about ;)
  3. ggbaguette

    ggbaguette New Member

    Jul 30, 2019
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    The point is they lost items they won't get back. It's easier to grind if you have items at least, no???
  4. Bankz

    Bankz Active Member

    Jul 14, 2016
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    But without proof of so called items, how are they gonna separate the good from the bad? :confused:

    People who truly lost some items in roll back vs people claiming they lost items that they never had to get free things :eek:

    A 3x weekend plus Halloween event (at the end of the month) should help everyone that lost things in a 2 week roll back get back to where they were. :cool:
  5. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    I don't know what you are talking about. And you apparently don't know how hard it was to get to Is6... jealousy makes people make proof less excuses.... I will tell you this for sure, there as always someone sitting in front of the pc Einstein...

    You know how many times I got reported and visited by GM? every hour.. You know how annoying that gets? :(
    you say easy this.. easy that.. you try doing it.. and tell me how sick and broke you get...
    and the time limit is 1 month...

    I get pked and loose my x7 xp card... do you even know how much I lost?:mad:

    or maybe you are one of the people who think.. GM's don't do their job.. but you would be wrong there... since Nineart was basically my lvling buddy...

    So get your information correct!!

    And if the character had anything in them.. Redfox should have a log.. if you know your character name.. contact support...
    And if you are a liar.. you should get perma-banned!!
    Revered likes this.
  6. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    did they contact support? if they has a valid basis to say that.. they would..

    Atleast I would... if not.. its more their fault than Redfoxe's.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
  7. Revered

    Revered Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Ofc support is the first place to contact. Even if they can`t help, you have the chance to get a cool and funny answer:

    "As you may know we have had a rollback, and all trades that have been made during this time will have been reversed.
    You will have to talk to the people you have originally traded with."
  8. Sirme

    Sirme Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    well.. if that's a case of support not trying to help then... i mean they should have logs.. even in a failed sync situation...

    you can't contact market place for an item bought there...

    not the first time support Got someone... that is why I always keep a picture of my stuff that I like...

    If you lost your item and support refused to help... My condolences.. RIP..
  9. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    This was a rollback. If you received these items from someone in the past week, those items will have returned to them. (Or your alt accounts). The items didn't disappear. You SHOULD be able to get the items back from them. If you made items in the past week, the materials used to create these items will have been returned to your account. Any gold you spent will have been returned to your account. Nothing is lost. The only real thing lost is time.

    The only items that should have disappeared are item drops and gold drops from mobs and experience. (Those of which we aren't able to return because we have no records to do so.)

    If this is not the issue, send in a ticket and we will respond to you case by case.

    The only thing we will be returning from the rollback are items purchased through our marketplace, and/or lost levels.

    We do apologize for any time wasted during this rollback.
    Bankz likes this.
  10. Revered

    Revered Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Lets say I sold an item "xx" from char "A1" to someone "B". Then I deleted char "A1" and I made a new one "A2"
    So char "A1" does not exist, char "B" has item "xx", char "A2" has gold and some stuff I gave him.

    Then the rollback comes.

    Char "B" received gold back, char A1 does not exist, char "A2 is naked and empty,

    Who has the item "xx"?

    P.S 2

    **** happens. Sadly 9dragons is specific game which use a few databases to store in each a different records and this rollback was random. Not all have been touched or only partly. F.e one of my characters did not lost exp, still got a new attribute I made at one relic a two days ago, has all Fabric at Costume Gallery I made but all Shabby coupons gone (should come back to me, right?) and Accumulated reset (but the right time did come back today).
    From other hand another account was totally messed up, I found there a Workers Appetizer Box, but I`m pretty sure I used all before event ended, Accumulated reset too (but the right time did not come back today).


    Funny thing, I can not mix together Tai Bai Liquor (for shabby) "old" and new.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
  11. Rizla

    Rizla Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Why did this rollback affect only some players, not everyone?
  12. Dragy

    Dragy Active Member

    Sep 15, 2018
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    sorry NineArts u can say anything is lost, but i gave a lvl 3 goku to my friend the last week and he dont have it and me too dont have it, what can do now with that? i talked with other friend he borrowed his old items to a friend and the friend dont have them and at the same time he dont have them on his own account then where are they? if dont have proofs how can get back them? is not like we have to take SS each trade we do or each time we borrow the items or even each time we lvl up cuz the company RF dont should lose the database that easy thats why always do maintenance to avoid that problems
    quynh1810 likes this.
  13. quynh1810

    quynh1810 New Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I'm very sad GM, I only used those equipment for 3 characters in 3 different accounts, but only 1 character was reversed and reversed at the time that character was holding those equipment, 2 the others are not; So that those equipment completely disappeared without a trace? Why is that?
    I'm sorry my English is pretty bad!
  14. Juiceart

    Juiceart New Member

    Oct 10, 2018
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    My account lost new premium 60 day and GM has return to me the new prem box but not work. It' s say "Unidentify item" so i haven't new prem on this x3 event. Does RF care of us?????? I was lost nearly 20% exp on this rollback problem but seem that RF does not care of all..
  15. Evantor

    Evantor Member

    Sep 12, 2017
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    This was so needless to post on the forums. Message support again on your ticket, they obviously messed up.
    Juiceart likes this.
  16. Juiceart

    Juiceart New Member

    Oct 10, 2018
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    i mess again 2 times but they not answer, lot of pp like me!
  17. [CM]NineArts

    [CM]NineArts RedFox Games Staff Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    We've sent you the correct item and have resolved your ticket.
  18. quynh1810

    quynh1810 New Member

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I was angry when I had to create this topic. What actually happened? I used the equipment for 3 characters in 3 different accounts, I transferred the equipment by trading between the 3 characters; But so what? Redfox reverses the character holding those equipment and the others two, Redfox does'n reverse. I lost all those equipment and Redfox said there was no record! Why exactly reverse the character holding my equipment and losing them? Why?
    Redfox compensated for me by x3 weekend LOL LOL !!! Do any Redfox staff wear only underwear to the office? Let me see LOL
    Very angry! I did'n know that Redfox disrespects such players. I feel like being robbed. I spent the effort and money for Redfox to clean it up.

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